This may not seem like much, but it is enough to buy 3 carrier-based aircraft, not to mention that this is only the first round of bombing, and the second round of bomber groups has already taken off, if nothing else, you can also get another batch of rewards for dropping treasure chests, which should not be worse than this time.

The number of warships of the three parties on the battlefield of the resource point is all added up, and there are more than a thousand, so many warships, some are attack targets, as long as they need to maintain the intensity of continuous bombing, Ye Bai will receive a large reward.

Joyfully storing some other equipment rewards that were not used for the time being in the warehouse in the small space of the logistics cabin as usual, Ye Bai turned back to Ramsey’s side, watching him command the orderly landing of the first group of bombers who had flown over the fleet and were waiting to land.

One after another, the carrier-based aircraft landed safely on the flight deck of the Yanhuang under the command of the aircraft carrier ground crew, and the two centerline elevators almost did not mean to stop for a moment, sending some carrier-based aircraft into the hangar.

The flight deck has a limited area and cannot dock too many carrier-based aircraft, not to mention refueling and ammunition for these carrier-based aircraft, so most carrier-based aircraft still need to be sent into the hangar to complete the refurbishment.

At this moment, the weakness of the escort aircraft carrier was exposed, and the takeoff and landing efficiency of the fighter was still far behind the real aircraft carrier, and Ye Bai was anxious in his heart, but also a little helpless.

After all, this is a design defect of the escort aircraft carrier, not to mention that the task of escorting the aircraft carrier is not to act as the main force, and the participation in the fleet war is just to encounter Ye Bai’s strangeness, using space spar to directly transform the entire hangar, so that the escort aircraft carrier that can only have a small number of carrier-based aircraft 28 directly exceeds the real aircraft carrier, and the number of oversized carrier-based aircraft makes the already low take-off and landing efficiency of the escort aircraft carrier appear a little lower.

Originally, Ye Bai thought that after successfully upgrading the Yanhuang into an escort aircraft carrier, he would be able to take off completely, who knew that he was stuck by the take-off and landing efficiency of carrier-based aircraft, it was really unpleasant enough, if it were not for the system rules not allowing, he really wanted to transform the Yanhuang.

Either adding another flight deck, or adding a few more take-off and landing aircraft, or changing the original midline takeoff and landing aircraft to a side side take-off and landing platform, and increasing the number of one-time lifting carrier-based aircraft, can solve this problem relatively effectively.

Unfortunately, under the current system rules, players are only allowed to modify the subsystems or compartments of the battleship, and cannot modify the parts related to the hull structure, let alone add a flight deck, and even change the position of the takeoff and landing aircraft.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

Ye Bai was cranky on the bridge of the Yanhuang, the battle ahead still did not mean to stop, with the experience of the first batch of bomber groups before, the pilots of the second group of bombers taking off from the Yanhuang had much more experience.

Knowing that the anti-aircraft firepower of the fleet of the three forces was basically equal to nothing, there was no threat to them, and as soon as they arrived in the sky above the battlefield, they roared and launched an attack on the warships of the various forces below.

Although Ye Bai’s order was to bombard the pirate light cruisers first, the number of warships of the pirate fleet was already relatively rare, especially the number of light cruisers, it was even less, such a large-scale chaotic naval battle, it was not so easy to accurately find the light cruisers among them.

This time, there were no carrier-based fighters hovering over the battlefield for a while in advance to guide the target, so the pilots of the second wave of bombing groups could only rely on their own eyes.

In the chaotic battlefield situation, it was impossible to ensure that the target of attack was accurately found, and Ramsey on the Yanhuang gave a new order in time, and did not need to be entangled in the problem of attacking the target, but all the warships belonging to the enemy forces launched an attack.

Ramsay was able to convey such an order, which naturally came from Ye Bai’s order, and with the first success, Ye Bai found that he did not need to be obsessed with attacking those pirate light cruisers that were already small in number, but should give full play to his air superiority and launch a crazy bombing of all the enemy force warships that appeared in the field of vision.

Although after sinking these small warships, the rewards that appear in the dropped treasure chests are relatively small, but these small battleships are not easy to fight, and when there is not much armor left, one or two aerial bombs can often kill them.

As long as there are enough small warships sunk, the final reward may not be less than after sinking the light cruiser, as long as there are enough monetary rewards, Ye Bai can continue to buy carrier-based bombers and increase the Yanhuang’s long-range strike capability, thus forming a virtuous circle.

