“Boom”, “Boom”

The Yanhuang under its feet shook violently, and under the dark night, two huge flames appeared on the foredeck, which was the flash of flames from the muzzle when the front main gun fired a salvo.

“Boom”, “Boom”

And only a few seconds later, the Yanhuang shook again, and although Ye Bai standing in the bridge could not see it, he could know that it was the rear main gun of the Yanhuang launching a salvo.

The advantages of the sea exploration radar were reflected at this moment, and the existence of the pirate gunboat was discovered first, so that the Yanhuang could seize the T-shaped position at the first time, hit the ship horizontally, and be able to fire salvos with two twin main guns in front and rear at the same time, exerting maximum firepower.

And the pirate warship on the opposite side, which also belongs to the gunboat level, is miserable, don’t look at its various subsystems are perfect, compared to ordinary players’ gunboats are much stronger, but the most critical radar system is missing.

This made it impossible for the pirate gunboat to be the first to discover the existence of the Yanhuang, and if it were not for the fierce battle between the Yanhuang and another pirate patrol boat before, they would not have discovered the existence of the Yanhuang at all.

Now although the Yanhuang turned on the searchlight, it also completely exposed its own existence while discovering the pirate warship, which also allowed the pirates to discover the existence of the Yanhuang.

But the pirate warships still lost their advantage, they were now bow to the enemy, and in this state, the only thing they could use to launch a counterattack against the Yanhuang was the twin main gun on the front deck, which was weaker than the Yanhuang in terms of firepower.

“Boom”, “boom”, “boom”

“Boom”, “boom”, “boom”

Despite this, the pirates on the gunboat reacted quickly, launching a counterattack not long after the volley of main guns on the aft deck of the Yanhuang.

Six shells from both sides landed on the sea one after another, and there was a violent explosion, and a huge explosion resounded throughout the sea, but this hit rate was really not bad, all missed, none of them fell on each other’s warships, and even the near missed bullets were not formed.

Standing in the bridge, Ye Bai, holding a telescope, clearly saw the pirate gunboat on the opposite side firing counterattack with the help of the strong light of the searchlight, while constantly adjusting its course, trying to knock the ship sideways.

Seeing the action of the pirate gunboat, Ye Bai’s heart moved, and he quickly shouted loudly: “Adjust the course, keep the side facing the enemy, increase the output of firepower, and sink the enemy ship as soon as possible.” ”

Although Ye Bai is a pseudo-military fan, he is not even a half-hanger for naval battles, but at least he knows the importance of seizing the T-shaped position in this kind of naval gun bombardment, so he does not dare to let the pirate gunboat adjust the hull.

As I said before, don’t look at the current firepower and armor value of the Yanhuang is almost the same as that of the pirate gunboat, but the level of the pirate crew and the degree of tacit understanding, the Yanhuang is estimated to be unable to catch up.

If he singled out fairly, Ye Bai himself did not have much confidence that he could defeat the other party, and naturally he wanted to do his best to exert his current advantages to the limit.

“Yes, Captain.”

Although Ye Bai is not a professional naval officer, and the orders given are somewhat ambiguous, the crew on the Yanhuang are still quite professional, easily understood Ye Bai’s meaning, under the operation of the pilot, the course of the Yanhuang has changed, always occupying the position of the T-head, maintaining the maximum firepower output.

However, as time passed, the perfect power system of the pirate gunboat finally came into play, taking advantage of the speed advantage of 3 knots higher than the Yanhuang, gradually adjusting the hull, and the main gun on the aft deck was able to join the counterattack.

But at this time, even if the pirate gunboat finally knocked the hull sideways and could burst all the naval gun fire, in fact, it was already of little significance to this naval battle.

Because during this time, the two main guns of the Yanhuang have fired 5 volleys, a full 20 shells flew to the perimeter of the pirate warship, according to the observation and report of the lookout, at least 5 102mm caliber shells fell on the pirate gunboat.

Five rounds of 102mm caliber shells caused considerable damage to pirate warships, enough to lose more than 1000 armor points, which is not far from the upper limit of 1200 armor points of gunboats.

Therefore, after the pirate gunboat finally hit the hull sideways, the main gun on the aft deck had just fired two volleys, and the seventh salvo of the Yanhuang had arrived as scheduled.

Four 102mm shells whizzed through the night sky and landed near the pirate gunboat, and the accuracy of this volley was quite high, enough to accurately hit the pirate gunboat.


A loud sound far beyond the previous shell explosion came, and calmly on the sea, a huge fireball soared into the air, illuminating the entire night sky and the sea, and the opponent’s counterattack came to an abrupt end.

Whether it was Ye Bai or the professional crew members on the Yanhuang, when they saw this scene, they immediately understood that this pirate’s gunboat was completely finished, and it had begun to gradually sink into the cold sea.

With the notice of the lookout, the members of the artillery crew in the two main gun turrets in the front and rear of the Yanhuang also stopped shelling and came out of the turrets to watch this scene.

By the time the fireball on the surface of the sea disappeared completely, under the light of the searchlight that did not turn off, the pirate gunboat had completely disappeared, leaving only a box wrapped in tin to float above the sea.

Seeing the iron box, Ye Bai’s eyes lit up, and he quickly asked the driver to lean over the Yanhuang, ready to salvage this iron box, before sinking the pirate patrol boat, it was only the wooden box that fell, and the resources inside made Ye Baile bloom, and now it has been replaced by an iron box, presumably the contents are better.

The Yanhuang has maintained a maximum speed of 9 knots, and the distance of less than 5 kilometers does not take much time at all, and it quickly arrives smoothly.

Salvaging boxes is such a thing, now there is no need for Ye Bai to do it himself, the crew on the Yanhuang is close to 20 people, and some people can salvage the boxes on the sea.

When the crew salvaged the fallen iron box, Ye Bai also asked the driver to stop the ship, and the high-power searchlight on the lookout was also turned off.

After all, it is now in the novice trial stage of the system, and it has only been a few hours, and he has encountered two pirate warships one after another, if it were not for the night and the killing weapon of the sea search radar, Ye Bai would not have been so smooth.

The black light continues to run wildly, who knows if there will be more pirate warships, one-on-one is okay, if you encounter several pirate warships at once, Ye Bai will run away.

Instead of running around, it is better to stay in place and wait until dawn, anyway, there is a sea search radar, if there is really a pirate warship, he can also find the other party at the first time.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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