Seeing these contents, Ye Bai finally understood why in the previous battle between the alien player fleet and the pirate fleet, those temporarily organized alien players were able to withstand so many casualties.

This is because there is a support fleet rushing to support, and secondly, I am afraid that they have learned all this from the previous players who were eliminated from the active space, and know that in the active space, even if the ship is sunk, there will be no death.

Although after the ship is sunk, it takes a great financial price to completely repair it, but there is a chance for a comeback, not to mention that as long as they perform well and grab a resource point, the rewards given by the aborigines and the subsequent system rewards can make them take off, so where will they not work hard, after all, the interests are red.

The phrase “Bo Yibo bicycle becomes a motorcycle” is not only popular on the earth, but also in other worlds, there should be a similar saying.

And this unexpected news also made Ye Bai suppress more than half of his previous worries about sending the Yujiang out, perhaps even if the Yujiang really had an accident, it would be like those players’ ships, not really sunk, but only seriously damaged.

Spending a lot of money to repair the battleship itself and various subsystems may be difficult for other players, but in Ye Bai, it is much simpler, although he cannot meet the favorability requirements of those aboriginal forces, and needs to be repurchased from the system mall.

Xu Chengan, who has deep pockets, did not take these expenses to heart, at least it was much cheaper than buying a brand new destroyer, not to mention that in the small space of the logistics cabin on the Yanhuang, there were still a lot of battleship subsystem equipment, perhaps Ye Bai did not need to spend too much to make the Yujiang new and restore its combat effectiveness.

Without the danger of death, the battle between Blue Star players and alien players is even more fierce, and fierce naval battles break out around resource points in various activity spaces, and even these resource points have changed hands several times, and no player on either side can occupy a resource point for more than 4 hours.

This is only the first day, the battle between the two sides is so fierce, there are still many players, especially those who have formed a large-scale player organization, and they are still in a wait-and-see situation.

This group of players is also quite savvy, the entire resource point battle event needs to last for three days, and the system’s judgment criteria are very simple, at the end of the event, the resource points fall into whose hands, determine who to give.

Even if someone occupies a resource point for more than 2 days, but fails at the last moment, and is robbed of the resource point by others, it also means that the task fails, and all previous efforts are in vain.

Therefore, these shrewd player organizations did not choose to end at this time, but let those scattered players fight each other, consume the strength of alien players and pirate fleets, and wait until the critical moment, they will take the initiative to seize resource points.

To some extent, this group of players has almost the same idea as Ye Bai, they are all sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, and then sitting on the fisherman’s profit, but Ye Bai’s purpose is somewhat different from them, the biggest goal is the pirate cruiser, so that the Yanhuang can be upgraded smoothly, as for the resource point, it depends on the situation on the last day.

With the guarantee provided by the system, Ye Bai’s heart finally relaxed, sitting quietly on the chair, waiting for the results of the close reconnaissance on the Yujiang side, of course, he did not disclose the news to Lu Teyansi and others.

After all, those players who were eliminated said their ships, and did not say whether the warships under the fleet could enjoy the same treatment after being sunk, everything was just Ye Bai’s guess, and it was still necessary to be careful, it was best not to be sunk.

Close reconnaissance, this effect is indeed far beyond the detection ability of radar, with a high speed of 28 knots successfully arrived at the Yujiang near the resource point, and soon transmitted the situation on the other side of the resource point.

According to the detection of the Yujiang radar and the naked eye observation of the lookout, there are currently more than 400 warships gathered near this resource point, and the light spots on the radar display screen are dense and cannot be counted at all.

So many warships are naturally not affiliated with the same forces, but belong to the Blue Star player camp and the alien player camp respectively, and they are mostly gunboats, and the number of destroyers is relatively small.

The warships of both sides have already made a pot of porridge in the sea near the resource point, and the roar of artillery, the sound of explosions, and the shells in the sky are constantly staggered.

However, whether it is a blue star player fleet or an alien player fleet, don’t look at a lot of them, but they all have one thing in common, that is, there is almost no tacit understanding and cooperation, all of them are fighting separately.

