However, such an island can indeed be called a logistics supply base for players, although because of the different sizes of the islands, the materials that can be sold are not the same, and it is not as comprehensive and fast as the system mall, but it has more essential food, drinking water and other basic survival materials that players need to survive.

Ye Bai took the six marines who served as bodyguards to visit almost the markets on Star Island, in order to check the materials sold by each merchant, and constantly compare them with the prices in the system mall.

After all, there is also a logistics base under construction on the Yanhuang, and he will also have to mix this kind of business behavior of selling materials in the future, and it is quite beneficial to have the opportunity to understand the price system of the aborigines of these islands.

Although when landing on Star Island, even an army officer knew his player identity and was not the slightest bit surprised, which made Ye Bai have great doubts and doubts about the identity of these people who occupied the island, but before figuring out their true identities, Ye Bai could only call them aborigines.

With the help of the system panel, it took Ye Bai almost a day to record the price system of most of the materials sold in the Star Island Market, and in terms of price, it was a little lower than the price in the system mall, and it was estimated to be about eighty to ninety percent.

It's just that if you want to save these costs, you must enter the island, which is far less convenient and fast than buying from the system mall, and it is a pity that Ye Bai has obtained a large number of basic living materials before, and has never purchased them in the system mall, and does not know the price of these materials in the system mall, there is no way to compare.

At night, Ye Bai did not return to the Yanhuang, but opened a room in a hotel on the port of Star Island and slept peacefully.

Before crossing, Ye Bai lived inland, there was only one river near his hometown, and he was far from the sea, and he had never even seen the sea in real life.

This time he was pulled into the great navigation world, but he was quite uncomfortable, if it were not forced by survival, he would not be willing to live in the narrow cabin on the Yanhuang, after all, now that the rules of the great navigation world have changed, the sea is no longer calm.

Although the wind and waves are not very urgent today, but it is not only the 200-ton Yanhuang can bear, Ye Bai's sleep last night was not so stable, because the hull has been shaking slightly, if it were not for the adaptation period of the previous days, I am afraid that Ye Bai would have completely lost sleep.

Therefore, staying in the hotel of Star Island, the feeling of being down-to-earth made Ye Bai almost have the illusion that he had returned to his previous life, not to mention, with the protection of the powerful fleet of Star Island and no threat, Ye Bai slept exceptionally peacefully.

After dawn, Ye Bai, who slept until he woke up naturally, took several marines who also lived in the hotel to eat a hearty breakfast prepared by the hotel owner, and then returned to Yanhuang with a large number of condiments and some vegetables purchased.

Although Ye Bai obtained a large amount of grain, vegetables, meat and other ingredients from various boxes before, the seasonings were quite small, even if there were professional chefs, they could not make quite hearty and delicious meals, they could only be said to be able to fill their stomachs and supplement nutrition.

Now after purchasing these seasonings from Star Island, which are not expensive, but are quite rare, I believe that with the level of professional chefs, the food on the Yanhuang will be greatly improved.

Re-stepping on the Yanhuang, signaling the soldiers behind him to put the purchased materials into storage, Ye Bai stood on the front deck of the Yanhuang a little blankly, feeling the slight shaking of the hull, Ye Bai missed the down-to-earth feeling on Star Island.

If it weren't for the pressure of survival, Ye Bai really wanted to live on Star Island and no longer go to the sea to drift, and if he hadn't experienced it before, this moment might not be so unforgettable, but after experiencing it, he could never forget it.

After fixing his mind, Ye Bai thought of his special logistics cabin, and a smile appeared on his face, he almost forgot that in the small space of the logistics cabin, there was also a down-to-earth feeling like Star Island, but unfortunately, it was just beginning to develop, 10 farmers were cultivating land and preparing crops for growing food, and it would take a lot of time to develop.

As soon as he thought of growing food, Ye Bai was a little happy, this time on Star Island, maybe because he was the first player to land on the island, or maybe those aborigines had not contacted other players, idle and bored, in short, no matter which business, they were willing to communicate with Ye Bai, perhaps in their opinion, this was just a spice in life, but Ye Bai collected a lot of information.

Among them, including the cultivation of food, there are many merchants selling food and other basic survival materials on Star Island, but each family's goods are not very much, Ye Bai felt a little strange at that time, although only his own player landed on the island at present.

But in fact, the players who enter the world of navigation are an astronomical number, just blue star players there are billions, plus alien players, the number is even more terrifying, so many players plus the crew of their ship, the consumption of this food is quite terrifying.

Although until now, Ye Bai did not know how many islands in the Great Navigation World could provide logistical supplies for players, but the number would definitely not be more than the players, even if it was a Star Island, I am afraid that a large number of players would gather in the future.

With so many players, this bit of food on Star Island is probably not enough for players to consume.

With such doubts, Ye Bai specially communicated with those merchants and paraphrased their words, only then did he know that in the world of great navigation, the cultivation of grain, vegetables and other crops and the breeding of livestock were not the same as the real world, and there was no need for several months of growth.

Some conventional grains and vegetables only take a week to mature, but the yield is completely incomparable with the real world, but Ye Bai has calculated an account, purely according to the output of one acre of land, the same length of time, the output in the great maritime world can be nearly twice as high as the real world.

It is precisely because of this special rule that these islands can bear the logistics of tens of billions of players, and even the system deliberately removes the goods from the mall.

This news is also good news for Ye Bai, which means that his logistics cabin can also produce a large amount of food and other materials in a short period of time, allowing him to obtain more money by selling in the trading board, so as to develop faster.

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