As soon as the transformation was completed, Ye Bai hurriedly closed the system panel and went to the small space of the logistics cabin under the protection of the marines who served as guards.

As soon as he entered the small space, Ye Bai didn’t have the heart to pay attention to other places, and went straight to the sea, and on the sea not far from the shipyard that had completed the construction of the basic plant, a square platform emitting white light undulated under the sea surface, which was the so-called teleportation platform.

In the battleship transformation interface, this teleportation platform did not seem to be large, but when Ye Bai really saw the real thing, he found that he underestimated this platform, the area is not small, at least it is more than enough to accommodate a Yanhuang, and the sea area that is not too large is occupied by a quarter of the area.

A smile appeared on Ye Bai’s face, such a large area, once again confirmed his guess, his heart moved, and he quickly asked the guards who followed closely behind him to go to the bridge, telling Lü Teyans that through the radio ** Zhiyuan captain Deng Shichang, let him direct the Zhiyuan to sail to the location of the external teleportation point connected to the teleportation platform of the logistics module.

Without saying a word, the guard turned around and left, and Ye Bai stood on the seashore like this, silently looking at the teleportation platform on the sea, waiting for the moment to witness the miracle.

I don’t know how long it took, the faint white light of the teleportation platform on the sea suddenly changed and became more intense, and almost in the blink of an eye, a large warship appeared on the teleportation platform out of thin air.

When the battleship was fully revealed, the intense white light dimmed again, as if nothing had happened.


After watching the teleportation scene of the battleship the whole time, Ye Bai couldn’t bear it anymore, and couldn’t help but let out a maniacal laugh like Xing Ye’s unique or somewhat neurotic.

With Ye Bai’s wild laughter, there was a roar on the sea not far away, and under the black smoke rising into the sky, the battleship that appeared on the teleportation platform had slowly started, and it didn’t take long to dock in a small dock in the shipyard.

Although it does not have the ability to build warships, the infrastructure of this shipyard in the small space of the logistics cabin is quite perfect, and several large and small docks located on the seaside have also been built, which can fully accommodate warships to dock.

Finally calming down from the ecstasy, Ye Bai moved his steps and quickly ran to the dock, where several engineers and experts who had been studying the construction drawings of the battleship had been alarmed and came to the dock, communicating with Deng Shichang who came down from the battleship.

Seeing Ye Bai’s arrival, everyone hurriedly saluted in various ways, Ye Bai waved his hand casually, did not give them a chance to speak, and asked directly: “How is the construction drawings of the battleship studied, can the existing battleship be modified?” ”

Several engineers and experts looked at each other, and one of them said hardly: “Sir, we have already studied several battleship construction drawings, there is no problem in building battleships according to the drawings, but if you want to modify existing warships…”

The expert’s words are not finished, but the meaning has already been expressed, there is no problem in building a battleship, if you want to modify it, you can’t stop, the technical reserve is not enough, you can’t do it for the time being.

Although slightly disappointed, this situation was also expected by Ye Bai, and he frowned and said: “Look at the battleship in front of you, it is too old, with your current ability, can you modify it to reach the standards of the Fletcher class or the Benson class?” ”

This is Ye Bai’s purpose for letting Deng Shichang teleport the Zhiyuan into a small space, firstly, to actually test the function of this teleportation platform system, and secondly, naturally to modernize this old battleship and be able to join the fleet’s combat sequence, otherwise the existence of this Zhiyuan has no meaning.

Not being rebuked by Ye Bai, which made several engineers and experts feel relieved, but did not answer Ye Bai’s question at the first time, but pulled Deng Shichang to continue to inquire about the relevant data of the Zhiyuan, and then gathered together and discussed for a long time.

“Sir, we have just asked Captain Deng, the performance of this battleship is too backward compared to the Benson class and the Fletcher class, if you want to fully modify, most of the subsystems must be modified, the current hull can be used, some parts of the armor also need to be redesigned and installed, and…”

Ye Bai’s brows furrowed deeper, and he interrupted the expert’s talk impatiently, and said in a somewhat unkind tone: “Okay, these professional problems need to be solved by you, you just need to tell me, can you modify it?” To what extent can it be retrofitted? ”

“Uh, sir, with the technology we currently have, there is no problem with modification, but this battleship has a limited tonnage, and it can only be modified according to the standards of Benson-class destroyers, and after the modification is completed, it can probably reach about 90% of the combat effectiveness of Benson-class destroyers.”

The expert’s answer made Ye Bai breathe a sigh of relief, it can be modified, even if it is only 90% of the level of the Benson-class destroyer, it is a great improvement, it is good to be able to send it to the battlefield, compared to the current Zhiyuan, it is much better.

