These cabins may seem unimportant at first glance, but in fact, if they are damaged, they can cause quite serious problems.

There is no need to talk about the power cabin, engine room and other cabins where various power equipment are placed, once hit, the internal power equipment is easily damaged, and even the entire battleship will lose power and the speed will drop greatly.

If the steering rudder is damaged, the warship will lose the ability to steer and can only advance or retreat on the sea, even if the most inconspicuous power distribution room is destroyed, the consequences are actually serious.

Some machine guns or machine guns are okay, and the mechanical power used is adjusted, but for the main gun and even the secondary gun of the battleship, the heavy turret to rotate can not be driven by manpower, but relies on the power provided by the power system, and there is no power supply, which means that the main gun of these battleships has lost its attack ability, and even the angle of the gun port cannot be adjusted.

Almost all the warships moored quietly on the rudimentary pier were attacked by torpedoes, and although the power of these aviation torpedoes was not as powerful as that of shipborne torpedoes, they were still not to be underestimated, and the damage to the internal structure of the battleship was not much worse.

In particular, the 4 light cruisers that encountered the focus of attention were hit by multiple torpedoes, and several large holes were opened on the side side, some completed the attack, piloted the fighter at low altitude, and the pilots with good eyes could even see through the large hole that the cabin inside had a secondary explosion.

Needless to say, it must have been an explosion caused by some equipment that was seriously damaged by the external force of the torpedo under the external force of the 11 hits, and these cabins and even equipment have been completely scrapped.

The Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft that had dropped the aviation torpedo easily rose to altitude and flew over the heads of the pirate warships.

By the time these Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft had just left, one after another Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers had whistled in, lowered their flight altitude in small groups, and dropped the mounted 227KG aerial bombs at close range without anti-aircraft fire interference.

These aerial bombs falling from the sky fell directly on the deck of the battleship under the action of gravity that did not know whether they still existed, and then there was a continuous explosion.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

Violent explosions rose one after another, a huge fireball soared into the air on the pirate battleship, thick gunsmoke filled the head of the pirate warship, through the black fog, you can also see the fire flickering, which is the fire ignited by the explosion.

The warships of the pirate forces are somewhat different from the players’ warships, although they are the most basic models, but they are much more complete than the player’s warships in terms of the equipment of various subsystems.

On a destroyer, the most important fire system is the main gun, machine gun, anti-aircraft machine gun, torpedo tubes, and even depth charges for anti-submarine use, but in the absence of submarines for the time being, these depth charges did not work.

Warships equipped with anti-aircraft weapons should naturally organize anti-aircraft fire as soon as possible when they encounter air attacks, regardless of whether it is useful or not, but at least they must launch air defense to buy some time for the start-up of the battleship.

However, that is a normal situation, that is, the situation that the personnel on the battleship are complete, so that the response can be made as quickly as possible, but it is not a normal situation now.

This small island, which did not appear on the nautical map, was the home of pirates, no matter how imperfect the facilities on the island, who left the battleship and returned to the island to eat and sleep after returning yesterday afternoon.

What is a pirate, it is naturally not like the regular army with strict training and military discipline, most of them are quite lazy, and the personnel who should have stayed on duty on the battleship have also sneaked away.

Perhaps in the eyes of this group of pirates, their nest is quite hidden, and it has not appeared on the nautical map, where it will be so easy to be discovered, besides, 4 light cruisers are equipped with search radars.

Although these radars are only basic models, with an effective detection range of only 10 kilometers, they can also detect targets in advance, giving them time to sound the alarm and alert the pirates on the island to return to the warship and meet the attack.

Although these have poor military discipline and for the sake of their own small lives, the remaining personnel on the 4 light cruisers, especially the radar soldiers, still stick to their posts, but in fact they are of little use.

The reason is simple, compared with the player, the warship configuration of the pirate force is much more perfect, but compared with the aboriginal force, the warship configuration of the pirate force is inferior.

The most important gap is the radar system, among the indigenous forces, radar is equipped on destroyer-level warships, while the warships of pirate forces can only be equipped with radar on warships above the light cruiser level.

The most important thing is that the radar system of the indigenous force warship is fully equipped with air and sea search radar, not just equipped with sea search radar on light cruisers, and not air search radar, just like the warships of pirate forces.

