Ye Bai shook his head, jumped up from the ground, and looked at the surrounding environment, his eyes were full of fear, and his face instantly became very ugly.

The sun was hanging high in the sky, and the warm sunlight sprinkled on Ye Bai's body was warm, but it could not warm Ye Bai's somewhat cold heart at the moment.

As an ordinary young man who has lived in inland areas since he was a child, Ye Bai has never been to the sea, and does not know what the sea water tastes like, but at this moment he clearly knows that the special smell in the wind is the smell of the sea.

You have to ask Ye Bai why he dares to be so sure, the reason is very simple, at a glance, there is a vast ocean around, endless, blue and faint water, deep bottomless, looking through the sea surface, from time to time you can see some fish swimming in the sea.

Although he didn't know what happened, Ye Bai ruled out the possibility of mischief at the first time, after all, he was inland, and the city he lived in was only near the river, and he was still 108,000 miles away from the sea.

Even if someone is playing a prank, it is impossible to secretly pull Ye Bai from the mainland to the sea overnight, at least none of his friends around him have this ability.

Since it is not a prank, then there is only one possibility left, Ye Bai, who often browses various novel websites, almost immediately thought of a possibility, that is, crossing, only crossing can explain why such a bizarre thing happened.

Ye Bai may be very ordinary on the earth, except for being handsome and often asked for a WeChat number by the young lady of Sheniu, he does not have much strength, but his psychological endurance and acceptance are still very strong.

Even if he guessed that he crossed for some special reason, Ye Bai was not too afraid and panicked, anyway, his development of the earth in his previous life was not satisfactory, changing the environment, changing the world may also be a good choice, not to mention that there has been a saying circulating on the Internet, that is, all traversers have a standard golden finger.

Therefore, for Ye Bai's ordinary life in his previous life, with the help of Goldfinger, it is unknown whether he can develop better in this unknown new world.

Above the endless blue sea, the feeling of being down-to-earth, as well as the slight shaking feeling under his feet, all told Ye Bai that he should be standing on a boat at this moment.

Just as he was about to turn his head to look at the situation of the ship he was on, a strange voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

[Hello Blue Star players, you have been successfully selected to become a game participant in the Great Navigation World, where each player will have an initial patrol boat, survival, battle, and development will be the whole theme of the Great Navigation World, and all your actions will be closely related to the life and death of the Blue Star World. ] 】

[In the Great Voyage World, in addition to Blue Star players, there are humans from various other planets, they will all be your enemies, you are naturally in a hostile state, once you fail, your world will become a colony of the winner's planet, and you will become each other's slaves. ] 】

[This is a game world where the winner is king and the loser is the curse, after sinking the enemy battleship, there will be treasure chests dropping, which contain a variety of materials, food, water, equipment, ammunition, materials, etc., if you want to protect your planet from being enslaved, first please try to survive, Blue Star players, good luck. ] 】

After listening to this large paragraph, Ye Bai was suddenly stunned, opened his mouth wide, and a hint of salty sea breeze continued to pour into his wide open mouth.

It took a long time to come to his senses, quickly recalled the words he had just heard, Ye Bai finally understood his current situation, he did cross, but it was not a regular crossing, but was pulled into a magical world of national navigation by a strange existence as a member of the Blue Star World.

Faced with this situation, as well as the game content just mentioned, Ye Bai, who was originally quite good in psychological endurance, also felt a little strained, what is the situation, how did he enter a world similar to the survival of the whole people?

And not only to work hard to survive, but also to bear the burden of protecting the Blue Star World from alien human enslavement, but the most important thing is that he Ye Bai is not a Blue Star Human, but an authentic Earth Human, what does the life and death of the Blue Star World have to do with him?

But this idea only circled in Ye Bai's mind, and then disappeared, he did not forget, the voice that just echoed in his ears, but calling him a Blue Star player, it was obvious that the mysterious existence that pulled him into the Great Navigation World had taken him as a Blue Star Human, not an Earth Human.

No matter what kind of problems have occurred here, it will make the mysterious existence that looks powerful and omnipotent appear to have such a mistake, but in any case, it is already an unchangeable fact that he was regarded as a member of the Blue Star human race to enter the world of exploration, Ye Bai does not think that he can find the mysterious existence to complain and let him or it send himself back to Earth.

Not to mention that Ye Bai simply has no way to find the mysterious existence behind it, even if he finds it, just by virtue of this behavior of the mysterious existence, it is obviously not a fuel-saving lamp, and he will not put Ye Bai in his eyes at all, where will he pay attention to his complaint.

Knowing that it is useless, Ye Bai will not do it, and it is not good, because he came out to complain, let the mysterious existence behind it know the existence of the earth, and by the way, the human beings on the earth are also pulled in, which is a big joke.

Since this is the case, then for Ye Bai now, he can only survive well in the Great Navigation World, no matter what the final outcome of the Blue Star World is, at least he Ye Bai has to work hard to survive, although he is recognized as a member of the Blue Star player, but in fact, in Ye Bai's heart, there is no emotion for the Blue Star World.

And according to the conditions given by the mysterious existence, as long as Ye Bai can develop well and survive well, in fact, to some extent, he is also helping the Blue Star World, so Ye Bai does not have any burden in his heart.

After thinking about this, Ye Bai's panicked mood was calmed down, closed his mouth wide, and the expression on his face returned to indifference, turned around, and looked at his patrol boat.

Mysterious existence, but just said, after all players enter the world of navigation, they will get a patrol boat, which is their base and the basis for their survival in this dangerous world of navigation.

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