How rampant these pirates were just now, how down they were at this time, and they were beaten by the Huaxia fleet, the Blue Star player fleet, and the cruiser of the aboriginal forces.

Especially the light cruiser of the Yanhuang and the aboriginal forces, two warships of the same class, a total of 12 main guns with a diameter of 152mm attacked in salvos one after another, but if they were hit by one shell, it was enough to knock out more than 300 armor points of the pirate warship.

Such firepower kills, pirate destroyers with armor values of 6000 points are okay, barely able to withstand it, but those pirate gunboats are different, their armor value is only 1200 points in total, in the previous naval battle of nearly an hour, it itself lost a lot of armor value, and the remaining armor value is not much.

In the face of such a firepower, it does not need much, at most 3 to 4 shells can kill these pirate gunboats, and the situation of the pirate fleet can be imagined.

Although the Yanhuang also joined the battlefield, but unlike the aboriginal force warship that attacked the pirate destroyer, under Ye Bai’s signal, the Yanhuang aimed its gun at those more numerous pirate gunships.

Ye Bai is a player, all actions naturally have to take into account their own interests, what kind of benefits can be obtained by the transport fleet that rescued the aborigines, Ye Bai is unknown for the time being, but in the naval battle, Ye Bai naturally wants to get more benefits as much as possible.

The number of pirate destroyers is not much, the armor 20 value is relatively thick, it takes more time to sink it, not to mention that the Pengze and Yujiang are also there, and there is no need for the Yanhuang to mix in.

On the contrary, those more pirate gunships, the armor value is not much left, with the firepower of the Yanhuang, it is easy to sink it completely, just as the so-called wound of ten fingers is better than breaking one finger, the pirate gunship’s drop treasure chest is naturally not as good as the pirate destroyer’s drop treasure chest, but the number is large, as long as you can sink a few more pirate gunboats, multiple drop treasure chests are opened together, the reward obtained is not necessarily worse than the pirate destroyer’s drop treasure chest.

In the chaotic naval battle battlefield, the reason why Ye Bai dared to play this hand, not worried that the pirate battleship’s drop treasure chest would be salvaged by other players, was because after Ye Bai snatched the “head” of the pirate cruiser, a dropped treasure chest emitting yellow light appeared in the bridge of the Yanhuang.

At the same time, the system also sent a message prompt, after the system opened a new function, the acquisition of dropped treasure chests has also changed, no longer floating on the sea, requiring players to salvage by themselves, but according to the player’s performance in battle, that is, the damage caused to the enemy battleship, the system evaluates the system, and the system directly sends the corresponding level of dropped treasure chests to the bridge of the player’s battleship.

Originally, according to the reward standard of the system, sinking a cruiser-level battleship alone, the level of the dropped treasure chest should be the silver chest, but because the sinking of this pirate cruiser was not the credit of the Yanhuang alone, there was also the help of the cruiser of the aboriginal forces, which made the dropped treasure chest obtained by Ye Bai was lowered by one level, only the copper box level.

It is precisely because the rules of the system have changed that Ye Bai dares to be so bold, anyway, the overall situation of this naval battle has been decided, and the remaining pirate warships are equivalent to dropping treasure chests in his eyes, such rewards cannot be snatched away by those Blue Star players.

As for whether the pirate fleet will have a support fleet, Ye Bai is not too worried, really when the effective detection range of 30 kilometers on the Yanhuang is a toy, if there is really a pirate fleet to support, as long as the strength is too strong, Ye Bai can immediately order the fleet to run away.

Anyway, he doesn’t care if he can get the favorability of the aboriginal forces, he took the initiative to rescue the aboriginal transport fleet this time, the biggest purpose is the drop chest of these pirate warships, as for the favorability of the aborigines, it is just incidental.

If there is any danger, he immediately turns his head and runs, whether the transport fleet of the aborigines is dead or alive has nothing to do with him.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

A round of 152mm.102mm shells fell into the middle of the pirate fleet that had been completely disrupted in formation and array, and some pirate gunships that had already been knocked out of a lot of armor value were hit by only one or two shells, and a violent explosion occurred, becoming a large torch on the sea and quickly sinking into the sea.

With the powerful firepower of the Yanhuang and the assistance of the remaining few Blue Star player gunships, the remaining nearly 10 pirate gunboats were named one by one, and it didn’t take long to sink all of them.

After solving all the pirate gunships, a group of Blue Star players were naturally ecstatic and elated, and Ye Bai was also very happy, under the command of Lütyans, almost most of the pirate gunboats were sunk by the Yanhuang and obtained a lot of dropped treasure chests.