It is precisely because it is not equipped with an air search radar that the pirate side is not aware of the whole tracking and reconnaissance of the carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft sent by the Yanhuang, even if a large number of carrier-based aircraft groups have flown over their heads, they are still ignorant.

A large number of pirates are still sleeping soundly on the island, even if the battleship is equipped with anti-aircraft weapons, there are no personnel to control it, let alone organize anti-aircraft fire, which provides the best opportunity for the carrier-based aircraft group sent by the Yanhuang to attack.

The violent explosion on this side of the pier naturally alarmed the pirates on the island, and one by one the disheveled pirates rushed out from one hut after another, seeing the raging fire on the battleships moored at the pier, one by one, their faces were pale, and they were panicked, and they didn’t know what to do.

Carrier-based aircraft were circling in the sky, and from time to time they would drop the next aerial bomb, causing greater damage to the battleship, and the tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighter who did not have the opportunity to attack immediately dived down, and the pilot gently pressed the shooting button.

As the tongues of fire spewed out, a large number of 7.7mm gun bullets shot out from the muzzles of the aviation machine guns, knocking out craters on the ground of the island, splashing countless rubble and smoke.

The pirates awakened from their sleep gathered on the island, providing the pilots of these tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighters with the best target, and under low-altitude strafing, one pirate was sifted by 7.7mm gun bullets.

A large amount of blood splattered from the pirates’ wounds, causing the remaining pirates to rush to their heads, some even fleeing back to the hut in a panic, and some running towards the battleship that was constantly being bombed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So many pirates were scurrying around in the open space of the island, and the pilots of the Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers who had already dropped the mounted aerial bombs lit up their eyes, pushed the joystick, lowered the flight altitude again, and participated in the low-altitude strafing of the pirate crowd.

From the name, you can know that the Skua is a carrier-based fighter-bomber, which means that it can become both a bomber and a fighter, and after dropping aerial bombs, it can immediately transform into a fighter.

Although it is only equipped with a 47.7mm empty machine gun, which is half less than the 8 aircraft machine guns of the same caliber of the tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighter, it can actually play a similar role when strafing dense crowds at low altitude.

Strings of machine gun bullets erupted from the muzzle, forming a series of fire whips, plowing almost the entire clearing of the island, a large number of pirate corpses and wounded lying in the clearing, and the blood flowing from the bullet holes in the body almost stained the ground red.

Pirates were not visible in the clearing, and the pilots refused to give up and once again set their sights on the island’s huts, some made of stone and some of which were wooden.

The stone houses are okay, the 7.7mm caliber machine gun bullets can’t be sunk, and the hit on the stones is just a little splash of sparks, but those wooden houses are pitiful, and the dense 757 machine gun bullets have punched holes one after another, and even the pirates hiding inside have been affected, accompanied by a wail of pain, or turned into corpses or become wounded.

The 7.7mm caliber machine gun bullets really can’t take those stone houses, but it can’t stop the 32 tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighters.

Although the tube-nosed swallow carrier-based fighter has been complained about by Ye Bai’s performance, its firepower is still quite ferocious, not only equipped with 8 7.7mm diameter aviation machine guns, but also 2 113KG aerial bombs.

Such small aerial bombs do little harm to warships made of steel, but for such stone houses, they are tantamount to disaster.

Ramsey sent 2 squadrons of 32 tubular swallow carrier-based fighters in the first round of attacks, which is equivalent to carrying 64113KG aerial bombs, which were originally used to blow up possible air defense positions on pirate islands.

As a result, a group of pirates were not guarded, most of them slept in the houses, were caught off guard, and suffered heavy casualties in the low-altitude strafing of carrier-based aircraft.

In this case, even if there were air defense positions deployed on the pirate island, there were no personnel to operate, and the pilots of the Tubenose Yan carrier-based fighters simply threw these small aerial bombs on the stone houses.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

On the sea, on the island, there were violent explosions everywhere, and houses were torn apart under the attack of 113KG aerial bombs, houses collapsed, and a large amount of rubble buried the pirates hiding inside.

Machine guns and aerial bombs went into battle together, and where the flesh of these pirates could hold out, they soon suffered heavy losses, and the pirate warships moored on the humble pier were no better.

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