Seeing that in the new round of volleys, the pirate gunboat, which was already seriously injured, was finally completely sunk, Ye Bai’s face flashed a flush, and he roared loudly: “Staff Officer Qi, adjust the navigation, order each main gun to turn the gun port, and clean up the other enemy ship.” ”

Ye Bai was not excited, when the Yanhuang concentrated all its firepower to bombard the pirate gunboat, the Yanhuang was hit by a shell again, although it only hit the Yanhuang’s side armor, tearing a large hole in the side side, but still made Ye Bai quite depressed.

“Yes, Captain.”

The banner opened victoriously, went to the city first, successfully sank a pirate gunboat, greatly boosted the morale of the crew on the Yanhuang, and began to follow Ye Bai’s new order with a smile on their faces.

The sound of “crunching” sounded on the Yanhuang, and the three main guns deployed in the front, middle and rear positions slowly began to rotate under the drive of electricity, and the members of the gun crew inside the turret took the opportunity to take a break while adjusting the muzzle, preparing for the next big battle.

Qi Sicheng also exerted his strength as a sailing staff officer at this time, and under his command and the excellent skills of the pilot, the Yanhuang dodged 2 volleys of the pirate gunboat in a row during the turn, and did not let a single shell fall on the Yanhuang again.

Because of the timely turn of the Yanhuang, it had successfully sunk one pirate gunboat, which obviously caused something wrong with the pirate crew on the other pirate gunboat, and when two consecutive volleys of volleys failed, the third salvo was delayed.

Although Ye Bai didn’t know what was happening on the side of the pirate battleship, so they didn’t quickly fire the third volley, he would never miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Before the hull of the Yanhuang was completely adjusted, under his strict order, the three main guns on the Yanhuang erupted into a roar.

In this case, the artillery counterattack, even with the participation of master gunners, the hit rate is pitifully low, not that Ye Bai does not understand, but he deliberately did it, he did not expect the first round of shooting to successfully hit the pirate gunboat, but just wanted to scare the other party, make the pirates more flustered, and win more time and opportunities.

To put it bluntly, this round of volleys, the deterrent significance is far greater than the actual combat significance, purely to scare the other party to play.

But it’s a pity that Ye Bai thinks very well, if the other side is the battleship commanded by those players, he may really be frightened by the bravery of the Yanhuang, but these pirates are ruthless and have long put life and death on the line.

The reason why they did not fire the third salvo was because they had just sailed to a rather awkward position, and if they did not turn, the distance from the Yanhuang would exceed the effective range of the naval guns.

Therefore, as a last resort, the surviving pirate gunboats could only temporarily stop the shelling and began to reverse course, re-closing the distance with the Yanhuang and improving the effect of the shelling.

As a result, Ye Bai was misunderstood, thinking that it was because the sinking of his companions frightened these pirates and caused panic, so he did not fire the third volley.

Of course, Ye Bai did not know these circumstances, the Yanhuang and the pirate gunboat were adjusting their course at almost the same time, so that the shelling of the two sides did not have the slightest accuracy at all, and the shells fired were 108,000 miles away from the opponent’s battleship, and they couldn’t even take a bath.

After a fierce operation, both the Yanhuang and the pirate gunboat adjusted their course, and both sides were almost sideways, and began to circle around a central point, also with a maximum speed of 12 knots, so that the warships on both sides began to draw circles on the sea.

“Boom”, “boom”, “boom”

Without the interference of another pirate gunboat, the crew members on the Yanhuang traveled lightly and were able to concentrate on dealing with the last pirate gunboat, and the results of 6 main guns and 4 main guns were predictable.

The destroyer singled out the gunboat, the firepower and armor value were in a state of comprehensive crushing, under the continuous main artillery bombardment, although the pirate gunboat desperately counterattacked, without the slightest intention of retreating and fleeing, but still was hung by the Yanhuang, only 6 volleys of fire, the surviving pirate gunboat was completely sunk, swirling to the bottom of the sea.

The sinking of the two pirate gunboats meant that the naval battle was completely over, and the result was naturally a complete victory for the Yanhuang.

With a long exhale, Ye Bai said with a smile on his face: “Well done, notify the maintenance personnel to repair the battleship, and the Qi staff officer sets the route to salvage our loot.” ”

“Yes, Captain.”

The naval battle was won, all the personnel in the bridge were smiling, loudly agreed, and began to be busy, Qi Sicheng commanded the crew of the pilot group to change the course, and the radar troops operated the radar to detect the surrounding situation at all times, so as not to capsize.

And the communicator had already picked up the communicator to contact the crew of each group, Ye Bai stood in front of the transparent glass in the bridge without moving, after the end of the novice trial, except for the reward of the system, he did not even see the shadow of a box.

Originally, more than 10 drifting boxes could be salvaged every day, but now for two full days, Ye Bai has not even salvaged a drifting box, and finally two pirate gunboats have been sent to the door, and Ye Bai will not let go of the drop box.

Yanhuang has just completed the upgrade, and it still needs a lot of funds to further improve and upgrade the subsystems, and before the small space of the logistics cabin is productive, Ye Bai’s source of funds can all rely on various boxes.

The two pirate gunboats were not at the same location due to the division of forces, which made the Yanhuang spend a lot of effort on the sea to make a circle before finally salvaging all the two drop boxes.

Such a laborious salvage behavior also made Ye Bai secretly complain, the rules of this great sailing world are really a little weird, and the drop box after sinking the enemy ship is floating on the sea, not directly issued to the player’s battleship.

This is also fortunate to be a war of annihilation, if it is a defeat battle, I am afraid that I will have to give up pursuing the remnants of the enemy and spend a lot of time salvaging the dropped box.

If it is a defeat, it will be even more miserable, there is not even a chance to salvage the dropped box, all the time is spent on retreating and fleeing, it is a defeat and a heavy loss, even the drop box can not be salvaged, want to make up for a little loss can not be done, it is simply worse.

And in this way, there will be another situation, that is, in the case of fierce battle between the two sides, there is simply no time to salvage the drop box floating on the sea, at this time, if there is a third-party force entering, this is not to pick up the cheap for nothing, directly rush into the battlefield, fight to get a few shells, but also to salvage the drop box, this cheap can take advantage of it.

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