Opening the system mall, Ye Bai specifically checked it, there is indeed an option to recruit officers, but this price, it is not comparable to ordinary crews, and it takes 100,000 yuan to recruit an officer.

As soon as he saw this price, Ye Bai couldn't help but shake his head, if there was so much money, Ye Bai's first thought was to build his own logistics base, after all, that was the top priority, spending so much money to recruit an officer might not be so suitable at this time.

After all, everyone is a small ship, in a strict sense, it cannot even be regarded as a regular naval warship, and the requirements for the commander are not very high, even a half-hanged player like Ye Bai can barely competent.

Of course, if Ye Bai suddenly obtained a large amount of funds, then he would not mind recruiting a real officer to help him, after all, professional things still had to be left to professionals.

Just as Ye Bai was thinking about the officer's affairs, this encounter at sea had already ended, and as for the result, it was naturally the Yanhuang, which had a stronger gunner, which was slightly better, and sent the pirate's gunboat to the bottom of the sea with a total of six volleys.

However, although the naval battle was won, it was so close, and under the conditions of clear vision during the day, the Yanhuang was not unscathed, and was also hit by two shells fired by the pirate gunboat.

Fortunately, these two shells did not hit important parts of the Yanhuang, one shell hit the port side, opening a large hole in the side armor, and another shell landed on the aft deck, blowing a large hole in the wooden deck.

Fortunately, the cabin under this large hole was temporarily vacant, not an important cabin, and the shells that exploded into it did not cause more serious secondary damage to the Yanhuang.

But being hit by these two shells, the Yanhuang's 1200 armor value also dropped to more than 800 points in an instant, and now the two recruited maintenance personnel are carrying maintenance materials for intensive maintenance.

Glancing at the radar display screen, I found that there were no other points of light on it except for the golden light point of the Yanhuang, which meant that there were no other warships within the surrounding 10 kilometers of the sea.

Signaling the driver to operate the ship, rushing to the place where the pirate gunboat sank, and salvaging the fallen wooden box, Ye Bai turned around and returned to his living cabin, ready to wash, just now the situation was urgent, he didn't care about washing at all, and even his clothes were not neatly dressed, which could damage his demeanor of a dignified captain.

After washing up and dressing neatly, Ye Bai returned to the bridge, and at this moment the crew had salvaged the wooden box dropped by the pirate gunboat, carried it to the bridge, and waited for Ye Bai to open it.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully sinking the pirate battleship, opening the wooden box dropped by the enemy ship, and obtaining 20KG of rice, 10KG of fresh vegetables, 500L of purified water, 50 rounds of 102mm caliber shells, 50L of diesel, and 5000 yuan of money.] 】

There are no systematic achievement rewards and special rewards, and almost all the basic materials obtained by opening the box are not given any special surprises to Ye Bai.

With a wave of his hand, several crew members who salvaged wooden boxes sent these materials into the material compartment as reserve materials, Ye Bai signaled the driver to choose a direction at random to sail at full speed.

Up to now, Ye Bai has roughly confirmed that this time the system's novice trial is really just a big wave of sand, not intending to kill all players with a stick, although the number of pirate warships is large, but in terms of level, it should be the highest only the level of gunboats, completely within the tolerance range of the Yanhuang.

In this case, it is better to take the initiative and take advantage of the sea search radar to actively look for pirate warships or alien player warships and sink them all.

Install Ye Bai's previous experience in reading books, but where this kind of trial task, after the end of the task, the system will often give corresponding rewards according to the player's performance in the trial task, the better the performance, the better the reward will naturally be, Ye Bai does not want to let go.

Even if there is no special reward for the system, Ye Bai will not give up this opportunity, after all, every time an enemy ship is sunk, he will be rewarded with dropping boxes, and Ye Bai's luck, these boxes will not appear empty, all should be reserve materials.

After all, Ye Bai had guessed before that after the novice trial of the system was over, I was afraid that the rules of the great sailing time would change, at least the drifting boxes on the sea would not be so frequent.

In the face of those unknown dangers after the Great Voyage World, Ye Bai needed to reserve enough materials to better deal with those crises.

Along the way, under the full maintenance of two repairmen, the place where the Yanhuang was damaged by the pirate gunboat has been restored as before, and the armor value has also recovered to 1200 points, returning to the peak state.

However, it is not clear what the reason is, from the early morning to the morning, Ye Bai encountered three pirate warships in a row, originally Ye Bai thought that the system because of his strength, specially arranged more pirate warships around himself.

But who knows, this way, it was noon, but it was still calm, and the two radar soldiers stared at the radar display screen without blinking, but did not find any enemy.

After lunch in the restaurant, Ye Bai, who returned to the bridge, looked at the radar display that did not change at all, the expression on his face was quite ugly, he did not expect such a situation, they have been sailing on the sea for most of the day, whether it is a pirate battleship or a player battleship, even the shadow is not seen, and his heart is very unpleasant.

Pulling a chair in the bridge to his side, Ye Bai sat on the chair with a big prick, holding a naval battle command book purchased in the system mall in his hand, and looked at it seriously.

The goods in this system mall are all-encompassing, everything is available, even this kind of military command books, anyway, with money in hand, Ye Bai naturally bought a few copies casually.

In order to survive in this dangerous maritime world, in addition to strengthening the ability and level of the Yanhuang step by step, Ye Bai's own ability also needs to be improved, not to mention becoming a famous naval battle commander, but at least some common sense knowledge still needs to be understood.

Before recruiting professional officers to help command naval battles, it is more necessary to rely on Ye Bai himself, and even with the help of professional officers, it can improve the ability of naval battles, which is a good thing for Ye Bai, anyway, there is no loss.

Therefore, when reading the book, Ye Bai is quite serious and attentive, if there are Ye Bai's classmates on the earth here, seeing this scene, I am afraid that I can't help but sigh, if Ye Bai can have such a heart when the college entrance examination was taken, I am afraid that he is a high-quality student of 985 and 211.

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