Ye Bai is the identity of a pretending Z country player, even the mast of the Yanhuang is hung with a flag of Z country, in the blue star world, the international environment of Z country is not so harmonious, and it is resisted and vigilant by many countries, which is very similar to Ye Bai’s motherland on earth.

The two Blue Star players were obviously not equipped with sea search radars on their warships, and until the Yanhuang was less than 9 kilometers away from them, they still did not detect the existence of the Yanhuang, and always maintained the previous course at a constant speed.

In terms of sailing, these two Blue Star players are almost the same as the Yanhuang, and the current situation is equivalent to the Yanhuang chasing the battleship of these two Blue Star players vigorously behind.

If the warships of both sides were of the same class, the Yanhuang would not be able to catch up with the battleships of the two Blue Star players, but in the current situation, the battleships of the two Blue Star players were a gunboat and a patrol boat.

And in order to maintain the formation, the two Blue Star players’ warships did not maintain the maximum speed, but only maintained the appearance of 9 knots, which was almost double the difference between the Yanhuang’s 16-knots maximum speed, which allowed the Yanhuang to constantly shorten the distance between the two sides.

It was not until the Yanhuang was less than 5 kilometers away from the battleship of the two Blue Star players that the two Blue Star players finally found the Yanhuang chasing at high speed, and seeing the huge size of the Yanhuang, the two Blue Star players were obviously startled, and began to turn the bow of the ship in a panic and hurry, preparing to fight.

At such a close distance, Ye Bai clearly saw the movements of the two Blue Star player battleships through the telescope, although with obvious vigilance, but Ye Bai did not care too much, in this dangerous navigation world, when the player is sailing in the sea, it is normal to quickly prepare for battle when he finds an unknown battleship.

The timely response of the two Blue Star players actually made Ye Bai’s interest in them a little greater, judging from their reactions when they found out that something was wrong, I am afraid that being able to upgrade the ship to the gunboat level so quickly was not only relying on luck, but also on the level.

However, although he recognized the countermeasures made by these two Blue Star players, Ye Bai did not want to be pointed at with a cannon muzzle, in case the gun went off, although with the Yanhuang’s armor value of up to 6,000 points, it would not hurt anything, but it was not a slap in the face.

“Let people shout, explain our identity, just say that I want to talk to their captain, stop the ship if I agree, leave if I don’t agree, we will not pursue.”

“Yes, Captain.”

In the telescope, Ye Bai did not see the flags representing the country hanging on the masts of the two Blue Star player battleships, which also made Ye Bai unable to judge, simply let the crew shout, make their identities clear, willing to chat and stop the ship, unwilling to go their own way.

After all, the other party only maintained a state of alert for the Yanhuang, but did not take the initiative to attack, Ye Bai will not kill the two players, of course, he will not admit that even if the other party’s battleship has a flag representing the country, his limited knowledge cannot determine which country the other party belongs to in the Blue Star World.

On the lookout platform, in addition to a high-power searchlight, there are now several huge horns, and the communication troops in the bridge can directly use the intercom to communicate with the outside world, anyway, the distance between the two sides is less than 4 miles, and there are big speakers in it, and they can barely let the other party hear clearly.

In order to avoid irritating the other party, the Yanhuang has reduced its speed, and now it is only maintained at the level of 2 knots, and the communication soldier has clearly transmitted Ye Bai’s meaning to the two Blue Star players on the opposite side through the loudspeaker.

I don’t know what the two players on the opposite side thought, after waiting for about 3 minutes, the two player warships that were originally running at full speed slowly reduced their speed, and finally completely stayed on the sea, and at the same time, the gun muzzles on the battleship also pointed to other lines of defense.

Ye Bai put down the telescope in his hand, a smile appeared on his face, it seemed that these two guys were still smart people, and said: “Keep full speed, lean over, stay alert with close defense weapons, don’t be attacked by someone.” ”

Although the Blue Star player on the opposite side expressed his sincerity, Ye Bai still did not dare to be careless, the main gun could not be used, the 420mm cannon would not relax the slightest, these close defense weapons were used at this time.

With a speed of 16 knots, a distance of less than 4 kilometers, it hardly took much time, and the Yanhuang sailed to the side of the two player warships, slowly reduced its speed, and stopped on the sea.

Condescendingly glanced through the transparent glass of the bridge, there were already a lot of crew members standing on the front decks of the two battleships, none of them had weapons in their hands, and the leaders should be the two players.

What just surprised Ye Bai a little was that these two players turned out to be two women, neither of them too old, about 20 years old, with golden hair and white skin

The corners of Ye Bai’s mouth tugged, and he was more interested in these two girls, of course, not interested in their bodies, but interested in the attitude of these two people, they are smart people, and concentrating all the crew at the bow of the ship is to show that they have no malice, so as not to cause misunderstanding.

However, these two girls should not know, even if they have any other intentions, if they want to use weapons such as rifles to directly attack Ye Bai himself, it is simply impossible, because there is a hidden rule in the great navigation world, that is, before the player’s ship sinks, all attacks will not cause any damage to the player.

For example, if a shell hits the bridge of the Yanhuang and blows up the bridge, Ye Bai will not survive in the case of all the crew members in the bridge, and Ye Bai will be unscathed, which is the special treatment given by the system to the player.

Regarding this hidden rule, (Nuoqian Zhao) Ye Bai didn’t know before, when he left from Star Island, the army officer in charge of receiving him told him, otherwise Ye Bai would not have been a little eager to chase over and exchange when he met the Blue Star player battleship.

With systematic rules and restrictions, Ye Bai stood on the side side almost without the slightest defense, looked at the two blonde girls condescendingly, and said in his mouth: “Two.”

With the previous communication with Wuyichun and the aborigines on Star Island, Ye Bai already knew that with the help of system rules, everyone seemed to bring a simultaneous translator, no matter what language the other party spoke, falling into Ye Bai’s ears, it would become Chinese, and vice versa, which allowed everyone to communicate without any obstacles.

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