Although the Beiyang Naval Division Fleet at this moment, like the Japanese Bon Combined Fleet, has almost lost its command, it has two ironclad ships of more than 7,000 tons sitting in town, and they have the upper hand when they fight separately.

The officers and men of the Beiyang Naval Division Fleet are fighting bloody battles, and the naval soldiers of the Japan-Bon Combined Fleet are not to be outdone, in fact, for them, this battle is also very important, as a small country that was bombarded by the cannons of Western giant ships and almost became a colony.

Taking the initiative to invade Korea and sneak attack on the Beiyang Navy fleet is not only for revenge, but also to be able to draw blood and nutrients from the body of this former suzerainty and become a resource for the re-emergence of their Great Sun Bon Empire.

Before the war, they were mentally prepared, maybe they would not easily win the naval battle, but the Japanese Bon people who were gambling by nature fought to the death, even if they fell into the downwind at this moment, they did not give up, they still insisted on fighting, and they could carry the expectations of His Majesty the Heavenly Locust behind them.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

Because of the bombardment of a large number of carrier-based aircraft groups in the air, the roar of artillery fire, which appeared to be much weaker, resounded throughout the warring sea area again, and shells of different calibers flew out of the muzzles, cut through the air, and fell around the warships on both sides.

In a violent explosion, a cloud of fireballs soared into the air, and some battleships that were unfortunately hit by shells ignited a fire on the hull, accompanied by thick black smoke, obscuring the sight of many people.

However, just when the battle between the two sides entered the heat of the day again, the accident happened again.

A warship similar in size to the Dingyuan and Zhenyuan with a small warship plunged into the battlefield in a fierce manner, and in the direction of the side side, there were white wake waves.

“Ironclad ship?”

Accompanied by a 540 almost desperate exclamation of the sailors of the Japanese Bon Combined Fleet, a dull explosion came out from below the surface of the sea, and in the violent explosion, one by one openings appeared near the waterline position of the Japanese Bon Combined Fleet warship.

At the same time, a round of shells flew out of the two newly emerged warships and landed on the perimeter of the warships of the Japanese Benzene Combined Fleet, and the fire generated by the explosion and a large number of water columns exploded, so that these professional naval soldiers found that the power of these shells was not much worse than the 305mm diameter shells of the Dingyuan and Zhenyuan.

The warships that were suddenly killed would naturally not be others, the Dongyang light cruiser and the destroyer Yujiang commanded by Lin Luzhong, and Ye Bai sent these two warships just in case.

The offensive capability of the carrier-based bomber group is indeed quite powerful, but there is a fatal flaw, that is, after a round of attacks, it is necessary to return to the Yanhuang to refuel and ammunition, and during this time period, there will be a blank period over the battlefield, which cannot be monitored by them at all times.

Once the situation on the battlefield changes unexpectedly, the Yanhuang, which is far away from the battlefield, simply cannot make a timely response, especially this time the mission has the participation of the Beiyang Navy Fleet, in order to obtain the highest clearance evaluation, Ye Bai must ensure that none of the warships of the Beiyang Naval Division fleet sinks, and also completely annihilates the Japanese Bon Combined Fleet and the player fleet that was forced to join the Japanese Bon Combined Fleet.

Otherwise, Ye Bai would not have had to divide his troops into three ways at all, and fight on two battlefields at the same time, dispersing his own strength.

In terms of naval battle command ability, Lin Luzhong is naturally inferior to Lü Teyans, a rear admiral, but the strength of the fleet is superior, even if Dongyang is only a light cruiser, it can also be proud of the entire battlefield.

With the cooperation of the destroyer Yujiang, 10 533mm diameter torpedoes were directly fired as soon as they shot, the key is that the torpedoes they are equipped with are not bald torpedoes of this period, they can only attack at close range, and the power is quite limited.

The warships of the Japan-Ban Combined Fleet, which had already been hit by aerial bombs and shells, were once again attacked by torpedoes under the surface, and where could they withstand it, three consecutive warships consumed all their armor value and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Three more warships were sunk, plus the Matsushima, Itsukushima and Chiyoda, which were destroyed in the indiscriminate bombing of the carrier-based bomber group, and the combined Japanese benzene fleet of 12 cutting-edge warships directly lost half of its strength.

The most important thing is that the remaining 6 warships of the Japan-Bon Combined Fleet are not unharmed, almost all of them have been hit by more than one shell or aerial bomb, and the hull is on fire in many places, and even has a lot of holes.

On the other hand, on the side of the Beiyang Naval Division, although some of the warships were also damaged, they had an absolute advantage in numbers, and with the assistance of the Dongyang and Yujiang unscathed, the outcome of the battle was almost certain, just to see whether the desperate Japanese benzene combined fleet could drag one or two warships into the water.

