A pneumatic used 18 torpedoes, according to the price in the system mall, this round of attack hit 90,000 pieces, the power is strong, but the consumption is really large, it is estimated that in this period, many backward players do not have so much money in their hands.

And paying such a big price, naturally will not be wasted, Lütyans hit the idea of sinking the two pirate cruisers before the pirate support fleet arrived, and then adjust the state to meet the reinforcements.

Therefore, with an order, the 4 warships aimed all their guns at the remnants of the Corsair light cruiser, and shells with a diameter of 152mm.127mm to 102mm continued to rain down.

The pirate light cruiser, which had just been hit by several torpedoes and suffered heavy damage again, did not wait to come to its senses, but was covered by a large number of shells, and in a violent explosion, the pirate light cruiser that survived by luck did not even have a counterattack, and was completely exhausted of armor value and quickly sank to the bottom of the sea.

“Commander, 2 light cruisers have been sunk, do we continue to pursue those fleeing warships, or wait for the arrival of the opposing support fleet.”

After the success of the battle, Lü Teyansi directly turned around and asked Ye Bai’s opinion, after all, for the sake of fleet safety, it must be easier to pursue those escaped alien player warships, and even let the fleet be unscathed.

“No, General Lütyans, those player warships don’t need to be bothered, our purpose is to sink all the remaining light cruisers in the pirate fleet first, these warships have already been damaged a lot, it is a rare opportunity, wait until they are finished cleaning up, and then deal with those players.”

Ye Bai made a decision almost without the slightest hesitation, although alien players and pirates are his enemies, but it is rare to encounter 6 half-crippled light cruisers that have suffered heavy damage, where can such a good thing be missed, even if those alien players take the opportunity to escape, he doesn’t care.

“Yes, commander, pass on my order, the Yanhuang and Dongyang take the lead, and the Pengze and Yujiang are deployed on both wings, advancing at full speed, adjusting the hull, and meeting the opponent’s support fleet.”

According to the radar detection results, the pirate warships that rushed to support had advanced nearly 10 kilometers, less than 10 kilometers away from where the two pirate light cruisers sank, and nearly 20 kilometers away from the Huaxia fleet.

Such a long distance can exceed the effective range of the main gun on the battleship, and the opponent’s battleship is also equipped with radar, if you advance a distance, you can detect the situation on this side, if you don’t get it right, you will turn around and run, of course, choose to take the initiative to close the distance between the two sides, and do not give them a chance to escape.

The two fleets moved opposite each other, and the distance of less than 20 kilometers soon only 10 kilometers remained, and at this distance, the sea search radar on the opposing warships had detected the existence of the Yanhuang and Dongyang, and because of the speed, the two destroyers Pengze and Yujiang that fell in the rear were not detected by the other side.

However, the appearance of the Yanhuang and Dongyang did not surprise them, but they did not find the warships of their own fleet, which surprised them, and the speed also slowed down to a certain extent, and after less than 2 minutes, the two light cruisers turned around.

After receiving the report, Lü Teyansi frowned and said: “Commander, it seems that the other party did not contact his companions through the radio, and he found that it was not good, and he was ready to evacuate~.” ”

Ye Bai was shocked in his heart, where could such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity be missed, and said loudly: “Hurry up and catch up, you must not let them run.” ”

“Please rest assured commander, these two light cruisers have been damaged, the speed is only 28 knots, and it is simply impossible to run.”

The Yanhuang and Dongyang were in unscated condition, maintaining a maximum speed of 32 knots, where would these two power-damaged pirate light cruisers slip under their noses.

The speed gap between the warships on both sides made the two pirate light cruisers’ attempts to escape frustrated, and the Yanhuang and Dongyang soon brought the distance between the two sides by 7 kilometers, and the guns with high doors on the two warships suddenly burst into flames.

A 152mm diameter shell streaked through the sky with a whistling sound, falling into the perimeter of the two pirate cruisers who were arcing at sea and preparing to turn around and evacuate, blowing up a huge column of water and putting great psychological pressure on the pirates on the two warships.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

Don’t look at the Yanhuang and Dongyang, they are only the most basic type of light cruisers, according to standards, they are treaty-type cruisers on the earth before the start of World War II, and they are backward in all aspects, but under the special rules of the great navigation world, the combat effectiveness that can be exerted is not ordinary.

Aside from other things, the rate of fire of the three twin 152mm guns far exceeded that of the same naval gun in real history, and the reloading of the shells was completed in just 15 seconds, and a new volley was fired.

The ultra-high rate of fire allowed these 152mm guns to exert greater firepower in naval battles, so that the two pirate cruisers had to stop their withdrawal and launch counterattacks on the Yanhuang and Dongyang.

