Although with the strength of those players now, in the case of a small number of people, it is not the opponent of this group of pirates at all, but this group of pirates also has 4 light cruisers, and nearly 20 destroyers to cooperate, and the fleet composed of a small number of players is simply an opponent.

But also as a player, there is still some understanding of these players, if you really find the existence of a pirate island, in the case of detecting the lack of strength, you will immediately request the support of other players, especially those members of the player organization, the first time will report to the top of the organization, at that time, I am afraid that there will be a steady stream of players rushing here.

No matter how strong the pirate fleet is, it is difficult to fight with two fists and four hands, and it will inevitably become a collectible item in the sea in the siege of a large number of players.

If this hard-to-find pirate lair is destroyed by other players, then Ye Bai has worked hard to monitor and track for most of the day, and all his hard work is not all in vain, so he can’t let Ye Bai clean up with these players~.

Therefore, at this moment, Ye Bai’s heart has been praying, hurry up and get dark, according to normal circumstances, at night, for safety, most of the players will temporarily moor on the sea, will not risk night sailing, the probability of finding a pirate island – greatly reduced.

Fortunately, for nautical maps is not a rare thing, every island can be bought from the trading market, the price is not – expensive.

With the guidance of the navigation map, the average player has a relatively fixed destination when he sets sail, after all, other players do not have the luck of Ye Bai, and can use space spars to transform the cabins in the battleship.

Without the cabin transformed with space spar, the storage space inside the battleship is naturally limited, so it is impossible to store a large amount of food, fresh water and other basic living materials, unable to swim in the sea for a long time, and even less likely to wander around in unfamiliar seas.

By the time the last group of Hawker Osprey carrier-based combat reconnaissance aircraft landed on the deck of the Yanhuang with little fuel, the sky finally began to darken, and at most half an hour later, night would fall.

According to the reconnaissance of the pilots of carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft, the presence of a large-scale fleet was not detected in the surrounding seas, and even by the last hour, even small-scale warships were not detected again.

The pirate island that focused on reconnaissance was even quieter, all the warships were docked on the pier of the island, and a large number of pirates returned to the island, and they didn’t know what they were doing.

After eating the night, the sky has completely darkened, except for the faint moonlight spilled by the moon in the sky, only some cabins on the ship still have lights.

In the bridge, Ye Bai, Lütyans, Ramsey and other high-level command personnel all gathered around the chart table, studying the large number of photos that had been washed out, which were all harvested by the carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft sent out today in half an afternoon.

With so many carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft, the number of photos taken is naturally not a few, but many of them are useless, all empty seas or a single warship or two that are occasionally detected, and there is no research value.

What is really valuable and worthy of study is actually the photo of the pirate island, although because of the avoidance of being detected by the pirates below, the carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft responsible for reconnaissance and monitoring the pirate island have raised their flight altitude and hid in the clouds.

Such a flight altitude has caused great difficulties for the naked eye reconnaissance of reconnaissance aircraft pilots, but it is difficult to resist high-altitude reconnaissance cameras, don’t look at the performance of the Hawker Osprey carrier-based combat reconnaissance aircraft is a little crotch-pulling, but the equipped high-altitude cameras are still enough to complete such high-altitude reconnaissance tasks.

At least a photo that has been washed out can be seen clearly by everyone about the pirate island.

Through these photos, everyone reconfirmed the situation of the pirate island, which is not large, not so much an island, but a large reef, if it must be an island, it can only be said to be a miniature island.

The island is close to the pier, that is, in the direction of the beach, there is a flat land with many buildings built on it, and people are shuttling through the various buildings, which undoubtedly confirms that this is the pirate’s lair.

“Huh? How did those 4 transports captured by pirates disappear? ”

Huang Jianxun, who was also viewing these reconnaissance photos next to the chart table, suddenly let out a startled exclamation that washed everyone’s attention.

Ye Bai immediately turned his head and asked, “Huang Jianxun, are you sure you are not mistaken?” ”

Huang Jianxun did not answer immediately, but once again selected a few photos from the large number of photos on the chart table, put them together, and then explained: “Commander, officers, please see, this is the photo taken during the first reconnaissance, and there are only pirates’ remaining fleets on it. ”

“These are photos taken after the pirate fleet that attacked the transport fleet returned home, at first, the four transport ships were still docked, but when it was almost nightfall, these transport ships disappeared.”

