After solving the captain of the Dongyang, the remaining officers wanted to solve it better, recruiting a few lieutenant-level officers to help Lin Luzhong and build a basic command system, so that the Dongyang could exert most of its combat effectiveness.

As for the vacant captain position of the Yujiang after Lin Luzhong left, it is not difficult to solve, a captain of the captain of the lieutenant level is enough, anyway, a thousand ways and ten thousand, it is just a destroyer.

Lü Teyans’s suggestion made Ye Bai’s eyes light up, and he found that he had thought a little too much before, according to his original plan, he was ready to train Lin Luzhong to become the leader of the destroyer detachment, but now there are only 2 destroyers in the entire Huaxia fleet, where can a destroyer detachment be formed.

Instead of letting Lin Luzhong continue to command the destroyer Yujiang, it is better to put him on the Dongyang, if the size of the fleet expands in the future, with more destroyers, and can make a destroyer detachment, the funds in Ye Bai’s hands will definitely be a huge number, and the 1 million funds needed to recruit colonel-level officers are no longer a problem for him.

As for who the position of the captain of this destroyer detachment will be given to at that time, Ye Bai has not thought about it for the time being, let’s talk about it at that moment, not to mention that this kind of thing also needs to hear the meaning of Lin Luzhong, after all, he is an old man who follows him.

The problem of funds was solved, and Ye Bai’s action was also quite fast, while asking Lü Teyansi to give Lin Luzhong an order, let him take 20 deputies to the Dongyang in a lifeboat to take the position of captain.

Ye Bai himself was not idle, with a few guards also took the lifeboat on the Yanhuang to the Dongyang, the last time in order to replenish personnel for the Yujiang, Ye Bai was recruited on the Yanhuang in the evening, and as a result, in order to register information and transfer distribution for these newly recruited crews, but Lü Teyansi and others were busy for most of the night, tired not lightly.

With the previous lesson, Ye Bai naturally will not make the same mistake again, this time he chose to personally run and directly come to the Dongyang to recruit the crew, after all, this time the number of personnel needed to be recruited is more than the previous Yujiang, more than 500 people.

Standing on the front deck of the Dongyang, which was about the same size as the Yanhuang, Ye Bai opened the system panel, waved his hand, and the funds in his hand were deducted by the system, and figures began to appear on the deck.

Standing at the front were still 10 lieutenant-level officers with different ranks, and all of these people, except for one captain, who was used to take over the position of captain of the Yujiang, were all prepared for the Dongyang.

As the second strongest Dongyang in the Chinese fleet, the exertion of combat effectiveness is particularly important, the replenishment of personnel is very simple, Ye Bai can easily do it, but the tacit understanding between personnel and the cooperation between various departments also need training and actual combat baptism.

Before that, more officers need to be assigned to command and coordinate, and there is not much time left for the new activities described by the system.

Recruiting all the crew needed by the Dongyang, Lin Zhuzhong and a few people have also arrived, Ye Bai officially appointed him as the captain of the Dongyang in front of everyone, and then all the affairs were handed over to Lin Zhuzhong to be responsible.

Registering personnel files, assigning personnel positions, etc., all these tasks must be completed by Lin Luzhong, the new captain, which is why Lin Luzhong will be allowed to bring a few old subordinates when he takes office, just to help him.

Took the lifeboat back to the Yanhuang, through the porthole of the bridge, Ye Bai clearly saw that thick black smoke had come out of the chimney of the Dongyang, it seemed that Lin Zhuzhong’s action was very fast, so quickly assigned personnel to the position, and started the power system of the Dongyang.

“Commander, this Captain Lin is indeed very capable, if he is not mistaken, I am afraid that he will first assign the personnel so that the Dongyang can set sail at any time and keep up with the actions of the fleet.”

Lü Teyansi stood beside Ye Bai with an appreciative expression on his face, and continued: “While sailing to grind the tacit understanding of the crew, while completing the information registration of all crew members according to the departmental posts, there is no delay.” ”

Ye Bai smiled, although Lin Luzhong died young in the original history, he was an excellent admiral at that time, and now he has been recognized by the system, and it is not normal to do this to such a degree.

He raised his hand and patted Lütyansi’s shoulder, and chuckled: “General Lütyansi, it is not thanks to your recommendation, otherwise, Major Lin’s talent will be buried on the Yujiang.” ”

The smile on Lütyan’s face remained unchanged, but he didn’t say anything, this is the difference between Eastern and Western cultures, Lütyansi will not be humble about his own merits, and quite calmly bears Ye Bai’s praise for him.