Without the shackles of fixed targets, the bomber pilots hovering over the battlefield were completely happy, and it was obviously much easier to find alien player warships than the few pirate light cruisers.

The crew of 2 crew members is also easier to find the target than a single person, once found, immediately press the joystick, reduce the flight altitude, fly low above the enemy warship, shake the wings, and throw the mounted 227KG aerial bomb.

Without the drag of aerial bombs, the entire fuselage felt light, quickly pulled up, so that the huge fireball that came from the violent explosion behind itself did not touch the side of the fighter at all.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

One by one, aerial bombs exploded violently on each battleship, and the attacks from overhead were more accurate, and the explosive power of aerial bombs was greater than that of shells fired from a distance, and a huge fireball appeared, causing heavy damage to the attacked warships.

Without the slightest anti-aircraft weapon, the alien player’s warship has no resistance to aerial bombardment, and if you want to maneuver quickly to effectively evade, the speed of the fighters flying in the sky does not know how many times faster than the battleship under their feet, where can they dodge.

Some of the unlucky guys were the most pitiful, and the aerial bombs that fell from the sky directly destroyed the entire main battery turret, and the powerful explosion even blew open a large hole in the ammunition bay leading to the deck.

The flames generated by the explosion scattered in all directions and fell into the exposed ammunition compartment, instantly igniting the propellant pack inside, thus directly causing a large number of ammunition in the entire ammunition depot.

Under the loud “boom”, a large number of reserve ammunition exploded, this power is more terrifying than any attack, directly blowing the entire battleship apart, there is no chance to struggle, and it sinks directly into the sea.

Although the rules of naval warfare in the world of navigation are relatively special, they still retain the opportunity to kill with one hit, that is, luckily hit the battleship’s ammunition depot, causing ammunition to explode, which is the only chance to directly damage or even completely sink the battleship.

However, to achieve this goal, it is not so easy, there is no fire control radar, there is no precision guidance, just at the current level of science and technology, unless you go luck, it is simply impossible to achieve a shell directly hit the ammunition compartment, causing the ammunition to explode.

What’s more, above any ammunition compartment, there is also a heavy naval gun main battery turret, and the general attack will blow up the main battery turret at most, and at this time, when the shell power is not enough, it is simply impossible to blow up the ammunition compartment. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Therefore, they have been in the world of great navigation for a month, not to mention the Huaxia fleet, even among all the players, there are very few people who directly penetrate the ammunition compartment and cause the ammunition to explode during the battle, thus entering the soul.

That is, these Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers belong to empowerment attacks, the hit rate is already much better than long-range shelling, and the explosive power of 227KG-class aerial bombs is also powerful enough, otherwise it would not be possible.

Even the 8 slow-swallowing Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft that accompanied the attack did not carry 730KG aviation torpedoes, but changed to multiple aerial bombs, after all, their bomb load is larger than that of the Skua, and there is more than one aerial bomb capable of carrying 003.

As for why the ammunition on the Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft was replaced, it was naturally a lesson learned from the first batch of bombers, in the first round of bombing, 8 Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft were loaded with a 730KG class aviation torpedo.

Although these swordfish torpedo attack aircraft still flew not far from the enemy warship according to the bombing manual, they threw torpedoes, not giving the enemy warship any chance to evade, effectively ensuring the hit rate of torpedoes.

However, under the special rules of the great maritime world, torpedoes no longer have the powerful threat of real history, although they can still cause great damage to enemy warships, but they cannot kill with one hit.

In terms of power, aviation torpedoes are much weaker than carrier-based torpedoes, and the damage that can be caused to the armor value of battleships is also limited, and its lethality is only a little more than half of that of shipborne torpedoes, and the only advantage may be that it has a nearly 100% hit rate.

But this lethality may be a big killer for gunboats with weak armor, but for warships above the level of destroyers, the actual killing effect is very small, not to mention that torpedoes attack positions near the waterline of battleships.

In this position, even if the opponent’s battleship is blown open several large holes, protected by special rules of the great navigation world, there will be no situation where seawater is poured into the battleship cabin, resulting in the sinking of the battleship, so the role of the torpedo machine is somewhat embarrassing.

Ramsey, keenly aware of this through contacts with the pilots of the first bomber groups, quickly adjusted, anyway, the Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft was capable of carrying not only aerial torpedoes, but also aerial bombs.

In the case of a small number of Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers, these Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft can only temporarily go into battle, make a cameo appearance as a bomber, use their own larger bomb load, carry more aerial bombs, carry out aerial bombs, and reap greater results.

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