Lü Teyansi’s face changed when he heard this, and at the same time he sighed lightly, turned his head and glanced at Ye Bai, fortunately, his own commander gave an order in advance, allowing the Yanhuang to break out of the formation and sail at full speed, gaining a certain amount of time.

“Naval gun preparation, as soon as it is in range, immediately open fire, attracting the attention of the enemy warship.”

Although Lütyans did not know the history and development of this Shipu Port naval battle, based on the results detected by radar, he had almost a general guess and analysis, since the friendly fleet took the initiative to disperse and break through without firing a shot, either its strength was inferior or it did not have the slightest intention of fighting.

But in either case, the situation of that friendly fleet is already very unoptimistic, and all he can do now is attract the attention of the other side, contain the enemy warship, and cover the safe breakthrough of the friendly fleet.

Especially the two warships that were slower and turned to break through to the port, if he was the commander of the enemy fleet, he would inevitably send warships to block the port, and then send warships into the port to attack, not giving the other party a chance to escape.

This time for Lu Teyans’s command, Ye Bai did not mean to interject, and he was secretly relieved in his heart, fortunately, he spent a lot of money to add a lot of power equipment, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

The two boiler cabins and engine rooms of the Yanhuang itself are equipped with perfect power equipment according to the data given by the system, so that the Yanhuang can reach the theoretical maximum speed of 32 knots, but Ye Bai this guy uses space spar to upgrade the small space of the logistics cabin.

The multiple rewards after the upgrade of the small space of the logistics cabin made Ye Bai happy, but it also caused a serious problem, the boilers and turbines in the power cabin that were deliberately modified before the upgrade provided energy to the small space of the 343 logistics cabin before the upgrade, and there was even a surplus.

After the small space upgrade, these boilers and turbines can no longer be supported, and the power energy originally used to drive the Yanhuang is taken up a lot, and the maximum speed of the Yanhuang is reduced to 26 knots.

In this case, Ye Bai had to eliminate all the previous boilers and turbines, and replace them with the Admiralty-type three-drum thin-tube boiler and Parsons geared steam turbine unit currently used in Yanhuang, and was also equipped with 4, which were installed in 4 specially modified energy compartments.

The power energy provided by these 4 specially modified energy compartments was all used to support the energy consumption of the small space of the upgraded logistics cabin, which restored the power energy supply of the Yanhuang to a normal state, and also restored the previous maximum speed of 32 knots.

If this were not the case, the current Yanhuang would not have left the fleet formation and rushed to Shipu Port as soon as possible to support, I am afraid that it would become a burden to the fleet and drag down the speed of the entire fleet.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

When the Yanhuang, who was in the lead, had just arrived about 10 kilometers away from Shipu Port, under the order of Lütyans, three twin 152mm caliber main guns burst into a huge roar one after another.

A round of 152mm shells fell into the sea, causing a violent explosion, and one after another huge water columns were created by the shock wave of the shell explosion, which startled those French naval officers and men who originally thought that they had won the victory.

While continuing to maintain the pursuit of the scattered and breakthrough Nanyang Navy Division, he quickly looked in the direction where the shells were flying, only to find that in the distance (CAAA) a huge steel warship was splitting the sea at a very fast speed, coming at high speed.

“Ironclad ships…”

The Yanhuang has a displacement of up to 7,000 tons, and it is an all-steel battleship, in this era, it is almost equivalent to a capital ironclad ship, just looking at the size is enough to make these French warships with a displacement of up to 5,000 tons ashamed of themselves.

The French fleet, which mistook the Yanhuang for an ironclad ship, immediately panicked, and where could it care about continuing to pursue the battleships of the Nanyang Naval Division, they hurriedly began to turn their bows and prepare for battle, and even the 4 French warships that had left to pursue the Nanyang Naval Division to break through to the north were also alarmed, and quickly turned around and rushed to support.

With just one volley, the Yanhuang attracted the attention of all the French warships, gradually forming a semicircle, and a main gun fired continuously at the Yanhuang.

In the face of a large number of flying shells, Lü Teyans did not panic at all, calmly and calmly gave one order after another, and with the assistance of Qi Sicheng, constantly changed directions, dodging the shells falling from the sky as much as possible, while the ship’s 3 twin 152mm guns and 2 twin 102mm guns were also constantly firing counterattacks.

Don’t look at the number of warships of the French fleet is as high as 6, but none of the warships can be the opponent of the Yanhuang, and in the situation of more fights and less fights, only a few shells fell on Huang’s hull.

In the violent explosion, although some of the armor values of the Yanhuang were knocked out, the damage to the Yanhuang was not too big, and the biggest result was just to let some wounded appear on the Yanhuang.

