[Detected that the player successfully opened the achievement iron box and obtained the achievement reward: a space spar, congratulations to the player. ] 】

"Space spar?"

With the achievement iron box on the deck disappearing, a transparent six-diamond-shaped spar appeared in Ye Bai's hand, and the familiar pattern made Ye Bai's glasses widen.

Until now, Ye Bai has not figured out why he will get an achievement iron box, he just opened it casually with the intention of not taking advantage of the king, not to mention that it is just a small iron box, and Ye Bai does not have too high expectations for the reward inside, who knows that such an artifact was opened.

What is the role of the space spar, Ye Bai does not need to check the attribute introduction given by the system to know clearly, now the small space in the logistics cabin on the Yanhuang is not carved out with this thing.

Holding the space spar in his hand, Ye Bai's first thought was to upgrade the small space of the logistics cabin, when he successfully opened up this small space, the system had a hint that the space spar could be used to upgrade this space, so that the small space became larger.

However, although the space spar was easily opened by Ye Bai, he was quite clear that such a magical item would definitely not be a cabbage, and it was not so easy to obtain 333, at least in the chat channel and trading channel he had never seen anything like it.

Therefore, although Ye Bai knew that the small space of the logistics cabin could be upgraded with space spars, he did not expect much, and if this thing was really flooded, it would not be so amazing.

Who knew that fate played a big joke on him, and when he had almost no hope, he actually opened such a heaven-defying reward from an inexplicably obtained iron box, making it possible for his original idea to come true in an instant.

Almost subconsciously, Ye Bai was ready to move his feet to the logistics cabin and upgrade the small space inside, but halfway there, Ye Bai had recovered from his ecstasy and sanity reoccupied the high ground.

The return of reason also made Ye Bai stop, because he thought of one thing, the small space of the logistics cabin was not a wasteland, but with the ecological circulation system, it became an independent land space, truly self-sufficient.

Once this space is upgraded, the pressure on the ecological circulation system can increase many times in an instant, in other words, in order to maintain the ecological circulation system of the small space of the (CHCC) logistics module, it must consume a lot of energy.

Ye Bai still remembers that when the ecological circulation system was installed in the small space of the logistics cabin just now, the entire Yanhuang fell into a situation of insufficient power, and without sufficient power, the Yanhuang could only become an iron coffin.

Now that the Yanhuang has been successfully upgraded to a destroyer, the power system has changed, but it has not reached the best state, and it can barely maintain the current consumption of the warship, which is if the small space of the logistics module is upgraded, the Yanhuang is afraid that it will be paralyzed again, even if Ye Bai spends a lot of money to fully upgrade the power system of the Yanhuang, it is difficult to ensure that sufficient energy is provided for the small space of the logistics cabin.

What's more, the current scale of the small space of the logistics module has not been effectively used, just played a little role, no matter how big the upgrade, in addition to wasting energy, there is no other use at all, and it seems that the use of this newly obtained space spar in the logistics module is not the best choice.

Standing on the side deck of the ship, Ye Bai frowned and fell into deep thought, before the power system is updated, or before the nuclear power system is obtained, the current logistics cabin space area should be enough to use, even if the area is not enough in the future, it is a big deal to upgrade, with the experience of obtaining the second space spar, Ye Bai believes that he will be able to obtain the third and fourth space spars sooner or later.

After blowing the sea breeze for a long time, Ye Bai directly turned back to the bridge and put the space spar in his hand into the drawer of his desk.

This big sailing world seems to be like a game, but as a player, there is not even a storage space, except for their clothes pocket, there is no place to place some important items, but this desk as the control center of the Yanhuang is the safest place, after all, except for the captain himself, others can not open it at all.

However, it is a pity that this desk only has 3 drawers, and the space inside is limited and cannot store too many things, but it is more than enough to store a small space spar.

Since the small space of the logistics cabin cannot be upgraded, then in a short period of time, this newly obtained space spar has no other use, Ye Bai had considered it before, and was ready to transform one of the cabins into a hangar to store a large number of carrier-based aircraft.

In this way, even if the Yanhuang has not been upgraded to the level of an aircraft carrier, it can fully play the role of an aircraft carrier, if it is equipped with a large number of carrier-based aircraft, the combat effectiveness of the Yanhuang will increase rapidly, not to mention those players now, even if it encounters a large capital battleship of pirate forces, he dares to touch it.

Various types of carrier-based aircraft can be purchased directly in the system mall, and the pilots required by carrier-based aircraft can also be directly recruited through the system, which is not difficult.

The reason why Ye Bai's idea could not be implemented was actually very simple, the cabin transformed with space spar could only be used as a hangar, and the takeoff and landing of carrier-based aircraft required a long enough flight deck.

Ye Bai remembers that during World War II, aircraft carriers were mainly full-straight to decks, and the take-off length of the deck was generally relatively long, and most large aircraft carriers could provide a take-off run distance of more than 100 meters, which had reached the length of the Yanhuang's hull.

Of course, if a steam catapult is installed on a battleship, the take-off and run distance of the carrier-based aircraft will be correspondingly reduced, and there will be no need for a long flight deck, but it is still a big problem for the current Yanhuang.

Not to mention the funds required to purchase steam catapults, the current Yanhuang is only a destroyer, with a hull length of 110 meters, three main guns in the front, middle and aft and a tall ship building has occupied half of the deck space, and the remaining space also needs to be installed with secondary guns, anti-aircraft guns and depth charges, and of course, one of the main weapons of the destroyer - torpedo tubes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In this way, there is simply no extra space on the Yanhuang that can be transformed into a flight deck, and without a flight deck, the Yanhuang cannot take off even if it is full of carrier-based aircraft.

In fact, seriously speaking, Ye Bai also has a way, that is, to imitate the Japanese Benzene Navy during World War II to transform the two aircraft carriers Kaga and Akagi to make a three-stage flight deck, and install a long flight deck on the top floor of the Yanhuang, but this length is still shorter, at least it needs about 190 meters.

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