“Colonel Ramsay, your explanation is really good and powerful.”

Hearing the explanation given by Ramsey, Ye Bai couldn’t help but slap his face, he could see that in this great navigation world, anything that was unclear or unreasonable could be pushed onto the system.

Anyway, in this world, the system rules are quite strange, and there are many places that are completely different from the real world, and indeed there is no real-world experience that cannot be measured and judged.

When it comes to the system, even Ye Bai, as the commander of the Huaxia fleet, can only be silent, after all, the Heaven and Earth Great System is the largest.

Although the tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighter is a carrier-based fighter with quite backward performance in Ye Bai’s opinion, not to mention that compared with those carrier-based fighters such as the Zero and F6F Hellcat in the late World War II, even among the carrier-based fighters of the same era, it is relatively backward.

But in the end, people also fly in the sky, no matter how slow the speed is nearly 400 kilometers per hour, 80 kilometers of distance, it only takes 10 minutes to arrive smoothly.

Like the crew recruited from the system, these carrier-based pilots are hierarchical, from lowest to highest, into third-level pilots, second-level pilots, first-class pilots, elite pilots, and ace pilots.

This time, Ye Bai’s luck when recruiting pilots was relatively average, almost half of them were second-level pilots, a small number of third-level pilots and first-level pilots, only a few elite pilots, and none of the ace pilots.

These elite pilots were directly appointed as the squadron leaders of each carrier-based aircraft squadron, and for this reconnaissance mission, the elite pilots who served as the captains of the carrier-based fighter squadron personally went out and took the other three Tubenose Yan 440 carrier-based fighters piloted by second-level pilots to act together.

The ceiling altitude of the tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighter reached more than 6,000 meters, but in order to better detect the combat situation at the resource point, the 4-tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighter reduced the flight altitude to about 1,500 meters.

In the final analysis, the tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighter is not a professional reconnaissance aircraft, lacking aerial cameras and other reconnaissance equipment, and can only rely on the crew of the machine gunner in the back seat to use binoculars for naked eye reconnaissance.

In the eyes of the pilots, the sky over the resource point at this moment was almost shrouded in a large amount of smoke, thousands of warships of various types in this sea area into a pot of porridge, from time to time you can see violent explosions on one battleship after another, or sink into the sea with scars.

Naturally, so many warships that were fighting fiercely did not belong to the same camp, and judging by the flags hanging on the masts of the battleships, these warships actually belonged to three different camps.

The Blue Star player camp, the alien player camp, and the elusive pirate camp all appeared, and the warships of the three forces broke out in this sea area for the final fierce battle.

At the order of the elite pilot, who served as the leader of the squadron of carrier-based fighters, 4-barreled swallow carrier-based fighters whizzed past at low altitude, divided into 4 directions, and conducted reconnaissance towards further places.

Through the contact of the intercom, it was found that the thousands of warships below were not all the warships of the three camps, this was just the main battlefield, and there were several battlefields not far from the main battlefield, and the number of warships fighting was not small.

Even the warships on several branch battlefields are all combined, and the total number exceeds the number of warships on the main battlefield, and the few pilots who are on reconnaissance missions are terrified.

With so many warships gathered together, even if their anti-aircraft firepower is weak, as long as they shoot at the air together, their carrier-based fighters that are not very fast in this area 4 are likely to be shot down.

But fortunately, I don’t know whether the fiercely engaged three-way forces on the sea did not discover the existence of this carrier-based aircraft, or whether they had discovered it but did not care, or whether a larger number of players’ battleships were not equipped with anti-aircraft weapons themselves.

In short, the 4-barreled swallow carrier-based fighters roared over the battlefield again and again, but did not suffer any attacks, and no one paid attention to them at all, which made several pilots recover from the initial panic, and even gradually became more courageous.

In order to better reconnaissance effect, they even lowered the flight altitude below 1,000 meters, and even the speed was deliberately slowed down, so that they could better see the battle situation in the sea below.

Several pilots on this side became more and more waves, and Ye Bai and others, who were more than 80 kilometers away from the resource point, also learned about the battle situation on the other side of the resource point from the mouths of several pilots through the radio.

At the beginning, Qi Sicheng was still marking the battle situation on the resource point on the enlarged navigation map, but as the follow-up intelligence increased, the scale of the warships found became larger and larger, and Qi Sicheng directly chose to give up, there were too many to mark.

“Fuck, all the bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods have appeared on this last day, so many warships are there, how can I pick up cheap.”

