As for Ye Bai’s appointment and trust, Lü Teyansi did not have the slightest politeness, and directly agreed, but in the system’s attribute interface, his loyalty has increased from the initial 70 points to 75 points.

As a German, Lütyans himself was also a fierce character, and as soon as he accepted Ye Bai’s appointment, he immediately took up his post and took over the command of the Yanhuang, and at this time, the crew transferred from the Pengze had already come to the Yanhuang through the lifeboat.

The first thing Lütyans did after taking office was to meet all the crew members on the Yanhuang, get a preliminary understanding of them, and then through this short contact, arrange them one by one in the most suitable positions.

After doing this, Lütyans returned to the bridge, commanded the Yanhuang to set sail, towards Kuba Island, the captain of the Pengze, Jiang Chaoying, also received the same order, commanding the Pengze and the Yanhuang to maintain a distance of about 200 meters, at a speed of 25 knots ~ sailing.

Lü Teyans’s operation, Ye Bai paid attention to almost the whole process, it was a stunned look, worthy of being a professional, or the best among the admirals, although he had not experienced a naval battle, but his military literacy had begun to appear, which was simply beyond Ye Bai’s reach.

With Lü Teyans sitting on the bridge and serving as the captain to direct specific navigation and operations, Ye Bai was finally completely free and could be a handshaker with peace of mind.

Ye Bai, who could not insert his hands in the bridge, went down to the middle of the deck and spent 75,000 pieces to replenish 25 533mm diameter torpedoes for two five-mounted 533mm minetubes.

Previously, when purchasing these two torpedo tubes, the system came with 20 torpedoes, but 5 were shot in the copy space of the [Battle of the Horsetail Sea], seeing the great power of torpedoes, and just having sufficient funds in hand, Ye Bai directly purchased some more torpedoes, so that the spare ammunition of each torpedo tube reached 20, enough to fight several big wars.

Subsequently, Ye Bai recruited 10 marine engineers through the system and handed them over to the chief engineer specially transferred from the Pengze, who arranged it and was responsible for the operation and daily maintenance of the two power compartments.

Then Ye Bai circled around the entire Yanhuang indiscriminately, but he never carried out unnecessary operations again, after all, he himself was just a layman, and Lü Teyansi was the real expert.

After successfully recruiting Lü Teyan, Ye Bai made up his mind that he would listen to Lü Teyan’s opinion as much as possible about the transformation of the Yanhuang and other things in the future, and he was ready to go back and discuss with him again, and then recruit crew members or further improve the subsystem according to specific needs.

After wandering around the various cabins of the Yanhuang, Ye Bai came to the logistics cabin with a smile, and under the action of the ecological circulation system, the inside could be described as sunny, and the weather was very good.

The 20 farmers who had been recruited by Ye Bai were tending to the specially carved out fields, and the seeds planted a few days ago were now rising quite well, and according to the farmers, in a day or two, the crops could be harvested, but the yield was not too high.

Ye Bai did not have much disappointment with the problem of low yield, a total of only 20 farmers, without the assistance of agricultural machinery, a farmer can cultivate at most about 10-15 acres of arable land, and the total amount of cultivated land reclaimed for the first time is less than 300 acres.

If you grow grains, according to farmers, under the current level of science and technology, the average output of an acre of land is about 200 catties, which is still half a year or a whole year’s output.

Nowadays, in the world of great navigation, food crops have been shortened from sowing to harvesting to 7 days, and in other words, the output of one acre of land has naturally shrunk significantly.

In Ye Bai’s original plan, the first grain output of the logistics cabin, he was going to put all the food output in the trading section to sell to other players, and by the way, he would explore how the market was going.

But now, he changed his mind and unexpectedly obtained a Pengze, with 200 more crew members, and the consumption of food and other materials naturally increased a lot, and the food stored before the Yanhuang could no longer meet the current crew consumption of nearly 300 people.

Therefore, the first batch of food output of the logistics cabin can only be stored to supply the daily consumption of the two warships, and if you want to sell it to other players in the trading section, you can only wait for the next output of the logistics module, and you need to recruit more farmers, cultivate more cultivated land, and increase the cultivated land area.

0 ask for flowers

Otherwise, let alone sell to other players, even the daily consumption of the crew of your own fleet will not be supplied. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So Ye Bai waved his hand and directly spent 36,000 yuan to recruit 180 farmers again, together with the previous 20 farmers, so that the number of farmers in the logistics cabin reached the scale of 200.

200 peasants, even without the assistance of agricultural machinery, can cultivate nearly 3,000 acres of arable land, and in 7 days, the grain crops produced are about 15,000 catties, according to the standard of an average soldier consuming 3 catties of grain a day, these grains are enough for the 300 officers and men of the current fleet to eat for about 16 days, which is completely enough to last until the next round of harvest in the logistics cabin, and there is even excess grain to sell.

This number is only the current standard, in order to maximize the role of the logistics cabin, the number of farmers needs to be further increased, but for the time being, Ye Bai is ready to wait until the first batch of planted crops are harvested, and then continue to recruit farmers.

Of the 180 farmers who had just been recruited, Ye Bai did not rush to let them start growing food crops immediately, but asked them to cultivate as much arable land as possible before the first batch of crops were harvested, and when the harvest was completed, they immediately recruited more farmers to carry out large-scale planting operations.

As long as the planting operation of the logistics module reaches a certain scale, even if the size of the fleet is further expanded and the number of crew members increases, it can be fully affordable.

After recruiting farmers and arranging the follow-up matters of the logistics cabin, Ye Bai left the logistics cabin happily, ready to return to the bridge to continue learning naval combat knowledge, although now with the assistance of Lü Teyans, a professional rear admiral, basically do not need Ye Bai to worry too much, but as a fleet commander, you can’t know everything, you still need to strengthen your studies.

Just returned to the bridge, sitting on the chair, and not even picking up the book, Ye Bai’s whole person was suddenly stunned, because he found that he had made a low-level mistake, that is, when he calculated the material consumption of the fleet before, he only calculated the consumption of the combat personnel, and forgot the peasants in the logistics cabin, and now there was going to be a big problem.

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