At this time, the benefits of Ye Bai’s previous spending money to upgrade the battleship’s internal communication system were shown, and before upgrading, you had to rely on the phone to issue orders to each cabin, especially during the battle, it was more troublesome to communicate with each other.

Now, as soon as the alarm bell rang, the crew members who were busy or resting in their respective positions were instantly alarmed, and rushed to their respective posts to make pre-war preparations, and at the same time, orders were also transmitted to the ears of the crew through the communicators on the posts.

With Qi Sicheng always paying attention to and adjusting the course of the Yanhuang, Ye Bai was much more relaxed, and he only needed to seize the opportunity to give the order to open the gun.

The Yanhuang maintained a maximum speed of 12 knots, cut an arc on the slightly undulating sea, maintained the posture of the side side against the enemy, and the three twin main guns deployed in the front, middle and rear positions had raised their muzzles, and the members of the battery crew were already in position, even the shells were stuffed into the breech, just waiting for the order of the bridge to be given, they could fire at any time.

Although the radar function on the Yanhuang has been upgraded, the detection range has been doubled to 20 kilometers, but this distance will not take much time for a warship sailing at full speed.

At least under the observation of the lookout on the lookout platform with the help of telescopes, he has found the black smoke rising high in the distance and the figure of the battleship, and almost immediately grabbed the intercom next to him and reported the visual situation to the bridge.

Ye Bai did not delay, inquired about the distance between the two sides, and learned that he had entered a range of about 10 kilometers, and directly ordered the three main guns to fire.

However, in order to make better use of the battleship’s firepower, Ye Bai, the half-hanging commander, did not participate, but asked the lookout to directly contact the members of each artillery crew to confirm the landing point of the shell and adjust the shooting elements.

Such a scheme naturally does not conform to the rules of naval warfare, after all, the lookout is not an artilleryman, and can only provide the shell landing point and the general adjustment plan, and the rest can only rely on the artillery crew members to adjust themselves.

However, this is also a helpless move, in addition to the corresponding crew on Ye Bai’s battleship, only Qi Sicheng is an officer, or a navigation staff officer, and there is no professional combat staff officer, naturally unable to effectively command the battleship’s artillery battle.

In fact, it is much better to have even one gun commander, and the lookout will promptly report the results of the shelling salvo to the gun commander, and the gun commander can give orders to the members of the various artillery groups in a timely manner, adjust the firing elements, and give play to the better shelling effect.

But this is not nothing, Ye Bai, the captain, is even a half-hanger, not even as good as a half-hanger, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a layman, and it is difficult to expect him to command artillery battles.

Let Ye Bai command the members of the artillery crew, it is better to let the members of the artillery crew play by themselves, maybe the effect is better, after all, the level of the three artillery crew members is not low, and there are more master-level gunners, and for the time being, they can only rely on experience and technology to make up for the lack of command.

“Boom”, “boom”, “boom”

The three main guns fired almost simultaneously, and six shells of different calibers flew out of the muzzles one after another, streaked across the sky, and fell into the perimeter of the pirate gunboats that were constantly moving in the distance.

With the faint sound of explosions, a large amount of seawater was blown out of the sea, splashed into the air, and finally spread out into a large number of water droplets falling on the sea surface, as if a light rain.

Although he was on the bridge, even with the help of a telescope, Ye Bai’s observation field of view was not as clear as that of the lookout on the lookout platform, but Ye Bai still clearly saw the movements of the other party’s two gunboats and the black skeleton flag that represented their identity and hung on the mast.

It is worthy of being a pirate force that crisscrosses the seafaring world, even if it is suddenly attacked, the response of the two pirate gunboats is still quite rapid, and even the speed does not mean to decrease, directly maintaining the state of full speed, rushing quickly towards the direction where the shell flies, that is, where the Yanhuang is located.

Regardless of whether these two pirate gunboats have discovered the existence of the Yanhuang, but according to the situation of the shells flying, they have already known that the T-head has been preempted by the other party, and in the case of unable to quickly turn the bow, quickly pulling in the distance between the two sides is their only choice, compared to long-distance artillery battles, many pirates are better at engaging battles.

“Boom”, “boom”, “boom”

After a short cooling-off period, the 3 main guns on the Yanhuang roared again, firing 6 shells and landing next to the two pirate warships that were moving.

A large amount of seawater was lifted up by the explosion of the shell and fell on the pirate gunboat, drenching the pirate crew on the gunboat.

“Boom”, “Boom”

However, after the distance was closer, the crew of the pirate gunboat were all in position, and the specific location of the Yanhuang was discovered through the observation of the lookout, after all, the Yanhuang had fired two volleys, whether it was the flight path of the shell or the fireworks and gunsmoke emitted by the gun, even in broad daylight it exposed the position of the Yanhuang to the sight of the pirate lookout.

As soon as the position of the Yanhuang was exposed, it was ushered in the fierce counterattack of the pirate gunboat, although the bow of the ship against the enemy, the pirate gunboat could only use the main gun of the bow, but the fight was quite resolute, without the slightest hesitation, showing the pirate’s ruthlessness to the fullest.

And the two pirate gunboats did not really fight and rush, when they launched a counterattack with the bow main gun on the side, they were still quickly adjusting their course, and the two gunboats were heading in two directions left and right, seemingly wanting to hit the hull sideways and exert the maximum firepower of the gunboat.

And the reason why they had to divide into two directions, rather than maintaining a consistent course, was also because they found that the Yanhuang was a destroyer, both in firepower and armor on the gunboat, and the only advantage they had was left in numbers.

Acting separately, can also further disperse the firepower of the Yanhuang, after all, at the same time, the Yanhuang can only catch one pirate gunship to fight, which gives another pirate gunboat the opportunity to counterattack, as for which of the two pirate warships will become a victim, it depends on luck.

The pirate’s division of troops was also seen by Ye Bai, and he quickly shouted: “Qi Sicheng, pay attention to grasping the course of the warship, order it down, concentrate all firepower, aim at a gunboat and punch it, sink the other party at the fastest speed.” ”

In this situation, Ye Bai, a layman, could not think of any good way, after all, the Yanhuang could not attack two targets in different directions at the same time, so he could only choose a target and beat it up, sink the other party as quickly as possible, and then free his hand to clean up the other one.

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