Knowing the battle situation on the other side of the resource point, Ye Bai’s head was bigger, originally thinking that the Yanhuang had been upgraded to an escort aircraft carrier, and with the advantage of long-range air strikes, he could bully those warships that had no air defense weapons and seize the opportunity to grab a resource point.

As a result, the current situation is that there are a large number of three-party warships gathered on the resource point, not to mention that the Yanhuang is only 72 carrier-based aircraft on the scale, even if it is several times more, there is no way to sink so many warships.

Ye Bai, who has always enjoyed the special rules of the Great Navigation World, began to hate the rules of the system at this moment, if it were not for the change in the rules of battle, he could have relied on the air superiority of the swordfish torpedo machine to launch torpedo attacks on battleships at close range, quickly sink enemy warships, and perhaps have the opportunity to severely damage the fleet of his own forces and seize resource points.

But now, this opportunity is obviously impossible, and even Ramsey suggests that only a small number of Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft be equipped.

Lütyans is also very ugly, even as an admiral, he has never experienced such a large-scale naval battle, don’t look at most of the fleets of the three warring forces are small warships such as destroyers and even gunboats, but the fighting posture can really bluff people.

Ramsay thought for a moment and said, “Commander, in this situation, there is not much hope of grabbing resource points, unless we can get help from friendly forces, or we can change our plans.” ”

“Oh? What are your ideas? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ye Bai and Lütyans turned their eyes to Ramsay almost at the same time, wanting to hear what kind of good methods this aviation staff officer had.

“The battle on the resource point side is very intense, and on the last day, it is estimated that no one is willing to give up easily, but in fact, the purpose of these three camps is not the same, players want to defeat all opponents and grab resource points, while pirates are different, they are just for simple killing and looting.”

“With the habit of supreme pirate interests, once the loss is too large and the war is unfavorable, it will inevitably take the initiative to withdraw, leaving the battlefield to the player’s fleet, we can’t come this trip in vain, using the long-range strike power of carrier-based aircraft to sink these pirate fleets with heavy losses, it can be regarded as some gains.”

Ramsey’s advice is simple, but practical, and at the end of the day, it’s still a bargain, but his train of thought is a reminder to Lütyans.

Just as Ramsey’s words fell, Lütyans also spoke: “Commander, Colonel Ramsey’s suggestion is good, once the pirate fleet withdraws from the battlefield, there will only be a player fleet left on the resource point, and we can completely help the friendly fleet, defeat the hostile player forces, and form a good relationship.” ”

Lü Teyan’s words also reminded Ye Bai that he did not find that his thinking had entered a misunderstanding until this time, and he had always been thinking of monopolizing resource points, in fact, this was impossible at all, unless the strength of the Huaxia fleet under Ye Bai was strong enough to crush all the player forces.

This point is simply impossible, and the resource point competition activity opened by the system is also based on the camp, not on the individual player or player organization, in other words, as long as Ye Bai participates in the battle and helps the Blue Star player occupy this resource point, in fact, in the judgment of the system, he is also the party that completes the task.

Since this is the case, then Ye Bai’s hard thinking about how to monopolize the resource point here is completely putting the cart before the horse.

Thinking about this, Ye Bai’s eyes lit up, and he quickly said: “Now that the battle over there at the resource point is fierce, take advantage of their lack of time to take care of him, and immediately dispatch carrier-based bombers to launch aerial bombardment of the pirate fleet and the hostile player fleet. ”

“Remember, our primary target is the light cruiser in the pirate fleet, Ramsey, and this time the bombing operation is under your command, Lütyans, who directs the fleet to set sail in the direction of the resource point, keeping a distance of about 40 kilometers from the resource point.”

“Yes, Commander.”

Lütyans and Ramsey immediately took orders, and then each turned around and began to give relevant orders.

Although the Yanhuang was upgraded to an escort aircraft carrier, it was not the same as a conventional aircraft carrier, and instead of dividing multiple layers of bridges on the island to assume different command functions, it was directly integrated under the intervention of the system to form a larger bridge.

Flight control, flight control, operational command and information processing can be done almost all here, which is not very conventional, but it is still the pot of that system.

Therefore, Lütyans and Ramsey, who were responsible for different command tasks, did not even have to change places, and they could completely command all of them here.

The speed of the Huaxia fleet was increased step by step, in order to take care of the slow Yanhuang, the speed of the entire fleet was maintained at 18 knots, the two destroyers Pengze and Yujiang took the lead, the light cruiser Dongyang followed the Yanhuang as a personal escort, and the destroyer Changning fell behind.

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