Under the anxiety in his heart, Ye Bai felt a little impatient for the continuous voyage, especially when he heard that the faint roar was gone, his heart was even more irritable, and he couldn’t even maintain his previous calmness, and kept urging the crew to speed up.

This is the system to make up for the loopholes, and not really fire, the roar of the artillery naturally will not continue, when the Yanhuang sailed at full speed not long ago, the sound of artillery fire in the distance gradually stopped, fortunately, the general orientation has been determined, otherwise the Yanhuang will be lost.

“Captain, the radar has detected targets, there are a lot of them, there are more than 20 warships, and it is not yet possible to judge friend or foe.”

In the copy space of the Battle of Mawei, the engagement area of the naval battle is actually near the military port, and it is not too large a sea area, and the place where Ye Bai’s Yanhuang appeared is less than 30 kilometers away from Mawei Port.

The Yanhuang under full speed soon approached the detection range of 20 kilometers of the sea search radar, and a large number of white light spots gradually appeared on the originally empty radar display, some large and 20 small.

Ye Bai glanced at those white points of light that were not far away, and asked a little nervously: “Can you judge the other party’s ship type?” ”

“Report captain, these warships seem to be in a state of mooring, can only be roughly judged, the tonnage is not too large, more can not be judged.”

Ye Bai’s answer made Ye Bai a little disappointed, but fortunately he was not too nervous in his heart, because he remembered that whether it was the Fujian Admiral Division or the French Far East Fleet, all the warships were at the level before World War I, and many battleships were even wrapped in wood, which was quite different from the all-steel battleship like the Yanhuang.

Even if it is the flagship of the French expeditionary fleet with the strongest combat power, it looks like the tonnage is larger than the Yanhuang, but if you really want to fight, it may not be the opponent of the Yanhuang, in terms of the rules of the great navigation world, that is, the armor value of these French warships is not high, and they cannot withstand a few rounds of artillery fire, not to mention that there is a big killer on the Yanhuang.

Although the sound of artillery in the distance stopped, according to the detection of the radar, it seemed that the two sides had not yet started a war, at least there was no situation where the battleship sank, which made Ye Bai feel relieved in his heart.

Since the war had not yet broken out completely, Ye Bai’s anxious mood was also much calmer, and after calming down, Ye Bai found something wrong and quickly set his eyes on the radar display screen again.

The more than 20 warships detected on it all showed white points of light, which Ye Bai had seen before, that is, those patrol fleets from Star Island, which represented neutral forces at that time.

In this copy space, the appearance of such a white point of light can not be said, what is wrong?

Ye Bai was a little confused, so his head began to run rapidly, trying to figure out why this happened, but unfortunately, he didn’t open the system panel again to check it, otherwise he would have been able to find the system prompt information that he ignored.

In just half an hour, the Yanhuang maintained a full speed of nearly 10 kilometers, and it was only about 10 kilometers away from Mawei Military Port.

Nearly 10 warships of various sizes almost blocked the port location of Mawei Harbor, and the tricolor flew on the mast of the warships, which is exactly the French flag, which fully illustrates the identity of these warships.

Closer to the port, there were more than 10 small ships, and the flags flying on the masts, Ye Bai recognized them almost at a glance, representing the dragon flag of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

“Pass the order down, aim at those warships flying the tricolor, and as soon as they are within range of the main guns, fire immediately, and sink them all for me.”

The dragon flag hung by the Fujian navy made Ye Bai uncomfortable to see, but the tricolor flag made him even more angry, no matter how deep the damage of the Manchus to the flower planting country, but at least in this copy space, his enemy has only one, that is, the French expeditionary fleet led by Guba.

“Yes, Captain.”

With the sound of “crunching” and “crunching”, the three twin main guns arranged on the Yanhuang have begun to rotate slowly, and the crew members inside the turret are already adjusting the corresponding shooting elements, and the two shells have been loaded into the breech and can be fired at any time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

After less than 10 kilometers from Mawei Port, the Yanhuang experienced a strong tremor, and the front, middle and rear twin main guns erupted into a roar one after another.

Flashes of fire flickered, and six shells of different calibers flew out of the high muzzles, aiming directly at the warships of the French expeditionary fleet flying the tricolor.

At the moment when the Yanhuang fired, a new prompt message appeared on the panel of the system:

[Detected that the player took the initiative to attack the French expeditionary fleet, the default player chose to join the Fujian Navy Division, the Battle of Mawei officially broke out, according to the player’s selected camp, the quest mission has been generated, please check it at home. ]

After the end of the newbie trial, many rules in the world of navigation have changed, and some changes have not been prompted by the system, such as the way the system prompts.

Before the Beginner Trial, all system prompts were communicated to each player by text and voice, but after the Beginner Trial, the way the system conveyed information prompts changed700.

The previous voice prompt is canceled, only the text prompt is left, if it is under normal sailing conditions, once the system sends a prompt message, the virtual panel of the system will automatically pop up and appear in front of the players.

However, in wartime or in the copy space, the system’s prompt information will still be sent, but the virtual panel will not actively pop up, and the player needs to open the system panel to view, and it is precisely because of this that Ye Bai will carelessly ignore the previous system prompt.

It was not until the radar soldier found that the color of the light spot on the radar display had changed and reported it to Ye Bai in time that Ye Bai found that something was wrong.

With a movement in his heart, Ye Bai quickly opened the system panel to check the prompt information of the system, under this look, he almost couldn’t help but slap himself fiercely, ignoring such important information, thanks to his some impression of this copy, otherwise there would really be a big problem, and it would really be dead.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

Just as Ye Bai was checking the system prompt, a fierce battle also broke out in Mawei Port ahead, and the warships of the French Expeditionary Fleet launched a surprise attack on the Fujian Navy Division trapped in the port according to the order of Lonely, and the fierce artillery fire almost covered the entire military port.

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