Under the "protection" of the patrol fleet of Star Island, the Yanhuang soon arrived at the port of Star Island, and it was only here that Ye Bai found that he had really underestimated the strength of Star Island before.

In the huge port, there are a large number of warships moored, just by sight, Ye Bai found no less than 100 warships, and these warships are not toys such as patrol boats or gunboats like players, but real ocean-going battleships.

Looking around, the smallest is a thousand-ton destroyer, in addition to many light cruisers of the same type as the patrol, as well as a relatively small number of heavy cruisers and battleships, and Ye Bai also found the 2 aircraft carriers that were protected by many battleships in the innermost area.

I don't know if it's because not many players have discovered the existence of Star Island yet, or because of the special rules of the system, such a powerful fleet is not galloping on the sea, but shrinking in the port, making Ye Bai drool with envy, but also feel deeply worthless for these warships.

And the strength of Star Island is not limited to this, under the introduction of Qi Sicheng, a professional naval officer, Ye Bai also found a coastal defense gun arranged on the high mountain near the port, although it is not clear how large caliber artillery is placed in the battery, but it is not too small, after all, this Star Island even has battleships.

Under the guidance of the patrol warships of Star Island, the Yanhuang slowly docked at a berth in the port, and on the land next to it, there was already a large group of heavily armed army soldiers, who should be ready to meet the Yanhuang.

Sighing, Ye Bai turned his head and said, "Staff Officer Qi, you are responsible for staying on the battleship, I will go to the island to take a look." "

"Yes, Captain."

Temporarily spent 3,000 yuan to recruit 6 marines from the system, and spent a little money to buy the corresponding weapons and equipment to serve as members of his own guard, Ye Bai took them out of the Yanhuang and landed on Star Island.

This is not that Ye Bai is not afraid of death, but he has no other choice, if Tianxing Island really wants to be unfavorable to the Yanhuang, Ye Bai will not be on the island, and the turtle shrinks on the Yanhuang, he will still be bombarded and sunk by the main guns of those surrounding battleships and sent to the bottom of the sea to become the eighth king.

In that case, is there any difference on the Yanhuang, but it is better to go to the island generously, and after going to the island, maybe you can collect more intelligence and find out what kind of existence these islands are.

As for why he deliberately recruited a few marines, Ye Bai would not admit that he was still a little stubborn, and he didn't panic with more people, but for running errands, yes, errands.

As soon as Ye Bai and his people landed on the island, they were stopped by the waiting army soldiers, and the leading officer said directly: "This captain, according to the rules of Star Island, you can't land on the island with weapons, so trouble let your subordinates leave their weapons on the ship." "

Originally thought that these troops appeared here for some other purpose, but now they just did not allow their own people to carry weapons to land on the island, which made Ye Bai breathe a sigh of relief, signaled to the soldiers behind him, and everyone took off the rifles they were carrying, handed them to the sailors who remained on the Yanhuang, and stood behind Ye Bai with their bare hands.

Still that sentence, the situation is stronger than people, when the strength is not as good as people, as long as it is not facing a crisis of life and death, Ye Bai can only choose the way of Gou.

Seeing Ye Bai so cooperative, the expression on the face of the leading officer of Tianxing Island also eased a lot, and said softly: "This captain, according to the regulations, before landing on the island, you also need to complete the information registration and receive the corresponding flag before you can land on the island. "

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Bai directly filled in the documents carried by the officer one by one according to the requirements and filled in the documents carried by the officer one by one, so far, the people of Tianxing Island did not show the slightest hostility, and the cooperation was over.

I don't know what the reason is, for the documents filled in by Ye Bai, the leading officer just glanced at it, then put the document away, and did not have the slightest suspicion, but took a flag from the soldier behind him and handed it to Ye Bai.

"Your Excellency Captain, this is the flag of your Z country players, please put it away, it is best to hang it on the mast of the battleship to facilitate the identification of other players."

Ye Bai took the flag from the officer's hand a little stunned, and instead of being curious, he opened it directly, but became more interested in the officer.

"You know I'm a player?"

The officer showed a mysterious smile on his face, and said softly: "There is nothing strange, the identity of you people is not mysterious to us, but please remember that although your status is special, as long as you do not violate the regulations of Star Island, Star Island will not take the initiative to make enemies with you, and you can come to Star Island if you need anything in the future." "

After saying this, Ye Bai's doubts in his heart deepened, who are these guys, they can still know the existence of players, and they are not the slightest bit surprised, as if they are commonplace, what kind of secrets are there, Ye Bai is really quite curious.

Since the officer of Tianxing Island was so polite, then Ye Bai would not be polite, let the soldiers behind him send the flag back to the Yanhuang, and was not in a hurry to land on the island, so he simply pulled the officer on the port and constantly asked, trying to solve the doubts in his heart.

But it's a pity that although this officer is not a high-level figure in Star Island, but the lack is not easy to fool, let Ye Bai wear his mouth, do not let go, in short, it is a principle, that is, what should be said, not a word that should not be said, and even annoyed by Ye Bai's question, directly turned his head and left, leaving Ye Bai standing stupidly on the berth.

It wasn't until the officer disappeared from Ye Bai's sight with a team of troops that Ye Bai shook his head helplessly, although he didn't solve the doubts in his heart, but at least Ye Bai figured out a lot of the situation.

It turns out that many islands, including Star Island, are all owner, but the area of these islands is large and small, and the forces occupying the islands are also strong and weak, and Star Island is a relatively large island among many islands, and its strength is naturally extraordinary.

All kinds of warships are available, radars, land-based fighters, coastal defense guns, and even have their own shipyards, which have the experience and technical strength to independently build large warships including battleships and aircraft carriers.

In addition to army and navy soldiers and their families, there are also a large number of civilians, more than one million people, and it is the existence of these ordinary people that makes Star Island have a strong production capacity.

Not only did it grow a large number of food crops, but also various military factories, self-sufficiency, but also able to sell all kinds of living and military materials to obtain more money.

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