“Well, this Zhiyuan will be handed over to you, come up with a modification plan as soon as possible, start construction, if you need anything, just report it to me, I will solve it.”

“Yes, please rest assured, sir, when we were studying the construction drawings during this period, we also studied the price of raw materials by the way, and we estimated that it would cost about 1,000 to complete the conversion of the Zhiyuan, as long as the raw materials were sufficient, we could complete the modification within 7 days.”

With Ye Bai’s assurance, these experts and engineers were all red with excitement, they didn’t say a word, the research on the construction drawings of the battleship, according to the previous closed-door way, is not of much use, and it also needs to be practiced in order to let them understand the technology on the drawings faster.

Similarly, Ye Bai is also very satisfied, paying 10 million funds and 7 days, you can make the Zhiyuan look new and turn it into a Benson-class destroyer, this transaction is worth it, at least more cost-effective than buying a brand new destroyer.

And don’t forget that in the calculations of these experts, all the raw materials can be purchased from outside, and if they can be mined by themselves in a small space, this cost will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, which makes Ye Bai more firm in his previous intention of acting as an arms dealer.

There is also a happy person, naturally Deng Shichang, who has been acting as a tool man next to him, the backward performance of the Zhiyuan, when he appeared in the world of navigation, in fact, he had already understood, but he was not afraid, as long as he went to the battlefield, even if the performance of the battleship was backward, he dared to fight and fight, and he would die together, in short, he could not live up to this military uniform on his body.

But just now, Ye Bai’s meaning he heard clearly and clearly, to modify the Zhiyuan, to come to a big upgrade, this news is naturally a great news for him as the captain of the Zhiyuan.

Although he is not afraid of death, nor is he afraid that the performance of the battleship under his command is too backward, but as a captain, who does not want to be able to command a powerful warship, without such an opportunity, he may not take the initiative to ask, but when he has this opportunity, he will never let go.

“‘Thank you Commander, as long as the Zhiyuan is modified, the humble position and all the officers and men of the ship will definitely fight bravely to kill the enemy and never live up to the commander’s expectations.'”

Therefore, Deng Shichang immediately expressed his loyalty to Ye Bai, and even his loyalty rose by 5 points, which is a great increase.

Ye Bai nodded, he had considerable admiration in his heart for this former national hero, and if possible, he would let him command a cruiser, but now, the conditions are limited, and he can only be temporarily settled.

“Lieutenant Colonel Deng, during the period of time that the Zhiyuan is being modified, you and your subordinates will stay here, I will have people arrange food and accommodation for you in the town next to it, and your current task is to assist the shipyard, complete the modification of the Zhiyuan as soon as possible, and join the battle sequence of the fleet.”

“Yes, thank you Commander for praising it.”

When the battleship is modified, the officers and men on the ship participate in the whole process, which will be more conducive to their familiarity with the battleship, and when the modification is completed, there is almost no need to adapt and run-in, and they can immediately exert strong combat effectiveness.

What’s more, there are no other warships that can place them now, so you can’t let them do nothing.

Let them stay in the small space, is also Ye Bai’s attempt, this small space is not only a logistics base, but also a city (good Li Hao) city, the home of the entire fleet personnel, these people on the Zhiyuan is just the beginning, and other officers and soldiers will also settle in the small space one after another.

Leaving Deng Shichang to discuss the modification of the Zhiyuan with a group of experts and engineers, Ye Bai went to the town again, found the administrative staff in charge of management, and asked him to arrange the food and lodging of the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyuan before turning around and leaving from the small space.

The teleportation platform of the small space of the logistics cabin has been seen, which makes it possible for Ye Bai to think of the idea of building a battleship by himself in a small space, and the release and recycling of the battleship has been effectively solved, and the problem of mining various raw materials by himself will be put on the agenda.

Leaving from the small space of the logistics cabin, Ye Bai did not return to the bridge, but came to the hangar, like the small space of the logistics cabin, a teleportation platform was also placed in the hangar, which will be the key to improving the take-off and landing efficiency of the Yanhuang carrier-based aircraft.

I don’t know if it’s because only one space spar is used in the hangar, and the area is smaller than the small space of the logistics cabin that has been upgraded twice, or for some other reason, the teleportation platform that appears in the hangar is obviously much smaller than the one with the small space of the logistics cabin.

After Ye Bai’s test, not to mention accommodating a battleship, even carrier-based aircraft can only accommodate about 30 aircraft, but this number has already made Ye Bai ecstatic.

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