Navigation: A Comparison Of Billions Of Parallel Worlds Exposed

Chapter 57 It’S Accelerating! ! (Please Subscribe!)

Kuzan: "He took off his gloves!"

Don Quixote Doflamingo: "Furafurura..., is it going to be revealed? What is hidden under that glove that scares even Whitebeard?"

Porusalino: "If I remember correctly, Parallel Buggy said there is a devil hidden under that glove, right?"

Edward Newgate: "Grrrrrrrr!!! I'm really looking forward to it!!"

Gol·D·Roger: "It's better if a big demon jumps out and makes the Knights of God and Marine angry!"

Sora: "Idiot, are you addicted to daydreaming?"

Sakazuki: "It's useless even if there is a demon in his glove. The Five Elders and the Knights of God are here, and even if there is a demon, it will be destroyed!"

Rocks D. Xebec: "Shut up, you have no place to speak here!"

Shiki: "Shut up! You have no place to speak here!"

Charlotte Linlin: "Shut up! You have no place to speak here!"

Sakazuki: "Fuck you guys!!"

Gol·D·Roger: "Hahahaha!!!"

[The shriveled Luffy fell to the ground and had a mouth full of mud~~]

[The members of the Knights of God and the Five Elders all approached him quickly!!]

[But suddenly, the figures of all of them froze for an instant! 】

[An indescribable aura of terror instantly enveloped the entire venue, causing everyone to subconsciously turn their attention to Buggy’s direction! 】

【Buggy took off his gloves, revealing the scene under the gloves~~~】

【There are no hands there!】

[It looks like a super-condensed vast starry sky that is constantly splitting!!]

[An unspeakable terrifying aura suddenly awakens!]

【"Damn!! What is that??"】

[Horror surged out of Saint Satan's eyes. 】

[Old Saint Green also immediately shouted: "Quick!! Stop him!!"]

[The members of the Knights of God and the Five Elders reacted "607" at the same time and immediately rushed towards Buggy. 】

[But just when they were about to rush out, they saw a terrifying scene! 】

[No fancy special effects~~]

[There is no crackling sound effect~~]

[The power of division slowly spreads from the "vast universe" on Buggy's left hand!!]

[The first ones to bear the brunt are Buggy and Shanks~~~]

[Their bodies seem to be undergoing a weathering process that has lasted hundreds of millions of Ten Thousand Years, but this process has been condensed into one second...]

[In just the blink of an eye, the two of them split into countless atomic particles!!]

[Then..., it disappeared without a trace~~~]

Gion: "He divided himself from Shanks...

Jack: "??That's it? Didn't even Whitebeard feel scared? And then he was gone?"

Don Quixote Doflamingo: "Fufufufufufufufufufufufufufu..., this power is really terrifying! It's just like a threat~~"

Charlotte Cracker: "It doesn't seem to be scary at all!"

Marco: "No! Look..."

[When Buggy and Shanks split and disappeared, everyone in the Knights of God was slightly stunned!!]

[But just when they thought it was all over, everyone's eyes were filled with panic!!]

[Where their eyes gathered, it was a member of the Knights of God who was closest to where Buggy disappeared. 】

[The member of the Knights turned sideways in the direction where Buggy disappeared. When he saw everyone looking at him with frightened eyes, an unknown fear suddenly surged in his heart! !]

[He subconsciously turned his head to look behind him, only to see a super nightmare!!!]

[In his field of vision, half of his body split and disappeared...]

[Then, the moment he turned around, the remaining half of his body also split and dissipated!!]


[The entire Marineford instantly fell into a deathly silence!!]

[Everyone's eyes were still fixed on the air where the member of the Knights of God disappeared.]

[Gone! He disappeared completely!!]

[Only the expression of fear on his face before he disappeared was still clearly imprinted in everyone's mind.]

["What's going on!!"]

[Another member of the Knights of God was closest to that person, and he immediately wanted to rush over to check. 】

【But he had just taken a step when he saw the sole of his leg split and dissipate...】

【Then, the calf, knee, thigh...】

【Not good!!!】

【He instantly realized a possibility, and a sense of ultimate fear arose in his heart!!!】

【Just when he wanted to turn around and run away, it seemed that some terrible energy field passed through his body~】

【He also split and dissipated...】

【"Quickly retreat!!————"】

【At this moment, the members of the Knights of God and the Five Elders around him understood what happened!!】

【Although they could not see anything attacking the two Knights, they were sure that there must be some invisible force that made them disappear!!】

【You know, the most terrifying thing is the unknown!!】

【Even the Five Elders with super healing abilities would never easily face unknown attacks!!】

Joz: "The two Knights are gone too!!"

