Chapter 1194: Disguise

"So they want to secretly transport a powerful army into the sea through this method of concealment, and then when we lose our defense, they will give us a heavy blow, maybe they have already set their sights on the decisive battle island. ." Sabo's face was heavy as he said these words.

"Why are the people of the World government so cunning, what should we do now? Should we hurry back and tell Qin Yang and the others about this?" After hearing the explanation, Luffy finally figured out everything and said anxiously.

"Don't be in a hurry to tell them about this, let's talk about it when we finish this mission! Now our top priority is to catch the man named Ghost Shadow and get more information from him. Sabo is slow. said slowly.

653 "Then let's attack this island right now." Sabo stared intently at the many patrolling warships ahead.

Under the leadership of Sabo, they drove the medium-sized warship slowly towards the direction of the island and entered the detection range of the patrolling army.

But in the blink of an eye, several World government warships rushed in the direction of their warships and surrounded them with lightning speed.

On the lead ship, a man in an officer's uniform watched (bcdj) them intently.

"Who are you? The front is the strategic location of our World Government. Get out of here as soon as possible, or we will kill you all." The World Government officer didn't find anything unusual, because Sabo and the others Several people wore black coats in advance, their heads bowed, covering their faces.

"We are just some lost tourists, can you please help us show us the way?" Sabo took a few steps forward, standing on the bow and slowly raised his head to look at the officer in front of him.

"Ask for directions? Where are you going? Hey, I said, why do you feel so familiar? Have we met somewhere before?" face.

"The place we want to go is Huangquan Road, do you guys know how to go on this road?" Sabo showed a weird smile.

This smile threw these World government officials, the soldiers felt very frightened, and scared them back several steps.

"No, this group of guys should be unkind, so they quickly went into combat readiness and knocked them all down to the bottom of the sea." The officer immediately woke up and ordered his men to fire cannons.

"Zoro, it's time for you to do it now, don't show any sympathy. None of these people shouldn't be dead." Sabo suddenly said softly to the other man in black behind him.

The man in black quickly threw his coat on the ground. This man was Zoro, holding two sharp knives in his hands.

"You are the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro. This is a criminal with a high bounty. Don't waste any more time, kill them quickly." The officer stepped back and ordered loudly.

"I don't know if your cannon is fast, or my knife is fast." Zoro pulled out both of his swords from his scabbard and said lightly.

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