The two sides fought together, and the pirate cruiser’s evacuation attempt was frustrated, and the rumbling roar of artillery fire and the explosion of shells resounded throughout the sea, and the alien players who were desperately fleeing also heard these sounds.

However, they have been completely defeated by the pirate fleet at this moment, even if they hear the roar of artillery fire, they only think that other companions are being caught up by pirate warships and are struggling to survive, where do they dare to continue to stay for a long time, exerting the strength to eat, quickly break away, for fear of being caught up by pirate warships.

However, they did not know that because of the sudden attack of the Huaxia fleet, the pirate warships pursuing them had changed their actions, and even if they had found that the pirate warships that were chasing behind them turned around and left, they did not think so much, but thought that these pirates had gone to surround other scattered and fleeing compatriots.

Just as the so-called “dead friends do not die and poor road”, although there is no such sentence in the alien world, but these guys fully understand this meaning, since there are other companions who attract the attention of the pirate fleet, they naturally have to desperately escape, as for rescue, sorry, everyone is not familiar, at most, for the sake of everyone fighting together, burn more paper money for them in the future.

“Report, radar detected that two warships are coming directly ahead, with a speed of about 27 knots, and it is expected to be light cruisers.”

The artillery battle between the two fleets is still continuing, and the radar is constantly monitoring the surrounding seas, and another pirate warship that originally pursued the alien player to escape the battleship was discovered by the radar soldiers as soon as it entered the detection range of the sea search radar, and then reported up.

Glancing at the two pirate light cruisers that were still fighting back, Lü Teyansi said without looking back: “Order the Pengze and Yujiang not to join the battle, and go around from the left and right wings to wait for orders.” ”

“Yes, Captain.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The signal soldier did not delay in the slightest, and immediately relayed Lütyans’s order to the other warships.

Ye Bai frowned and asked a little puzzled: “General Lütyans, why don’t you let the two destroyers launch torpedo attacks, with our containment, under the attack of a large number of torpedoes, it is difficult for their already badly damaged warships to avoid torpedo attacks.” ”

Ye Bai was really curious, if not, he would not have asked at this time, who usually did not interfere in the command of Lu Teyans.

In Ye Bai’s mind, the pirate’s 2 light cruisers are about to come to support, now is not the time to quickly sink the 2 warships in front, so as not to let the other side occupy the numerical advantage, just like the battle just now, launch a large number of torpedoes to attack, the two semi-crippled light cruisers can not dodge at all, even if they are not bombed and sunk, they will be completely damaged.

Lütyans shook his head and explained softly: “Commander, the pirates are not stupid, the actions just now have reminded us that once the war is unfavorable, the remaining pirate warships will quickly withdraw, instead of spending time chasing, it is better to give them a little hope and let them send them to the door themselves.” ”

Lütyans’s words were not very straightforward, but Ye Bai was not a fool, and he was a little confused at first, but as soon as his brain turned, he figured out what Lütyansi meant.

The two sides are still in artillery battle, but as long as they do not sink these two warships, it gives the pirates a glimmer of hope, and the two pirate cruisers that are rushing to support will not give up support, and when they get closer to a distance, it is when the Chinese fleet is really powerful.

At that time, even if the pirate warships that came to support found that the situation was not good, and they wanted to escape, it would not be as easy as (Qian Nuo’s).

He glanced at Lütyans with admiration, then closed his mouth and stopped talking, standing next to the porthole, holding up his binoculars and looking at the sea outside, waiting for the final results.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

Under the deliberate release of the Yanhuang and Dongyang, the two semi-crippled pirate cruisers were inextricably fought with them, and from time to time a shell fell on the battleship, and the power of the explosion caused damage to both warships.

The two destroyers, the Yujiang and Pengze, have also detoured into place, cruising about 6 kilometers apart on the left and right sides of the battlefield sea, without the slightest intention of attacking.

And the two pirate light cruisers who came to support at high speed were also desperate at the moment, in order to increase the speed, even strong pressure ventilation was used, and a high speed of 30 knots burst out shortly, quickly closing the distance between the two sides.

“Report to the captain, the enemy support fleet is still 5 kilometers from the battlefield, and 20 kilometers from the rear there are several more warships with a speed of about 25 knots, it is impossible to judge the specific type of battleship.”

Although the radar soldier could not judge the type of pirate warship that came later, Ye Bai knew in his heart that it was just a destroyer, after all, from the beginning, there were only 6 light cruisers in the pirate fleet, and 2 were sunk by the Huaxia fleet before, and now there is one on the opposite side.

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