Charlotte Katakuri: "Is that the power of the Devil Fruit or something else? Could it be that Buggy said the devil awakens??"

Abel: "It looks like a range attack. I wonder how far this range can spread."

Sengoku: "Damn it!! It seems to be spreading! If it continues, won't the Marines of the past world be wiped out?"

Rocks D. Xebec: "The Five Elders are really cowards! They have such strong healing abilities, but they are unwilling to try whether the unknown thing has any effect on them.

Gol·D·Roger: "Hahaha!!! Are you insulting their IQ? These five old bastards are smart, how could they risk their lives~~~"

Macus·Maz Saint: "Don't dream! If I'm not mistaken, I will take Satan Saint away first, and then teleport the others away. It doesn't matter if Marine dies, we Five Elders will not die!"

Fegalando·Grimm Ancient Saint: "With the speed of the Knights, retreating to the seaside as quickly as possible, and then jumping into the sea, it should be no problem. ”

Borsalino: “Wow, I’m fine, but Sakazuki and Aokiji are dead! So the correct answer to the question is at least B.”

Kuzan: “Don’t be wishful thinking. Wouldn’t the me in the parallel world freeze the sea and run away?”

Borsalino: “Then only Sakazuki will die?”

Sakazuki: “You idiot! The sea is frozen, Kuzan can run, but I can’t?”

Sengoku: “Hey………………, Garp should be the one who died………………”

[On the ground, the wrinkled Luffy stood up shakily, as if he was looking for something, but suddenly he started to split and disappear from the head………]匚

[Just like the elf’s disillusionment, this trend of splitting and disappearing spread from Luffy’s head to his feet, and then to the rocks under his feet!]

[Luffy disappeared, and the rocks on the ground were not spared either~~]

[“Oops!!! That thing may have spread outward in the form of a sphere. Quick, all members evacuate to the East Blue Coast!!”】

【Grimm's face became solemn, he gave an order and ran away first.】

【"Borsalino, you take Aokiji to the East Blue Coast, freeze the sea surface, and let everyone evacuate!!”】

【Sengoku looked at the scene in front of him and quickly made a reasonable judgment.】

【"All Marines listen to the order, the battle is over, everyone evacuates to the East Blue Coast, don't worry about anything, retreat quickly! If you can run away, you can run away!!!"】

【After giving two orders in succession, Sengoku transformed into a big Buddha, picked up the half-dead Garp, floated directly into the air, and flew quickly towards the sky above the East Blue Coast.】

Monkey D Garp: "Hehe, the old guy still knows how to save me~~"

Sengoku: "Nonsense! I fight with you because of my position. But as a brother for decades, I can't just watch you die!!!"

Gol·D·Roger: "Not bad, Sengoku is worthy of praise~"

Sengoku: "Get out! It's not your turn to intervene in the matter between me and Garp!!"

Shiki: "Jie hahahaha!!!"

[For a moment, the entire battlefield was filled with panic!]

【Everyone understands that something extremely terrifying is happening!!】

[Whether it’s a pirate or a marine~~~]

[This time is like a great migration of animals. They wish they could grow eight legs and run eastward with all their might!!!]

【"Dad, leave quickly!!"】

[Marco dragged his injured body and landed next to Whitebeard. He grabbed Whitebeard and was about to take off. 】

[However, Whitebeard waved his hand: "I don't want to leave."]

[He looked at the Naval Headquarters foundation that was constantly splitting and dissipating in front of him, and he could determine the boundary line of the unknown energy. 】

["Gu la la la la..." I remember when I asked Buggy what his left hand was, Buggy said I don't want to know. Now it seems that he was right, such a terrifying thing, No one should want to know~~~"]

[In this battle, Ace was not rescued. Whitebeard’s sons were killed, and the entire pirate group was completely crippled!!]

[Whitebeard just wants to compete with Buggy’s original words before he dies!!]

["Let me give it a try to see if your so-called devil is really that scary!!!"]

[A wild smile bloomed on the face of this arrogant man, and Whitebeard spread his arms!!!]

