In addition to this pole mineboat, which can only attack at close range, the wooden-hulled cruiser Fellers and the gunboat Wildcat have no intention of approaching at all, maintaining a distance of about 5 kilometers from the Yanhuang, and constantly attacking the Yanhuang with naval guns.


A shell fired from a 140mm rifled gun from the wooden-hulled cruiser Fessler landed on the front deck of the Yanhuang, and in the violent explosion, a large amount of black smoke rose into the air, and even the hull of the Yanhuang shook.

Ye Bai’s face turned dark, and while holding the binoculars to check the damage to the foredeck through the porthole, the thick black smoke blocked the line of sight, so that Ye Bai could not see the specific situation at all.

While directly opening the system panel, entering the fleet plate, and checking the loss of armor value of the Yanhuang, he roared without looking back: “Let the maintenance soldiers go and check the damage of the front deck of “667”. ”

Before the maintenance man rushed into the smoke with the damage management personnel, Ye Bai had already learned about the loss of the Yanhuang through the system panel, and only lost less than 100 armor points, which was completely insignificant for the Yanhuang with a armor value of up to 6,000 points.

This is the gap in science and technology, although the wooden-hulled cruiser Fellers is equipped with 15 breech guns with a diameter of 140mm, and looks very powerful, but because of the huge gap in artillery technology and gunpowder level, it is far worse than the twin 127mm flat dual-purpose guns equipped on the Yanhuang, and even the twin 102mm guns are not comparable.

Seeing such a loss, Ye Bai breathed a sigh of relief, closed the system panel, and continued to hold the telescope to observe the battle situation ahead, don’t see that there were two French warships constantly attacking the Yanhuang, but even the largest tonnage and the strongest firepower Fellers only caused this damage to the Yanhuang, and the smaller Wildcat gunboat was even less powerful.

Therefore, Ye Bai directly ignored the two French warships, but only let Qi Sicheng command the Yanhuang to avoid the large number of shells that kept flying, and at the same time ordered the torpedo soldiers to always pay attention and choose the right time to launch a torpedo attack and sink these two nasty flies.

At this time, the Yanhuang concentrated all its firepower on the Dujushluin, there was really no extra weapon to attack the Fellers and the Wildcat, and could only use expensive torpedoes, now is not the time to save money, after all, the Fujian navy division is not powerful, the Yanhuang is in a situation of fighting more with less.

In this case, dispersing firepower is undoubtedly a suicidal act, just as the so-called “it is better to break ten fingers than to break one”, sinking a French warship can also reduce the pressure on the Yanhuang and the Fujian naval division.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

The continuous roar of artillery and the deafening sound of artillery shells resounded throughout the Mawei Military Port, and the warships belonging to the three forces were desperately firing more shells onto the local warships, hoping to win the naval battle.

Not only was the battle lively at sea, but with the timely support of the Yanhuang, it encountered a sneak attack, and the Fujian naval divisions that were injured by many warships finally slowed down and began to use the guns on the battleships to launch a counterattack on the French warships.

And the officers and men of the other naval divisions and army soldiers in the Mawei Military Port were not idle, even if there was no senior officer organization, many officers and men spontaneously entered the coastal defense gun positions, operating these coastal defense guns of different calibers to shoot at the French warships, and further supported the battle of the Fujian naval division with their limited firepower.

The commander of the French Expeditionary Fleet, Gu Ba, was already a little dumbfounded at this time, and his original plan was to use the advantage of the first hand to blockade the Mawei military port and attack the Fujian naval division.

This plan went quite smoothly at the beginning, just a volley, not only sank two warships of the Fujian Naval Division, but also damaged many, and more importantly, the warships of the Fujian Naval Division were in a moored state, unable to ignite and set sail in a short period of time, let alone effectively evade the attack of shells, and could only stay in place and become live targets.

But unexpectedly, a mysterious battleship suddenly came outside the Mawei Military Port, which sank its most powerful Triumph as soon as it struck, forcing himself to transfer 3 warships that blocked the Mawei Military Port Port to contain the mysterious and powerful warship.

As a result, the opponent’s attack on its own three warships did not care at all, and easily sank one, preferring to withstand the artillery fire of the remaining two warships than concentrate its fire on the Tetsuwaki wood-hulled cruiser Dujushinlu.

With the lessons of the Triumph, the Dujushi cruiser with a smaller tonnage and a worse level of protection had to stop the attack on the Fujian naval fleet in the face of the Yanhuang’s concentrated fire attack, and urgently began to reverse course to avoid the Yanhuang’s shells… 0

Now it’s better, even those shore defense guns have joined the battle, originally a sneak attack, the French expeditionary fleet, which is in the upper hand, instantly faced a state of three-sided attack, and the situation is not good. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Just when Gu Ba frowned and was thinking hard about how to break the situation, a deafening explosion sounded again on the sea in the distance, and he quickly looked up, it turned out that a pole mineboat that had been sent to attack the Fujian naval division warship at close range had been sunk by the counterattack artillery fire of the Fujian naval division.

Not to mention the loss of the last pole mineboat, under the joint attack of the Fujian naval warships and coastal defense guns, another wooden-hulled cruiser and gunboat were hit by multiple shells, and the wooden hull of the ship had already burst into flames, and thick black smoke drifted in the wind.

Just as the so-called “Fu Wushuang is not a one-way street”, when the Fujian Navy Division and the coastal defense artillery achieved results, the Yanhuang side once again had a new achievement, that is, the Wildcat gunboat, when turning the bow and adjusting the firing angle, was seized by the torpedo soldiers on the Yanhuang and directly fired a 533mm diameter torpedo.

Less than 5 kilometers apart, the 533mm torpedo maintained a maximum speed of more than 40 knots almost the entire time, and before the French naval soldiers on the Wildcat could react, it hit the waterline position 2.6.

With a loud “boom”, under the violent explosion, the Wildcat battleship with a displacement of only 500 tons was directly blown up into a large fireball, and the armor value of less than 1,000 points was instantly emptied, and the entire battleship was torn apart and soon sank to the bottom of the sea.

The miserable experience of the Wildcat also frightened the French naval officers and men on the Fellers, and almost subconsciously began to slowly retreat, wanting to widen the distance between the Yanhuang and the Yanhuang, after all, this invisible attack is too weird, I don’t know how it was sunk, how people are not afraid.

“Boom”, “Boom”

Coincidentally, the Yanhuang almost had a big explosion in this round of attacks, not only successfully sinking the Wildcat gunboat with torpedoes, but also two shells from the new volley of the three main guns successfully hit the Tetsuwaki wood-hulled cruiser Dujushinlu.

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