However, the sacrifice of these tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighters is not worthless, not to mention that their low-altitude strafing killed and injured a lot of pirates, suppressing the anti-aircraft fire of the pirate warships, the key is because of their efforts, for the carrier-based bombers and torpedo attack aircraft behind them to open up a bombing route, providing attack opportunities.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

“Tom”, “Tom”, “Tom”, “Tom”,

Under the cover of the tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighters, one after another Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers took the lead in attacking, speeding over the pirate heavy cruiser, and at the same time did not forget the 7KG class aerial bomb hanging on the belly of the aircraft to drop it.

One aerial bomb after another exploded violently on the hull of the pirate heavy cruiser, opening large holes in the deck, and a large number of flying shrapnel also knocked down a large area of the surrounding pirates, and even the air defense position that even blew up the sky with people and equipment.

And taking advantage of the dive bombing of the Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers, which weakened the anti-aircraft fire of the pirate heavy cruisers, the attack of the Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft in squads also arrived.

Skimming the sea at low altitude, a round of attack had a 4730KG class aviation torpedo like 4 spears deeply into the belly of the pirate heavy patrol “433” foreign ship, and 4 big holes were blown open on the spot, and the entire hull shook violently, and I don’t know how many precision equipment had problems.

In the first wave of attacks, the Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers and Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft combined were 96, and even if some were damaged in the not very dense anti-aircraft fire network of the pirate fleet, there were quite a few remaining.

With so many bombers and torpedo planes, it is naturally impossible for them to all be able to use a heavy cruiser, and the escort aircraft carrier in the center of the fleet is also their target, and even because the hull is too slender, the long straight flight deck makes them more vulnerable to attack.

This is a Borg-class escort aircraft carrier transformed into a cargo ship, not to mention the weak armor and hull structure, the firepower is not strong, the only two 127mm barreled guns do not have the ability to frontal artillery combat, on the contrary, the 10 40mm guns and the more number of Erikon 20mm guns make the anti-aircraft fire quite good.

But still that sentence, no matter how many air defense weapons need enough personnel to operate, the tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighter still flying in the air is not vegetarian, and the 8 7.7mm diameter aviation machine guns equipped on the fighter are also a good hand when shooting at this low altitude in addition to aerial combat.

What’s more, in addition to these tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighters, those Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers that had thrown away the aerial bombs mounted on their bellies instantly changed their shapes, temporarily made a cameo appearance as a fighter, and used the 47.7mm diameter aviation machine gun equipped with their wings to join the low-altitude strafing.

“Tap-da-da”, “da-da-da”, “da

Under the whipping of fire, the pirates responsible for operating these anti-aircraft weapons in various positions were beaten to a pulp, and the reserve machine gun crew members could not make up for it.

The Skua carrier-based fighter-bomber dived down from the air and threw the mounted aerial bomb without the slightest politeness, and the 227KG class aerial bomb was naturally much weaker than the later 450KG class aerial bomb, and even the battleship with thick armor could not cause too serious damage.

But for the escort aircraft carrier transformed from civilian cargo ships, it is a big killer, the long, bare straight-through flight deck is simpler than training for the pilots of carrier-based bombers, and the flight deck is still wooden, and after being attacked by aerial bombs, the consequences can be imagined.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

An aerial bomb fell on the flight deck, and it could be blown out of a large hole on the spot, and a large number of wood chips were blown out by the shock wave after the aerial bomb explosion, spilled everywhere, and even in some places were ignited by the fire generated by the aerial bomb explosion, and the fire and thick black smoke were successively filled out.

As an aircraft carrier with carrier-based aircraft as the main means of attack, the flight deck is damaged, and the carrier-based aircraft cannot take off, which is equivalent to being disarmed and losing combat capability, not to mention the rescue of nearby warships, it would be nice not to be able to drag its feet.

Although the carrier-based aircraft of this escort aircraft carrier have been shot down most of the previous air battles, only 2 reconnaissance aircraft and 4 torpedo attack aircraft remain, not to mention that the flight deck has been blown out of several large holes, even if it is intact, it will not play any role.

But such an attack made all pirates terrified, more than 150 carrier-based aircraft around the fleet constantly strafing, diving, bombing, aviation machine gun bullets flying around, accompanied by aerial bombs and aviation torpedoes heavy blows, the attack strength is quite amazing.

These pirates, strictly speaking, are not serious pirate forces, but the system is randomly refreshed, according to the positioning in the game, they belong to the wild monsters used by players to upgrade, and the indigenous forces that occupy various islands are not the same.

