The bomber group took off and bombed one after another, exhausting the pilots and ground crew, but their results were also quite rich.

Each round of aerial bombardment sank about 20 warships, and while receiving a large number of rewards, it also greatly changed the situation on the battlefield.

Since he was classified by the system into the camp of Blue Star players and did not want to make himself an enemy of the whole people, Ye Bai naturally wanted to do something that Blue Star players should do, so the targets of this attack were all pirate warships and alien players’ warships.

A round or two rounds of aerial bombardment, many players have not been able to detect it in time, but when the number of attacks is too much, they can’t detect it, then they are fools.

In addition, this chaotic battle between the three forces has also lasted for a long time, many battleships have been sunk, and some players’ ships have been seriously damaged, can no longer hold on, and voluntarily withdrew from the battlefield.

As a result, the number of warships that continue to fight on the battlefield has jumped sharply, and there are less than a thousand left, which shows the brutality of this naval battle.

As soon as the number of battleships is small, players are more able to pay attention to the situation in the air, and almost all players already know that these bombers that suddenly appeared should belong to the Blue Star player camp, because they have not attacked the Blue Star player’s battleship from beginning to end, but just grabbed the alien player battleship and pirate battleship to bomb madly.

Such a clear and clear fact in front of the players instantly caused an uproar in the player group, but the players who were still in the fierce battle did not consider at the moment who was divine to have such a strength 120, and actually upgraded the ship to the level of an aircraft carrier in such a short time.

But now the emergence of such a big god is undoubtedly a great news for the Blue Star player camp, with the help of the air bomber group, the defeat of the pirate fleet and the alien player fleet is a matter of time.

Under such advantages, the morale of the Blue Star players can be described as soaring, as if they have seen the victory scene of successfully capturing the resource points, one by one, they have used all their skills to chase and fight the alien players and pirate fleets who have fallen into the downwind.

Similarly, the alien players who were used as the main targets naturally understood the purpose of these bombers, and where they dared to snub, some players with funds in their hands hardly hesitated for a moment, directly purchasing anti-aircraft weapons directly from the system mall and installing them on ships, in an attempt to increase their self-preservation capabilities.

But those players who have insufficient funds in their hands are more pitiful, and the long fierce battles have made them spend a lot of money to replenish ammunition and repair warships, even if they want to buy anti-aircraft weapons.

What’s more, air defense weapons are not money can be installed at will, the player’s ships at the moment are all basic models, the space that can be used to install various weapons is limited, destroyer-level battleships are better, remove those machine guns, the remaining space can be installed with more air defense weapons.

But those gunboats are miserable, the space above the deck is limited, there are not many places where anti-aircraft weapons can be installed, not to mention that the anti-aircraft weapons sold in the system mall also belong to the basic version, the performance is limited, and the air defense effect is not necessarily strong.

The temporary anti-aircraft weapons are just a trace of psychological comfort to these players, and in the face of the aerial bombardment of the Skua carrier-based fighter-bomber, they can’t even catch up with their tails, let alone shoot them down, but they are blown to pieces by falling aerial bombs.

Fortunately, the number of warships on the battlefield is small, and the huge hull of the pirate light cruiser is particularly eye-catching on the sea, attracting the attention of more bomber pilots and dropping more aerial bombs on the pirate light cruiser, otherwise these alien players will lose even more.

However, although the Yanhuang’s carrier-based bomber group weakened their attack on them, those Blue Star players were not polite, and with the fire strike from the air, coupled with the sinking of nearly a hundred warships, the balance between the two sides has been broken.

Blue Star player warships besieged the smaller alien player fleet, relying on the numerical advantage to suppress the alien player fleet.

It was not until those aerial bomber groups dropped all the aerial bombs and flew away from the battlefield that the alien players finally breathed a sigh of relief and immediately concentrated their forces and firepower to launch a large-scale counterattack against the Blue Star player fleet.

Fortunately, the battle has now been fought, almost all the pirate light cruisers and destroyers have been sunk, and they can no longer interfere with the big battle between them, making them even more unscrupulous.

With the advantage of numbers, and the strong air support provided by unknown gods, the morale and combat power of Blue Star players have the absolute upper hand, and they are full of confidence in the task of winning battles and seizing resource points, facing the death throes of the alien player fleet, there is no intention to instigate at all, rushing up is frontal and hard.

However, the players on both sides did not know that the Nth bomber group that completed the attack was not all evacuated, leaving 4 Tube-nosed Swallow carrier-based fighters in the air, constantly monitoring the battle below.

