As soon as the wooden box floating on the sea was salvaged, Ye Bai immediately ordered the lookout to turn off the searchlight, and without this huge source of lighting, the entire sea surface was completely plunged into darkness.

According to the exploration of the radar, the advance speed of another enemy ship has gradually decreased, and the Yanhuang has taken this opportunity to reverse course, even if the other party is still rushing at full speed, the Yanhuang has long left the previous location and re-disappeared into the night.

Explaining that the radar soldiers were always monitoring the detection of the radar, Ye Bai hurriedly came to the front deck, and without the slightest hesitation, directly opened the salvaged wooden box.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully sinking the pirate battleship, opening the wooden box dropped by the enemy ship, and obtaining 20KG of rice, 10KG of fresh vegetables, 100L of purified water, 50 rounds of 75mm caliber shells, 50L of fuel, and 5000 yuan of money. ] 】

Seeing the prompt information of the system, Ye Bai was instantly stunned, sure enough, this time it was the pirate warship that was sunk, if so, then the other one that was also detected by the sea search radar on the Yanhuang is also likely to be a pirate warship.

Ye Bai was stunned not only to confirm the identity of the camp of the sunken battleship, but also to the super-standard reward, before and after so many boxes have been opened, whether it is a drifting box or a box dropped after sinking an enemy ship, Ye Bai is not the first time to open it.

For the amount of materials in these boxes, Ye Bai has roughly found a rule, this time it is only a wooden box that drops, but the number of materials inside is not less than the iron box.

Could it be that this is also a benefit given by the system?

Ye Bai didn’t know, but at this time, he couldn’t worry about guessing why the materials in the dropped wooden box were so rich this time, because the system’s prompt information did not end.

[Detected that the player sinks the pirate warship for the first time, completes the system achievement, and gets an achievement package, congratulations to the player].

[Congratulations to the host, successfully open the system achievement package, get the system reward, a gunboat upgrade prop, I wish players a happy game].

[Gunboat Upgrade Props: Special props for upgrading patrol boats, collecting 5 can upgrade gunboats to destroyers].

It was not unexpected for Ye Bai, sinking the pirate warship for the first time, and indeed achieved the system’s achievement task and won the system’s reward, but this reward is a little difficult to say.

Upgrade items for gunboats?

How to say it?

For this reward, Ye Bai didn’t know how to evaluate, not to say bad, after all, it is related to the upgrade of the battleship, it is indeed very important, and the explosion rate is not high, from this aspect, it is indeed a good reward.

But this reward is a little too advanced for Ye Bai now, the Yanhuang has just been upgraded to the level of a gunboat, many auxiliary facilities have not kept up, naval guns, auxiliary guns, and even the power system still lack an engine, and it takes a lot of effort to replenish it.

And having the experience of upgrading patrol boats to gunboats before also made Ye Bai clear that the simple upgrade was just that the hull became larger and the armor value increased, but the actual combat effectiveness did not improve much, and those ancillary facilities could not keep up, which was still in vain.

But anyway, having such a reward is also good, better than nothing, but Ye Bai doesn’t want it at all now, he would rather exchange this reward for more money.

He hadn’t forgotten that there was another warship that might be a pirate that was not far from the Yanhuang, and without knowing the level of the opponent’s warship, Ye Bai needed more money to upgrade the Yanhuang’s armament.

As a result, the system turned out to be so weak, although the material harvest in the dropped wooden box that sank the pirate patrol boat made Ye Bai overjoyed, but the achievement reward was a little crotch-pulling.

Looking at his own money balance, it was only 13,000 yuan, which was far from the 30,000 yuan needed to buy a twin 102mm naval gun, and he couldn’t buy it at all.

Ye Bai sighed deeply, since the money is not enough, there is no other way, can only bite the bullet, if the other battleship is really a gunboat, then he can only admit that he is unlucky, but fortunately at night, with the help of the sea search radar, even if you can’t fight and escape, it should still be possible.

However, there is an old saying on the earth that says, “Mountains and rivers have no way, and there is another village”, just when Ye Bai was extremely disappointed and ready to close the system plate, a new system prompt appeared in front of Ye Bai.

[System tip: Detected that the player is the first player to sink a pirate warship in the world of navigation, and receive special rewards from the system: one twin 102mm naval gun and 4 single-barreled 20mm cannons, congratulations to the player. 】

The sudden system prompt made Ye Bai stunned again, this reward was something he never expected, although the current time is not too long from the start of the newbie trial, but don’t forget, there are countless players in the entire Great Navigation World.

Blue Star players and alien players all added up, at least more than 10 billion people, among so many players, there must be many masters, although when he upgraded the Yanhuang to a gunboat before, Ye Bai knew that he was the first in the entire great navigation world.

But Ye Bai has never underestimated which blue star players and alien players, not to mention those officers or soldiers who were originally navies, naturally like fish in water after entering the world of navigation, even among ordinary players, there are many Ou Huang or lucky guys.

These people may not be able to upgrade the patrol boat to gunboats in time, but it does not mean that their strength is weak, after all, all players’ warships can DIY themselves, and the devil knows what kind of configuration these players have made for their patrol boats.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Ye Bai never thought that he would become the first player to sink a pirate warship, let alone get such a gratifying system reward.

Raised his head and looked at the sky, Ye Bai’s eyes flashed a trace of abruptness, he ignored that it was now nighttime, and he didn’t know if it was deliberately made by the system, and the previous night there was still a bright moon hanging high in the sky, sprinkling pieces of moonlight to the sea and providing some lighting.

But today, the moon in the sky has been completely blocked by clouds, there is not the slightest bit of moonlight spilled, the entire sea surface is pitch black, it is not clear to see too far away, in this case, if there is no radar, I am afraid that only the two sides are close to a certain distance, otherwise, the existence of other ships cannot be detected at all.

Those blue star players or alien players, it is not that their strength is inferior, but they cannot detect the existence of pirate warships at a distance, which allows Ye Bai to grab this first.

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