Don’t look at the Yanhuang has now upgraded to the level of gunboats, firepower and armor are far beyond other players’ patrol boats, but if you encounter pirate gunboats or even destroyers, you will also suffer a big loss.

Ye Bai shook his head, secretly thinking that the system should not be so ruthless, after all, this is just a novice trial, in the case that nearly ninety-nine percent of the players are still driving patrol boats, they should not come out with destroyers.

This is going to get the destroyer out, I’m afraid that none of the players will be able to pass this newbie trial mission, which is obviously unlikely.

Therefore, in Ye Bai’s mind, the pirate warship randomly refreshed by the system this time should be at most the level of gunboats, or more patrol boats, but this number is not very clear.

There is the pressure of the novice trial task, Ye Bai has no intention of sleeping, directly got up from the bed, entered the bridge, and ordered the ship to set sail, anyway, on the endless sea, and there is no reef and the like, it is safer to sail at night.

With pirate warships in the surrounding waters at any time, it is not a good idea to stay put.

Fortunately, the Yanhuang has been equipped with a sea search radar, which can detect small ships on the sea surface about 10 nautical miles in time, which will be a great advantage in the next novice trial.

Sitting on an office chair in the bridge, Ye Bai checked his current capital situation and found that after a full day of unpacking, the funds in his hand had been re-accumulated to 8,000 yuan, looking at a lot, but in fact, for today’s Yanhuang, there is not much improvement value.

For example, Ye Bai has been thinking about the idea of placing a twin 102mm naval gun on the rear deck, but it can’t be done, such a naval gun costs 30,000 yuan in the system mall, and Ye Bai is far behind.

Aside from the main gun, even the placement of 45mm machine guns on both sides of the Yanhuang as a close-in weapon is somewhat insufficient, such a twin 45mm machine gun also costs 5,000 pieces, Ye Bai can buy one, but in order to better survive the novice trial, Ye Bai still wants to configure the main gun first, only strong enough, dense firepower, can Ye Bai have enough security.

Perhaps this is a common disease of many people in the flower country, as if they all suffer from severe fear of insufficient firepower.

“Captain, the radar has detected the presence of an unknown enemy ship and is sailing in the direction of our ship.”

The voice of the radar soldier alarmed Ye Bai, quickly stepped forward a few steps, looked at the display screen, and sure enough found a small red point of light on it, according to the analysis of the identification system of friend or foe that comes with the radar, this red point of light is the enemy ship, but I don’t know if it belongs to the patrol boat of the alien player or the pirate warship refreshed in the novice trial.

But either way, it means that a big war is about to break out, and you must be ready to fight.

“Sound the battle alarm, each return to his position, and prepare for battle.”

“Yes, Captain.”

The radar soldier directly pressed a button next to it, and a “woo-woo” warning sound suddenly echoed throughout the Yanhuang, hearing this harsh siren, all the crew of the Yanhuang were alarmed, and prepared as quickly as possible to go to their respective combat posts.

In the past three days, Ye Bai has obtained a lot of materials, won several naval battles, and professional chefs have improved the food on the Yanhuang, which has improved the morale and loyalty of these crew members summoned from the system, and their performance in peacetime and battle has been much better.

Seeing that all the crew members were in place, Ye Bai also breathed a sigh of relief, standing in front of the glass window, looking at the dark sea through the thick glass, and his heart was actually a little uneasy.

Although he guessed in his heart that the system would not deliberately put the players in a desperate situation, this was just a guess, and no one was sure when he really saw the other party’s true face.

Even if the system’s prompt message only says that if the battle is won, the system will be rewarded, and does not say what will happen after the battle is lost, as long as you are not an idiot, you can understand that the end of losing the battle is naturally the destruction of the ship.

This kind of ending is not what Ye Bai wants, although he was inexplicably pulled into this great sailing world, but Ye Bai did not have the idea of living enough, not to mention that he still cannot be sure whether he will have any impact on the earth if he fails in this wonderful world.

Ye Bai couldn’t be sure that even if the people and things on the earth were not so satisfactory, but it was his hometown, if it was possible, he didn’t want to bring disaster to the earth because of his own reasons, so he didn’t want to fail, even if there was only the slightest possibility, he didn’t want to take this risk.

The Yanhuang, which was sailing at full speed, streaked waves on the sea surface and quickly advanced towards the position of the enemy ship discovered by the sea search radar, and saw that it was about to approach the range of the ship’s gun, but another red light point suddenly appeared on the radar display.

Hearing the report of the radar soldier, Ye Bai was stunned for a moment, stood in front of the radar screen and carefully confirmed several times, and found that he was not mistaken, and the radar display clearly displayed 2 red light points, which showed that in the detection range of the radar, 2 warships of the enemy camp had been discovered.

At this moment, Ye Bai was a little embarrassed, even if these two unknown red points of light were just patrol boats, there was no way for the Yanhuang to fight one against two, after all, there was only one main gun on the Yanhuang.

Frowning, Ye Bai asked, “Can the direction of the newly emerged enemy ship be confirmed?” ”

“Captain, according to radar detection, this newly emerged enemy ship is not coming at us, and if our ship maintains its current course, it will not encounter the other side.”

Although he was not a professional naval officer, Ye Bai thought after listening to the explanation of the radar soldier, since he could not fight one enemy and two, he had to break each one.

The Yanhuang itself sailed towards target No. 1, so they will be the first to encounter, even if the fire and sound of the guns fired by both sides will reveal their positions and attract the attention of target 2 warships, but as long as the Yanhuang can sink target No. 1 in the shortest time, they can turn back and single out target No. 2, and the chance of victory is much higher than picking two.

“Keep the current course unchanged, continue to move closer to target No. 1, once in the range of fire, immediately fire the gun, sink the opponent at the fastest speed, and the radar always pays attention to the movement of target No. 2 and reports at any time.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Gently exhaled, the first time he encountered 2 enemy ships appeared nearby, which made Ye Bai even more apprehensive, not knowing if his plan could succeed.

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