At a distance of 40 kilometers from the resource point, several warships of the Huaxia Fleet were all parked on the surface, and on the flight deck, a large number of ground crew were busy, directing one after another carrier-based aircraft that completed the attack mission to land from the air to the deck, and then sent into the hangar through the takeoff and landing aircraft.

“Commander, I see that it is almost the same, the friendly fleet has fully gained the upper hand, and after one more fight, it will be able to completely defeat the enemy fleet, and our actions should be suspended first.”

Lütyans, who had never had a sense of presence throughout the battle, finally opened his mouth and made his own suggestion.

As soon as he spoke, Ramsey also echoed: “Commander, General Lütyans is right, our bombing campaign should indeed be suspended first, and the long-term aerial bombing makes our limited bomber attendance too high, and the vulnerable spare parts of some carrier-based aircraft have been worn out and need to be replaced before they can restore combat capability again.” ”

Ramsay’s words are not false, but the fact that in this magical world of navigation, many rules have changed, and the bombing capabilities of carrier-based bombers have been improved, but in the same way, these carrier-based aircraft are also more delicate.

Long-term combat missions, although it is no longer so easy to be shot down by anti-aircraft fire, but in the same way, some parts inside the fighter are more prone to wear, once the wear is serious, it is necessary to replace spare parts in time, otherwise it is easy to have mechanical failures, and then the aircraft will be destroyed.

Ye Bai’s eyes flashed a trace of abruptness, no wonder when transforming the hangar before, Ramsay specifically pointed out that in order to adapt to the intensity of the battle in the great navigation world, the spare parts warehouse must be transformed in time, and it is also necessary to reserve spare parts as much as possible.

In the first two rounds of aerial bombardment, Ye Bai received a financial reward of more than 700,000 yuan by opening the drop treasure chest, which Ye Bai was originally going to use to purchase the Skua carrier-based fighter-bomber and expand the size of the bomber group.

As a result, Ramsey was dissuaded, and instead purchased a large number of aerial bombs and related spare parts, precisely to prepare for the maintenance of carrier-based aircraft at this moment.

Nodded, Ye Bai said from the good: “Well, do as you want, if you have any needs, you can put it forward, I will meet you, in addition, the aerial reconnaissance of the battlefield cannot be interrupted, I must always know the situation on the battlefield.” ”

“Yes, sir.”

The 72 carrier-based aircraft that have just been purchased have already experienced the loss of spare parts, and you can imagine how frequent they are in sorties, otherwise even if these carrier-based aircraft are delicate, it is impossible to have such losses in half a day.

Even Ye Bai, the commander of the fleet, actually can’t remember how many groups of bombers were sent, anyway, by opening a large number of dropped treasure chests, the funds in his hand have now recovered to the level of more than 3 million, which is still reserved in the case of purchasing a large number of aerial bombs and spare parts for carrier-based aircraft.

This money is enough for Ye Bai to replenish two more carrier-based bomber squadrons, a full 32 Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers, as long as they are purchased, the size of Yanhuang’s carrier-based aircraft will be directly increased to the scale of 108, and each bomber group will also be able to send one more squadron of bombers.

Looking at their busy Lütyans and Ramsey and others, Ye Bai did not bother, raised his wrist and looked at the time, it was already more than 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and it would be dark in another 3 hours, and there were only less than 9 hours left before the end of the event.

This time, the resource point battle will start in the early hours of the morning, and as is customary, it will end in the early morning of the third day, just like the original beginner trial.

Seeing that the event is about to end, for the sake of their respective tasks and interests, Blue Star players and alien players can only fight hard, and the battles behind will be more tragic and cruel.

After seeing the powerful attack power of the carrier-based bomber, Ye Bai had already made up his mind, but whenever he had the opportunity, he would choose to defeat the fleets of players on both sides and dominate the entire resource point alone.

This is also his second goal to enter the event space this time, that is, to strive for the first place in this resource point battle event, and he is obsessed with the rewards that can be obtained for the first place in the system event.

Although the system has said that this time the resource point battle, the system will give corresponding rewards according to the performance of the players in the event, this he is confident, not to mention other things, successfully upgraded the Yanhuang into an escort aircraft carrier, and sank so many pirate warships and alien player warships, such rewards will definitely not be bad, and can even be said to be the only one among players.

But Ye Bai is not sure whether the system will lower his performance evaluation in the event without capturing resource points.

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