Wild monsters, on the surface, flesh and blood, it seems that there is no difference from humans, but in fact, it is not, to put it bluntly, it is an intelligent AI copied from paragraph by paragraph, which is why many times these pirates swimming in various seas are not very reasonable.

After discovering the players or aborigines, whether they can fight or not, they must continue to fight, even if they are on the verge of desperation, they must keep fighting, and fight until the last moment, and finally the whole army is destroyed, and the meaning of their appearance in the world of navigation is to fight, either in the process of fighting, or on the way to the battle.

(PS: In the book review area, some book friends mentioned that the pirate swore not to surrender, which is not very consistent with the identity of the pirate and normal operation, in fact, this is the author’s setting, which was also mentioned in the previous article, and here is specially explained, it can also be regarded as the content behind the spoiler)

It is precisely because of the identity of these pirates’ wild monsters, even in this case, they did not give up resistance, but due to the problem of military literacy and will to fight, the strength of the counterattack was obviously much weaker.

But no matter how these pirates insist on resisting, but hard power is on this point, can not form a more effective counterattack, enough 150 carrier-based aircraft, according to this scale, at least an aircraft carrier fleet with 4 to 5 regular aircraft carriers to send so many carrier-based aircraft in one wave of attacks.

Of course, those desperate bets and all the carrier-based aircraft are released to attack in one fell swoop are not taken into account.

How can a fleet of about 20 warships resist an aerial bombardment of this scale, and after more and more anti-aircraft weapons are destroyed, the resistance and defense that can be formed are even weaker…

By the time the carrier-based aircraft group that had been flying in the sky for most of the day and dropping all the aerial bombs and aviation torpedoes was re-raised and returned, the pirate fleet had already suffered a heavy blow.

The pirate destroyers that formed the outer ring defense of the ring formation were not the targets of the pilots’ Zhu Ah Yo, and the attacks were relatively small, but the weak anti-aircraft fire and the scarcity of armor values still sank as many as 4, and several were hit by aerial bombs and aviation torpedoes, the hull was damaged, and the hull was thick with smoke.

The escort aircraft carrier and heavy cruiser in the inner circle of the arc formation were the key attack targets, and the damage was more serious, and the escort aircraft carrier was almost blown up because of the relationship between the hull structure and the armor value, and the thick black smoke filled the entire battleship.

The waterline armor position opened several large craters, which were the masterpieces of the Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft, and the internal cabins were seriously damaged, after all, it was only a civilian cargo ship, and the hull structure was much more fragile than that of a serious warship.

The heavy cruiser was no better, a large number of anti-aircraft weapons in the upper layers of the hull were destroyed, countless pirates were either killed or wounded, and the hull was even more blown up, if it were not for the thick armor and thick skin, the heavy cruiser would have sunk.

There is no doubt about this, the 4 light cruisers that make up the second anti-aircraft fire network are the best examples, which also belong to cruisers, although the light cruiser and the heavy cruiser are only one word apart, but the difference in firepower and armor is too big.

4 light cruisers were all attacked, and even under the fierce blows of the carrier-based aircraft group, one was directly blown up and sunk, and the remaining 3 were also scarred, two of them were under the torpedo attack of the Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft, the power compartment was blown up, the internal power equipment was also blown up, and the power of the battleship suddenly dropped by more than one notch. 2.8 After the round of attacks, the pirate fleet suffered a lot of casualties, not to mention the sinking of 5 warships, and more warships were seriously damaged, and more than one of them had a failure in the power system and a significant decrease in speed.

If before this attack began, this pirate fleet could still be withdrawn, now in this state, even escaping has become a luxury, and it can only become a living target on the sea.

What’s more, this pirate fleet is originally a wild monster force refreshed by the system, where there is the idea of retreating, it will only fight to the end, at this time, take advantage of the gap where the first wave of attack aircraft group leaves, quickly organize personnel to extinguish the fire, rush to repair the warship, especially those anti-aircraft weapons, can be used as much as possible, always ready to meet the next wave of attacks.

In fact, this pirate fleet did not have much time for them to rest, because after releasing the first wave of attack aircraft, a large number of ground crews in the hangar had already filled the second wave of attack aircraft with fuel and ammunition, and began to fly quickly using the teleportation platform.

The first wave of attack aircraft groups returning to the sea encountered the mighty second attack aircraft group halfway through, and the two sides exchanged non-stop in the communication channel, and for a while the entire channel became noisy.

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