“General Lütyans, with the addition of the Dongyang, the strength of the fleet has now been raised a notch, some of our pirate fleets that we did not dare to touch before, now we can also fight a dozen, we don’t have much time, we need to sink more pirate light cruisers in the most time.”

After listening to Ye Bai’s words, the smile on Lü Teyans’s face also disappeared, became a little serious, nodded and said: “Please rest assured that the commander will not disappoint the commander by his humble position.” ”

As a soldier and the actual commander of the Huaxia fleet, Ye Bai trusted him even more, almost completely relinquishing power, and such trust was worthy of Lütyans’s life.

But the gap in strength made it possible to evacuate when encountering the pirate fleet before, reducing the losses of the fleet, although Ye Bai did not say anything, but in the same bridge, Ye Bai’s frown was still seen by Lü Teyans, which made him feel that he had betrayed Ye Bai’s trust in him.

This also made Lü Teyans hold a breath in his heart, and he kept thinking of behaving well, sinking more pirate cruisers, and taking out this evil breath in his heart, which could also share Ye Bai’s worries.

Although Lin Luzhong used his ability to make the Dongyang start at the first time, there was no problem at all in sailing with the fleet, but as the actual commander of the Huaxia fleet, Lü Teyansi had to consider how much combat effectiveness the Dongyang, which was almost all newcomers, could exert its combat effectiveness.

Even though the 4 warships of the entire fleet have pulled anchor and set sail and continue to sail in the vast sea, the overall speed is not fast, and they do not deliberately look for traces of the pirate fleet.

Lü Teyan’s purpose was to buy more time for Lin Luzhong, so that he could initially grind in the officers and soldiers on the Dongyang, establish tacit understanding and cooperation, at least in the process of battle, there should not be some low-level mistakes due to the rustiness of cooperation.

Although Lüttyans held a fire in his heart and wanted to vent well on the pirate fleet, he was still a qualified admiral, and his reason was still there, and he could not risk the safety of the entire fleet, which was not an act that a fleet commander should have.

For Lütyans’s thoughts, Ye Bai did not know, in fact, even if he knew, he would not object, after all, Lütyans’s behavior was more reasonable and cautious, and in such a dangerous world as the Great Navigation World, no matter how cautious it was.

The current Huaxia fleet seems to have 2 light cruisers and 2 destroyers, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first master among players, but in fact it does not have crushing strength.

Not to mention that compared with those aboriginal forces that even have dozens of capital warships, even compared with those top player organizations, it is not necessarily possible to achieve absolute victory.

Destroyer upgrade props are not easy to get, but gunboat upgrade props are much simpler, and from gunboats to destroyer level, the number of upgrade props required is not much, with a few destroyers leading the team, it is easy to sink a pirate fleet.

Even if these players do not get as rich rewards as Ye Bai when they open the drop chest, they can always get a lot of gunboat upgrade props, which is why 970 now has more and more destroyers in the hands of players.

If Ye Bai clashes with these player organizations at this moment, and a large number of destroyers on the other side rush up, even the Yanhuang and Dongyang will suffer a big loss, don’t forget, the destroyers can be equipped with torpedo tubes.

In the face of a large number of torpedoes rushing from all directions, let alone Pengze and Yujiang, even light cruisers such as Yanhuang and Dongyang could not bear it, and failure was a foregone conclusion.

Therefore, the current Ye Bai did not care about those player organizations at all, he was bent on sinking more pirate light cruisers as soon as possible and obtaining enough light cruiser upgrade props, only in this way could he upgrade the Yanhuang to an escort aircraft carrier as soon as possible.

As long as the Yanhuang is successfully upgraded to an escort aircraft carrier, and then uses space spar to transform the hangar, Ye Bai has real confidence, except for the aboriginal fleet that Ye Bai does not understand, the battleships in the hands of players, even if they are successfully upgraded to the light cruiser level, do not have many air defense weapons.

In the face of attacks from the air, the player’s warships can be said to be defenseless, and can only become live targets.

On the contrary, evaluating the detection range of the radar, as well as air superiority, Ye Bai can completely carry out long-range attacks, even if these players are blown up, they still do not know where their opponents are.

Especially the new activities that the system is about to open, the reward of the first place in the last novice trial is something that Ye Bai can’t forget, and this new activity of the system, Ye Bai is also determined to win the first place.

If he can upgrade the Yanhuang to an escort aircraft carrier before the start of the new event, Ye Bai will be more sure of winning the first place in the event, if not, it may not be.

Playing alone with players, Ye Bai is not worried, what he is really worried about is those player organizations, they are Ye Bai’s biggest opponents, but before the official opening of the new activities of the system, who does not have what kind of rules for activities.

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