The first thousand one hundred and ninety-seven chapters meet again

"From the beginning to the end, your revolutionary army is just a mob to our World government. The reason why we can let you be so rampant is mainly because we don't take you to heart at all. But your behavior recently is really too much. You are dead, so we have already decided to do something to you. But this matter should still be carried out in secret." Ghost Shadow said slowly.

"What is your World government going to do against us? I think it's just your big talk. I'm afraid now your Five Elders are all going to find a chance to get away." Sabo deliberately said such words to provoke the ghost, and wanted to get rid of him More words came out of his mouth.

"I didn't expect a few of you to come here. Isn't the last time I beat you bad enough? Do you still want to be beaten in the bed?" Ghost Ying said without mercy, not 12 often arrogant .

After hearing Ghost Shadow's words, all these people bowed their heads in guilt. They also knew that soldiers of the World government couldn't be so afraid of death, but what could they do in the face of such an opponent?

"Fujitora! Can you explain it to me? Why are you hanging out with these pirate revolutionaries? Are you not Marine's new Admiral? Could it be that you are a traitor?" Suddenly he noticed Fujitora standing behind Sabo.

"Sorry, I have resigned from Marshal Akainu some time ago. As early as more than a week ago, I was no longer Admiral in Marine. As for which camp I am in now, it is my own choice. It doesn't matter." Fujitora said lightly.

"I should have told you that I come from the World government, a very mysterious organization. No one knows about this organization, including some high-level officials in the government. Our mission this time is to secretly carry out beheading operations, Kill all the important people in the revolutionary army and the pirate group, so you won't be able to become a good climate." Ghost Shadow said mockingly.

"Don't play these tricks in front of me, I can guess, you just want to get some information from 653 me. In fact, it doesn't matter if I tell you these secret things, because immediately you are all cold and cold. The corpse." The ghost figure completely ignored everyone present.

"Last time, it was only your luck. This time, we made a special trip to kill you." Sabo spoke in a very firm tone.

"Heh, I've already seen that you're not a good thing? I guess you're looking at the revolutionary army, and now your arrogance is more rampant, and you feel that our World Government is about to be overthrown, so you will temporarily change the lineup, but I want to tell You, your idea is too naive. 35 Ghost said loudly.

The ghost looked at the soldiers with a gloomy face, and his eyes almost wanted to kill them all.

Although Fujitora has no impression of the ghost, it does not mean that the ghost does not know the existence of this new Admiral.

"These subordinates of yours are not our opponents at all, so we can't blame them all." Sabo said loudly at this time.

"Oh, is it possible that your World government has found a way to repel our revolutionary army?" Sabo asked slowly.

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