The French fleet did not cause much damage to the Yanhuang, on the contrary, the Yanhuang’s counterattack gunfire was quite sharp, and when the ship’s guns roared, it concentrated almost all the firepower towards the French warships.

In the face of the fierce artillery fire of the Yanhuang, the first unlucky ones were the two smallest and weakest pole mineboats in the French fleet, as mentioned before, the pole mine boats at this time are equivalent to suicide warships, only close to the side of the opponent’s battleship, can detonate the mines on the long poles, thereby causing damage to the opponent’s warships.

In this era, because of the level of science and technology and the technology of battleships, such a pole minecraft is still somewhat useful, but when facing such an epoch-making light cruiser as the Yanhuang, let alone play a role, it can only become a live target.

Although in Ye Bai’s heart, the Yanhuang can only be regarded as a treaty-type light cruiser, not to mention that compared with those cruisers that crisscross the seas in the 21st century, even those powerful light cruisers in the late World War II are far behind, but at this stage in the late 19th century, it is undoubtedly a black technology warship.

Without giving the two mineboats in the French fleet a chance to get close, several volleys of two twin 102mm guns blew the two French mineboats to pieces, turned into a pile of scrap iron, and sank to the bottom of the sea with the remains of the bones of French naval officers and men.

The tragic scene of the 2 minecraft also frightened the officers and men on the other 4 French warships, if it were not for the years of training, the honor and sense of mission as a soldier, or the contempt for flower planters all along, they would really turn around and flee at this time.

These Western countries have always been like this, although there is no lack of killing people, but in the case of knowing defeat, they rarely fight to the last soldier, and surrender is even more commonplace.

Isn’t it just hanging a white flag on the mast of a battleship, it’s not just a matter of underwear, in the eyes of these Westerners, it’s not a big deal.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

The guns of the two sides roared continuously, don’t look at the Yanhuang with one to four, the number of guns is not comparable to the French fleet, but the firepower is quite strong, and its own armor protection is not on the same level as the French warships, and it is still in the upper hand.

Such a fierce naval battle attracted the attention of many people, and although the merchant ships and civilian ships docked in Shipu Port were frightened, they could not quench their curiosity, and they all climbed to the height to watch this naval battle from a distance.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

In the cheers and prayers of some local people, not long after the battle, a French warship that was constantly firing unexpectedly launched a continuous explosion, a large number of fires appeared, and in the thick smoke, it sank directly.

Ye Bai held up the binoculars and was surprised to see that the French battleship had sunk for no reason, and he could see clearly during the whole battle, the main firepower on the Yanhuang before was all concentrated on the most powerful wood-hulled protective cruiser in the French fleet, and the battleship that suddenly caught fire and sank was not within their strike range at all.

What is this situation?

Just when Ye Bai was puzzled, the excited voice of the signal soldier was already heard next to him: “Report commander, captain, Peng Ze and Yujiang have arrived on the battlefield, and successfully sank an enemy warship with torpedoes.” ”

Well, finally the case was solved, and the Peng Ze and Yu Jiang had already rushed to the battlefield, and joined the battle as soon as possible, taking advantage of the fact that all the attention of the French fleet was attracted by the Yanhuang, using torpedoes to sneak attack and make a successful achievement.

This French warship was stolen and sunk, and the situation on the battlefield has been reversed, in terms of numbers, the French fleet and the Chinese fleet each have 3 warships, which is considered to be comparable.

But when it comes to real combat effectiveness, it is simply a heaven and an underground, not to mention the Yanhuang, the strongest combat power, even the two destroyers Pengze and Yujiang have enough ability to send all these last three French warships into the sea to feed Wang Ba.

What’s more, after the French fleet sank three warships in succession, the Chengqing and Yuyuan gunboats, which were originally forced to hide in Shipu Port, actually sneaked out, and their eyes were round when they saw the situation on the battlefield.

The pipe band of the Chengqing is called Jiang Chaoying, who is Lin Zexu’s fellow countryman, but he does not have Lin Zexu’s iron bones, in the original Battle of Shipu Port, Jiang Chaoying did not dare to counterattack the French ships out of fear of war, but ordered his ships to be scuttled, and then reported that he was sunk by French torpedo boats.

(PS: The mistake of the author Jun, at that time only found out that Jiang Chaoying used to be the pipe band of the Yangwu, but ignored his ability and character problems, and now it is impossible to change the previous content, changing the captain of the Pengze to Liang Zifang, the deputy steward who died in the Battle of Mawei, the inconvenience caused to everyone, the author Jun is deeply sorry).

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