And not only that, after sinking all the pirate gunboats, the Yanhuang did not mean to stay at all, and as soon as the muzzle turned, it fired a volley towards the last 4 pirate destroyers.

That’s right, just for a while, only 4 of the original 5 pirate destroyers remained, and the other one didn’t know whether it was sunk by the cruiser of the aborigines, or the masterpiece of other players, anyway, a lot of dropped treasure chests appeared in the bridge of the Yanhuang, so that Ye Bai couldn’t distinguish clearly.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

In the previous naval battle, the Pengze and Yujiang each contained a pirate destroyer, and since the Yanhuang had freed its hand, the primary target was naturally placed on these two pirate destroyers.

For the entry of the Yanhuang, the two pirate destroyers were also frightened, after all, compared with the destroyers, the light cruisers had much more powerful firepower, and they hurried to make emergency evasion in a panic, and even prepared to turn around and evacuate.

Unfortunately, after the Yanhuang became powerful, the Pengze and Yujiang, which originally only contained the two pirate destroyers, also became powerful, and “tom-tom-tom” each fired 5 torpedoes in one go.

Under the close range of torpedo attacks, these two pirate destroyers had no way to completely evade, and they only dodged one or two 533mm torpedoes.

With a violent explosion, both pirate destroyers were severely damaged, not only losing 3,4000 points of armor, but also destroying many cabins, including the power compartment and the power distribution compartment.

These two cabins were blown up, and the impact was quite large, so that the two pirate destroyers not only lost most of their power, but also lost their speed, even the power supply system had problems, there was not enough power supply, and several main battery turrets could not even rotate.

If you want to escape, you want to fight back, and because the main turret cannot rotate, you lose the angle of fire, and you can only become two huge iron coffins and live targets on the sea.

“Boom”, “Boom”

In two huge explosions, the two pirate destroyers besieged by the Huaxia fleet quickly exploded to pieces and sank to the bottom of the sea, and in the bridge of the Yanhuang, there were once again two more dropped treasure chests that emitted yellow light. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although the sinking of these two pirate gunboats was not completed independently by the Yanhuang, but as helpers, the Pengze and Yujiang, the three warships are all under the same Huaxia fleet belonging to Ye Bai, in the judgment of the system, naturally belong to Ye Bai’s independent battle results, then the drop reward is naturally issued in full.

After sinking the two pirate destroyers, Ye Bai ordered the fleet to concentrate, rescue the wounded, repair the damaged parts of the battleship, and no longer participate in the attack on the last two pirate destroyers.

According to Lütyans, under the attack of a light cruiser and 3 player destroyers, the two pirate destroyers have been completely damaged, and if nothing else, at most, these two pirate destroyers will become the Iron King VIII at the bottom of the sea.

At this time, if you participate in it again, it actually doesn’t make much sense, even if you grab the last blow, but because the damage caused to the pirate destroyer is limited, the reward you will get in the end of 070 is not high.

Instead of grabbing a little mosquito leg, it is better to close the fleet, in case those Blue Star players have any other ideas, people’s hearts are unpredictable.

Although Ye Bai did not mix, those Blue Star players were reluctant to let go of these two big fish, regardless of the damage of their own battleships, they rushed up and bombarded the last two pirate destroyers, which were already quite broken.

Under the player’s style of play, the final sinking time of the two pirate destroyers was shorter than Lütyans expected, and in less than 2 minutes, the two pirate destroyers disappeared above the sea with raging fire.

With the sinking of the last two pirate destroyers, it means that the crisis encountered by the indigenous transport fleet this time has finally been completely lifted, and the entire naval battle, although it suffered a little loss at the beginning, sinking two player gunboats, many warships were seriously damaged, but won the final victory.

For the indigenous forces, this result was even more ideal, none of the 5 transport ships were damaged, a large amount of materials were all saved, and the light cruisers performing escort missions were only slightly injured, killing and wounding part of the crew.

As for the loss of the player’s escort fleet, sorry, it was not put in the eyes of the aborigines at all, anyway, they have to give a mission reward in the end, and the losses that occur in the escort can not care about their business.

If you want to ask Ye Bai how he knew this, it was not as soon as the battle was over, the aborigines’ light cruisers contacted the Yanhuang through the public channel of the radio, firstly, to thank the Yanhuang for their support, and secondly, naturally to hire the Huaxia fleet to escort the transport fleet to its destination.

The escort request put forward by the aboriginal forces was directly rejected by Ye Bai, and they already knew that these guys began to make small moves behind their backs, Ye Bai would not be stupidly mixed in, at least at this time.

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