Ye Bai’s hesitation is here, at least in the chat section Ye Bai did not find any news about the copy order, so he did not know what was the situation in the so-called copy of the system, and the only one Ye Bai knew who had ever entered the copy was only Kelly’s friend, and now the body does not know how long it has been hard, even if he knows the information, there is no way to pass it on.

This is not a game, the copy can be restarted after failure, and it can be resurrected after death, in the world of navigation, the player’s life can only be ah, once it fails, it can be completely hanged.

After hesitating for a long time, Ye Bai still put the copy order in his hand into the drawer, he really couldn’t make up his mind, although he had successfully upgraded the Yanhuang to the level of a destroyer, but in fact, the combat effectiveness was pitifully weak, and in the absence of copy information, he didn’t want to try it, even if he was really hungry for the reward of the system.

Slowly standing up, Ye Bai was about to go outside to breathe and let his somewhat drowsy brain clear up, but suddenly felt a strong shaking under his feet, if it weren’t for the Marine soldiers who served as guards around him quickly helped him, I am afraid that Ye Bai would have fallen a big horse.

With the assistance of guard 317, he stabilized his figure, Ye Bai’s face changed suddenly, and this strong shaking feeling made him feel a familiar feeling, that is, in a naval battle, the Yanhuang would be like this after being hit by a shell.

But what made Ye Bai a little puzzled was that he obviously did not hear the roar of the artillery and the explosion of the shell, and this shaking was stronger than when he was shot before, which made Ye Bai a little uncertain.

The shaking of the Yanhuang was not once, but continuous, Qi Sicheng walked to Ye Bai with some stumbling feet, and said loudly: “Report captain, there is a strong wind at sea, it seems that there will be heavy rain soon, under such sea conditions, the Yanhuang can no longer maintain full speed, and the humble position suggests reducing the speed and stabilizing the hull.” ”

Hearing Qi Sicheng’s explanation, Ye Bai’s eyes widened, which made him immediately think of the previous system prompt information, after the end of the novice trial, the rules of the Great Navigation World changed, one of which was the addition of a weather system.

It’s just that the sea voyage for several days has always been calm, so Ye Bai subconsciously ignored this, but now it seems that the test of the system (caca) is late.

“Staff Officer Qi, you are an expert in navigation, and now you have full command, you don’t need to come to ask for instructions, you must ensure safety.”

The shaking of the Yanhuang has become more and more intense, even with the support of the guards, Ye Bai feels unstable under his feet, and quickly gives the command to Qi Sicheng, a professional, at this time, this time is not the time for him, a layman, to mix indiscriminately.

“Yes, please rest assured Captain.”

Qi Sicheng gave an unsteady military salute, then immediately turned back behind the pilot and began to instruct the crew to stabilize the battleship and reduce its speed.

In such a short time, a burst of “crackling” and “crackling” sounds came into Ye Bai’s ears, and he looked up with some curiosity, only to find that many water droplets had appeared on the transparent glass on the bridge.

Through the glass, you can see that it has rained heavily outside, and the sound Ye Bai heard is the rain falling on the battleship, accompanied by the constantly howling sea breeze, the system is obviously doing something big this time, and it is a storm as soon as it is directly started.

“The Yanhuang is a destroyer suitable for ocean sailing, and those patrol boats and gunboats of other players are probably even more sad, compared with them, their own situation is quite good.”

Sitting back in the chair, with the Yanhuang number constantly shaking, Ye Bai thought with some gloating.

But in fact, Ye Bai’s thinking was deviated, and the Yanhuang was indeed successfully upgraded to a destroyer of more than 2,000 tons, but Ye Bai, as a layman, ignored that the Yanhuang’s aspect ratio reached 10.

This is also the characteristics of destroyers, cruisers and other small ships during World War II, in order to pursue high speed, the aspect ratio is often around 10, the larger the aspect ratio, the thinner the hull, the smaller the resistance, it is easier to reach high speed, but poor maneuverability, swinging in the wind and waves.

This is not the same as the destroyers of the modern Navy, which also pursues higher speeds, and in the case that navigation stability can be guaranteed, the general aspect ratio is about 8, which makes them much smaller in the wind and waves, at least stronger than the current Yanhuang.

Therefore, in this stormy weather situation, the other players have a much smaller tonnage, but the aspect ratio is also smaller, and it is relatively stable in high winds and waves. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And there are special rules of the system, even if there are only patrol boats of tens of tons, in such a bad weather environment, there will be no danger of rollover and sinking, at most, it shakes a lot, making the players and crew on the battleship quite uncomfortable.

Under the timely command of Qi Sicheng, the Yanhuang, which originally maintained a high-speed voyage of 16 knots, gradually reduced its speed, only maintaining about 1 to 2 knots, and was shaken by the storm.

As soon as the speed dropped, the degree of shaking of the Yanhuang was significantly reduced, and the crew members who were re-recruited from the system were fortunately, they were all veterans of the sea, not to mention this bit of wind and rain, even if it was more intense storms, they had seen it and quickly adapted.

And Ye Bai is uncomfortable, a dry duck from the inland area, where can he adapt ah, if it were not for the sea voyage before, I am afraid that he would not be able to help but vomit out.

Qi Sicheng walked back to Ye Bai’s body steadily, looked at Ye Bai’s somewhat pale face, and said: “Captain, it seems that this storm will last for several hours, and there are no islands around for us to dock, so we can only resist like this.” ”

Under the much-reduced, but still obvious shaking, Ye Bai felt a burst of nausea, and really couldn’t help but want to vomit out, and the whole person was not good after hearing Qi Sicheng’s words.

What a joke, where they are now, exactly in the middle of Star Island, Kuba Island, Nanshi Island, no matter which island they go to, there is a distance of 2,000 kilometers, not to mention that the current Yanhuang is only 1 or 2 knots in speed, even if it is maintained at full speed, it will take nearly 10 days, and by the time they reach the island, the storm will have long been over.

But such a strong shaking made Ye Bai quite uncomfortable, and if possible, he really didn’t want to stay here.

Just when Ye Bai was in a hurry, a flash of light flashed in his somewhat drowsy head, and he suddenly found that he might have the opportunity to escape from this stormy sea.

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