However, although Ramsey made a small mistake in the initial arrangement because he did not understand the strength of the Japanese benzene combined fleet, it did not affect the overall situation, and before the first batch of carrier-based bombers ended bombing, the second batch of Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft had all taken off.

Ramsey, who was in constant contact with the first bomber group, did not hesitate in the slightest, so that the third group of captain bomber groups, which had long been ready, and the Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers, which also reached the size of one group, took off from the Yanhuang at one time.

Ramsey is also a ruthless man, through the first round of bombing, he has learned that the strength of the Japanese-Ban combined fleet is much weaker than he expected, so he simply did not do two things, and directly came to a super-scale bombing, completely laying the victory.

By the time the first group of carrier-based bombers who had thrown all the aerial bombs returned to the sky over the Yanhuang, the third batch of 64 Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers were still taking off and forming formations in the air.

The straight-through deck could not allow carrier-based aircraft to take off and land at the same time, and the pilots of these AGCB bombing missions could only fly their fighters in mid-air a little farther away, waiting for the third group of bombers to take off and free the flight deck before they could land in an orderly manner.

Looking at nearly a hundred Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers flying and circling in the sky, Ye Bai shook his head helplessly, the hangar transformed by the space spar has a fairly large capacity of carrier-based aircraft, and a large number of carrier-based aircraft can be sent at one time.

However, the low take-off and landing efficiency of the Yanhuang has greatly limited the attendance rate of carrier-based aircraft, which is not good news for the battle, even if one day, Ye Bai upgrades the Yanhuang to an official aircraft carrier, this problem is not so easy to solve.

Now the most reliable thing is to let the ship experts in the small space of the logistics cabin come up with a transformation plan as soon as possible to solve the problem of the angled deck, and with more lifting platforms, it may be possible to temporarily solve this problem.

The third group of carrier-based bombers soon took to the air one after another, completed the formation assembly in the air, and then headed southwest in a mighty direction, preparing to launch a final attack on the dying combined Japanese and Bengban fleet. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Just when the first group of bombers and the third group of bombers met briefly over the Yanhuang, the second group of relatively slow Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft finally arrived above the player’s fleet.

Without the slightest hesitation, swordfish torpedo attacks roared towards the player destroyers below.

Instead of carrying aviation torpedoes, a large bomb load was used to load a number of aerial bombs, and without politeness, one by one the flying squads passed at low altitude and threw the mounted aerial bombs.

And Ye Bai’s guess was not wrong, with the leakage of the news that some players had successfully owned the aircraft carrier, both Blue Star players and alien players paid great attention to the configuration of anti-aircraft firepower.

In a limited space, according to the recommendation of the system, a Type 96 triple 25mm gun was deployed, and when the carrier-based aircraft roaring in the air were discovered, one by one the gunners were in position, turning the anti-aircraft guns and constantly shooting into the air.

“Tom Tom”, “Tom Tom”, “Tom Tom”

An anti-aircraft shell exploded in the air, like fireworks, chasing the Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft in an attempt to shoot down these fighters in the air.

However, the ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, not to mention the crotch pulling performance of these Type 96 triple 25mm guns, even if the performance is not bad, the interception ability of carrier-based aircraft that is not slow is actually quite limited.

Ye Bai remembered once seeing a statistic on the Internet that in the absence of a dense anti-aircraft fire network composed of a perfect air defense system, it took an average of 00 shells to shoot down a fighter.

This ratio is too alarming, until the appearance of radio proximity fuses, this number was reduced to about 500 rounds, but unfortunately, the current anti-aircraft weapons sold in the system store are backward in performance, and there are no anti-aircraft shells using proximity fuses, where will it be so easy to shoot down the Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

The limited anti-aircraft fire, although it caused some trouble for the pilots, requiring them to spend more energy dodging anti-aircraft shells before dropping aerial bombs on their loads.

But in the end, it was just a small trouble, and it did not have much impact on the attack, and one aerial bomb after another exploded on the hull of the player’s battleship, blowing up the limited anti-aircraft weapons while also causing a lot of damage to the player’s battleship.

Fortunately, these players’ ships have been upgraded to the level of destroyers, and each has an armor value of 6,000 points, which can withstand more explosive damage from aerial bombs.

When Wu Yichun rushed to the battlefield with his newly upgraded light cruiser-level ship and was ready to show his might, he found that a full 8 player destroyers had been blown up, half of them were sunk, and the remaining 4 were also scarred, and there were more than 10 swordfish torpedo attacks in the sky circling, and from time to time they found the opportunity to drop an aerial bomb.

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