In this case, in the entire warring sea, the warships on both sides are almost intertwined, you have me, I have yours, and the formation and queue are completely absent.

Such a chaotic battle scene, it can be said that all kinds of strange things happen from time to time, the shells fired did not hit the target, but hit other warships is simply commonplace, and even hit friendly warships, more accidental injuries than accurate hits.

Seeing such a scene, the captain of the Yujiang was stunned, and did not know what to say, even Lütyans, who learned about the situation on the battlefield, shook his head again and again, feeling extremely incredible, as a rear admiral with professional training and a lot of actual combat experience, it is simply unimaginable to the death behavior of the players.

“Commander, where is this war, if they are all at this level, as long as they give their subordinates a battleship formation, they can defeat them all~.”

Lütyans can also be regarded as merciful, if it were not for the special rules of the great navigation world, I am afraid that even a battleship formation would not be needed, and a reorganized fleet with tacit understanding would be able to complete this task.

Ye Bai is not surprised, this situation is normal for players, after all, most of them are not professional naval officers, or ordinary people, even if they were once soldiers, there are many army and air forces, where will know how to command naval battles.

Even before the start of the war, a loose alliance was barely formed, and even had a unified command, but when the real fight started, where would there be so much care, not each fighting, ordinary people simply could not command so many players without tacit understanding.

In fact, Ye Bai himself is also like this, he doesn’t know anything about naval battles, if he hadn’t accidentally recruited Rutyans, a rear admiral, he wouldn’t even be able to command the 4 warships under his current command, and everyone was each other.

“Okay, General Lütyans, these players are not our target, or that sentence, our primary target is the group of pirates, let the Yujiang pay attention to observe, and once it finds that the pirate fleet has joined the battle, report it immediately.”

“Yes, Commander.”

The resource point has been beaten into a pot of porridge, the rumbling sound of artillery fire is enough to spread a long distance, if there is a pirate fleet around, it will inevitably find the situation on the resource point side. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So many player warships that are about to beat the dog’s brains together, in the eyes of the pirates, it is a piece of fat, if you don’t bite two bites fiercely, you don’t deserve to be called a pirate.

As long as there is this group of player warships as bait, the group of pirates who want to act as yellow finches will appear sooner or later, and they will not know that behind them, there is also their own hunter with a shotgun who can pull the trigger on them at any time.

In Ye Bai’s heart, he originally thought that this group of pirates would soon appear, but I don’t know whether the pirates felt that the time was not ripe, or there was no pirate fleet near this resource point, in short, until the evening, there was no trace of the pirate fleet on the Yujiang side.

When it was dark, the scale of the Blue Star Player and the Alien Player exceeded 400 ships, and the naval battle that lasted for 2 hours finally came to an end, and the two sides tacitly stopped the bombardment, silently retreated for a distance, and maintained enough vigilance, seemingly preparing for a temporary truce.

This is also normal, the sky is dark, the vision is not good, the hit rate of shells will be unimaginably low, although the resource point is very important, but no one is sure of the victory, naturally will not fight at sea at night.

Instead of smearing the battle, it is better to take advantage of the time in the evening to take a break, and at the same time, you can call friends in the chat section, find more support, and strive to completely defeat the opposing fleet after dawn and take this resource point.

Not only this resource point, but also other resource points in the event space, and even other event spaces, players who have experienced a day of fierce fighting have almost ceased fire and entered the rest stage.

The time of night is the best time for players on both sides to adjust their deployment and obtain reinforcements, and everyone can think that the next day’s battle will be more intense, and they will not win without more preparation.

On the first day, players who were tricked by the system did not know which activity space they were in, and many people were dragged into chaos

There is an evening time to communicate and adjust, and tomorrow’s battle will probably not be so chaotic.

The Blue Star player and the alien player temporarily truce, and the Yujiang naturally did not stay there, and immediately retreated for about 20 kilometers before stopping, this position is just at the edge of the radar detection range on the Yanhuang, which is a care.

And at this distance, once a big war breaks out on the side of the resource point, the Yujiang can also hear the movement, and close to it at any time to observe the situation over there, Ye Bai also needs to guard against the pirate fleet to launch a night attack on the player fleet next to the resource point.

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