After the 10 farmers were recruited, Ye Bai directly asked them to disperse and check the topography, landform, and soil conditions in this small space to see how they should be planned.

Of course, Ye Bai did not expect these farmers to reasonably plan a small space that was not small, if they really had that ability, the price needed to recruit them would not be only 200 yuan.

Ye Bai just hoped that they could use their experience to carve out a piece of cultivated land in the logistics space, and then see what kind of crops this space was suitable for.

In fact, there is an ecological circulation system, this logistics space is no different from the natural environment outside, and even less natural disasters, as long as there is sufficient energy supply, compared to the outside world, the logistics space is more suitable for growing crops.

Therefore, the 10 farmers who scattered to check the logistics space environment quickly returned to Ye Bai's side, and one of them said first: "Captain, the environment and climate of this space are quite good, basically the crops are suitable for planting, as long as we are given enough tools and seeds, we can immediately start cultivating the land and planting crops." "

When these farmers checked the logistics space environment before, Ye Bai took the opportunity to check the relevant attributes of the 10 farmers, and his luck was still quite good, the lowest level was above the mastery level, and there was even a master-level farmer, that is, the farmer who had just spoken.

"What about freshwater resources? Is it adequate? "

In order to grow crops such as food on a large scale, this fresh water resource is also indispensable, and although this logistics cabin has formed an independent small space because of the installation of an ecological circulation system, it has a fairly complete ecological circulation system.

But in the end, this space is only an independent small space, is a special space independent of the outside world, although there are freshwater lakes in it, but it is a pool of stagnant water, once it is exhausted, there is no possibility of replenishment, which is also what Ye Bai is most worried about, after all, above the sea, fresh water resources are quite lacking and quite important.

The master farmer frowned, and said: "Sir, there is a freshwater lake in the space, in a short period of time, we don't need to worry about freshwater resources, but it's hard to say after a long time, after all, I don't know if it will rain here." "

After listening to this, Ye Bai was finally a little relieved, there is no worry about fresh water resources in a short period of time, as for the future, there is always a way to solve it, anyway, now Ye Bai has already seen it, in this large navigation world, it seems that the level of science and technology is not high, but that is only for ships, if in other aspects, there are really a lot of black technology, such as space spar and the ecological circulation system that creates this logistics space.

Without too much entanglement, I put this matter aside for the time being, and carefully asked what tools and seeds were needed.

It is worthy of being a master farmer, and Ye Bai has not seen how the art of farming is, but his brain is still quite clear, and he quickly handed over a carefully sorted out list to Ye Bai's hands.

Ye Bai took the list and glanced at it, and found that in addition to some basic agricultural tools, the types of seeds were also quite complete, covering almost most of the grain and vegetables.

Without the slightest hesitation, I directly opened the system mall and quickly found these agricultural tools and crop seeds, which are simply some small items, and the price is not expensive, but because of the quantity, the total amount has reached the level of almost 5,000 pieces.

If it was placed in the past, these 5,000 pieces would have made Ye Bai feel distressed for half a day, but now, after recruiting a navigation staff officer, Ye Bai, who still holds more than 200,000 yuan, did not take it seriously at all, and directly waved his hand and purchased agricultural tools and seeds from the system mall.

A master farmer was appointed as the person in charge, fully responsible for growing food and other crops in the logistics space, and Ye Bai did not disturb them anymore, turned around and left the logistics cabin.

Standing next to the main gun on the front deck, looking at the surrounding environment, it was still blue sea and blue sky, but the breeze was constantly blowing, and the faint smell of sea and fishy continued to penetrate into his nostrils, making Ye Bai feel a little uncomfortable.

Such an environment may seem quite beautiful at first glance, but seeing too much will also produce aesthetic fatigue, making people feel bored and disgusting.

Of course, Ye Bai didn't want to see more of this environment, he stood at the bow of the boat and looked, but he wanted to see if he could find the drifting box that appeared on the sea, but after standing on the bow for most of the day, I don't know if it was Ye Bai's bad luck, or it was really because of the rules of the system, in short, not even a hair was seen.

Shaking his head, Ye Bai didn't want to look at it so stupidly anymore, and turned around and returned to the bridge.

With the assistance of Qi Sicheng, a captain's navigation staff, in a non-combat situation, Ye Bai's work is much easier, and he doesn't even have to interfere, Qi Sicheng can set the specific course of the Yanhuang, and let the helmsman adjust it at any time.

Without disturbing Qi Sicheng's command, Ye Bai stood next to the navigation table, looked down at the navigation chart on the table, but found that Qi Sicheng's speed was really fast enough, and he had actually drawn the chart that had just sailed.

In fact, it is said that the navigation chart is drawn, in fact, there is nothing superfluous, because during the voyage just now, the surrounding situation is unobstructed, and even the island is not seen, so Qi Sicheng just drew the route just now.

Next to the route, there were strings of different numbers, and Ye Bai, who had no theoretical knowledge, was confused for a while, saying that he couldn't do anything and couldn't understand it at all.

I simply stopped paying attention, sat back in the chair, picked up the basic theory of naval warfare on the desk, forced myself to study, and tried to gain something one day, at least to be able to understand the navigation chart, otherwise it would be too humiliating as a captain.

I don't know what's going on, Ye Bai, who was not much interested in these theoretical knowledge, was really fascinated by this look, and even forgot the time.

When the chef personally brought the food to him, he was awakened, looked at the chef with some surprise, and asked: "How did you get the food to the bridge?" "

In the past, Ye Bai also forgot to eat, but every time he went to the cafeteria to eat, and never let the chef deliver him a meal, which naturally surprised Ye Bai a little.

"Captain, this is ordered by the lowly position, the lowly position sees that the captain is too self-forgetful, worried about the captain's body, which allows the kitchen to deliver the meal to the bridge."

The slightly chubby chef did not answer, but Qi Sicheng, who had been directing the voyage and drawing the charts, gave a timely answer.

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