When Huang Jianxun opened his mouth to explain, the others were not idle, and picked up the photos specially selected by Huang Jianxun and took a closer look.

When several photos were scattered, there was not much difference, but when they were compared together, something wrong was immediately found, and there was no need to analyze the time of shooting through the change of light in the photos, and the obviously missing transport ships still let everyone see it immediately.

“What is the situation, the pilot did not report that these transport ships left the island, how could they suddenly disappear?”

Ramsey, who was in charge of aviation command, frowned, and he couldn’t figure out what was going on, after all, it was the carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft unit responsible for reconnaissance, which belonged to the subordinates under his command, and if it was a human error, then he could bear joint and several leadership responsibility.

The most important thing is that these carrier-based aircraft pilots need to be well educated, such a big thing can be ignored, if it happens in wartime, it will kill people.

Ye Bai also thought of this, and quickly spoke: “Ramsay, you go and ask those pilots to see what the situation is.” ”

“Yes, Commander.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ye Bai, like Ramsey, although he was a little dissatisfied with such an obvious mistake and omission in the carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft unit, he did not immediately get angry, but first wanted to understand the situation, and in the case of not knowing what happened specifically, he could not deal with these pilots casually.

With a hint of eagerness, Ramsay hurried off the bridge, he needed to rush to the hangar, gather all the pilots who were on the pirate island reconnaissance mission today, and ask if anything special had happened on the island.

And according to the analysis of those photographs, it is very likely that those transport ships disappeared at dusk, that is, if nothing else, problems that arose when the last carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft were monitoring at high altitude.

Ramsay went to ask the pilots of the carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft on the mission, and the others who remained in the bridge did not waste time, but continued to look through the photos on the chart table, trying to find out where the few transport ships that disappeared from the pier had gone.

However, this time of rummaging, even after all the photos taken about the pirate island, I did not find the shadow of the 4 transport ships, as if these transport ships suddenly and mysteriously disappeared.

Such a discovery undoubtedly makes everyone look a little solemn, the so-called fear often comes from the unknown, although everyone knows that there are no supernatural events in the world of exploration, and naturally there will be no fear, but this inexplicable thing has produced a haze in everyone’s hearts.

Now there are 4 transport ships suddenly disappearing, but who knows if there will be a few more pirate warships when they attack the pirate island, if that is the case, it will be troublesome.

When everyone was frowning, Ramsey, who went to the hangar to ask the pilots of the carrier-based aircraft, finally returned to the bridge, and shook his head bitterly in the eyes of everyone who had some expectation.

“Commander, I have carefully asked the pilots in charge of high-altitude reconnaissance and surveillance, and everyone has not found out when those transport ships left the pirate island, which is a unified answer given by multiple pilots.”

Well, the result is already obvious, if it is one or two pilots, it can be explained by their negligence, but after the carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft force was expanded to the size of 1 group, in order to maintain the reconnaissance of the pirate island, in the high altitude of the pirate island, there was a squad 4 carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft monitoring at all times.

It is obviously unlikely, since it is not human negligence, there is only one explanation, on the pirate island, something strange really happened, which caused the mysterious disappearance of these 4 transport ships.

Seeing that several officers were a little depressed, Ye Bai, as the commander of the fleet, thought about it, but still spoke: “Well, as long as it is not a human factor, what kind of situation occurs, we can accept it, everyone rest today, and tomorrow at dawn, immediately send a carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft to reconnoiter the pirate island.” ”

“As long as there are no major changes, our plan to attack the island remains unchanged, as long as we take this island, we naturally have a way to solve the mystery of the mysterious disappearance of these 4 transport ships.”

“Yes, Commander.”

Although I knew that this was Ye Bai’s comforting words, it was quite reasonable to think about it carefully, it was now night, and the carrier-based aircraft could not take off to carry out reconnaissance missions, and there was no way to reconnoiter the situation of the pirate island.

It is useless for them to break their heads here, only after dawn to reconnoiter again to know if there has been any change on the side of the pirate island, as for the mystery of the disappearance of the transport ship, only after capturing the island will they have a chance to figure it out.

With such a thought, the officer on duty was left in the bridge, and everyone else went back to their cabins, washed and rested, and tomorrow a fierce battle awaited them.

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