【The remaining physical strength is being consumed without reservation at this moment!!】

【Conqueror's Haki surges and explodes!!】

【The power of Shock Fruit is also crazy exciting!!!】


[The flying Maz Saint turned back subconsciously~~]

[The floating battle results were also subconsciously looked at~~]

[Whether it is a pirate or a marine, they are subconsciously looking back while running~~~]

[In their field of vision, they saw the back of a majestic mountain like a mountain~~~]

[The man held Cong Yunqie with both hands at the same time, raising it above his head!!!]

[In the hunting sea breeze, the snow-white crescent beard trembles with the wind!!]

[His eyes are fixed on the approaching boundary of split energy~~~]

[The aura on his body becomes more and more solid!!!]

[Even those who were on the run were shocked and their hearts were stirred by this tyrannical force that broke through the sky!!]

【When the dissipating foundation approaches Baihu

When you are about one meter in front of me~~~]

【He...cut it off with one knife!!!】

【"Haki・Big Shock!!——"】

[The monstrous black lightning and bursting red energy ripples are like countless blood vessels at this moment, all converging on Cong Yunqie! 】

[This is a death-defying blow that gathers Whitebeard’s last life energy………………]

[When I touched that boundary, it was like the first snow falling into boiling water, without even flying waves~~~

[There is no earth-shattering loud noise, no violent explosion of energy fluctuations...]

[As Cong Yunqi pressed down, the blade began to disappear, then the handle, and then Whitebeard’s arm...]

["Gu la la la........., Buggy boy, I believe it now!!! Gu la la la la!!!"]

[With the hearty laughter left behind, the strongest man in the world also split and dissipated in an instant...]


[Marco’s heart fluctuated violently. He took a deep breath, put his hands in his pockets, and stood up straight. Then, the division disappeared~~~]


[Seeing this scene, a look of horror suddenly appeared on the face of the strange bird that Mazsena transformed into Izu Shinten~~]

[How powerful Whitebeard’s blow is, Saint Maz can completely feel it!!!]

[If he faced him head-on, he would definitely be chopped to pieces with a knife!!!]

[However, such a powerful and terrifying attack is as helpless as a baby when faced with that unknown ability...]


【Escape to the Red Line!!】

[Maz Sheng no longer dared to stop and flapped his wings crazily, speeding up instantly!!]

[Outside Crescent Harbor, densely packed pirate ships and warships are all crowded here~~]

[When they realized something was wrong and prepared to escape, it was already too late...]

【Warships one by one~~】

【Pirate ships one by one~~】

[In just a moment, everything disappeared silently!!]

【Disappeared instantly!!】

[On the other side, pirates and marines are running towards the East Blue shore. 】

[Everyone was running and shouting crazily~~~]

[Over the East Blue shore, Sengoku pointed the direction to Marine. 】

[Looking down from his perspective, the Naval Headquarters at this time is like a painting on a drawing board, being erased by some supreme power with a huge transparent blackboard, facing from the west side.

Brushing over from the east side. 】

【"not good!!!"】

[Sengoku's expression suddenly changed, his eyes 3.1 fixed on the spreading speed of the splitting energy boundary. 】

[After a long while, he said to himself in horror: "It's accelerating...!!"]


[Sengoku took a deep breath, and big beads of sweat slid down his cheeks!!]

[He has studied mathematics and knows what the acceleration of this speed means]

[If this unknown energy continues to accelerate at this acceleration, it will not be long before it exceeds his flying speed...!!!]

[As if there was a heavy stone pressing on his heart, Sengoku felt short of breath~~~]

[An unprecedented huge pressure was like a mountain, making him feel out of breath...]

[He knew he couldn't stay here any longer. He looked at the Garp in his hand, but he still couldn't bear to throw him away. 】

[The Buddha's light bloomed, he increased his speed to the maximum, and fled quickly with Garp in hand. 】

[The Marines below saw the Marshal escaping, and all the luck they had hoped for was suddenly shattered! 】


[In front, crying for father and mother, making a lot of noise!!]

[Back there, it’s quiet, as if humans and animals are harmless~~]

[After 1 minute, the noise became much quieter...]

[After 2 minutes, the noise became faintly audible………………]

【5 minutes later......】

[On the sea more than ten nautical miles east of the original site of Naval Headquarters, several Marine Rear Admirals who were shouting and running wildly split up and disappeared without warning...

[On the ice in front of them, Sakazuki, who was running, suddenly turned pale!!!]

[The voice behind me disappeared!!!]

【"Damn!! I won't give in!!!"】

[He yelled and turned around~~]

[Before I could throw a punch, I disappeared...]

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