Navigation: A Comparison Of Billions Of Parallel Worlds Exposed

Chapter 75 Tashigi: Sorry, I'm Already In The Form Of Luffy Lieutenant Junior Grade~ (Please Su

[After leaving Nifin Island, Luffy and his party did not go directly to Cocosia Village, but went to Logue town first. 】

[After arriving at the port, all the pirates who flew to the pirate group were dumped on the dock and handed over to the Marine guards at the port, and then the warship set sail again smoothly. 】

[By the time Smoker hurried to the dock, the H6 warship was already several hundred meters away from the port!]

[As soon as he heard the news that Luffy had arrived at the port, Smoker rushed over in a hurry, but he was still a step too slow!]

[He looked at the back deck of the warship that was getting away, and he could clearly see Luffy giving him a mouthful of White Fang………………]

[And next to Luffy is clearly Voston, who has been entrusted with an important task by him! 】

["Damn!! Tashigi didn't report to me in advance!!"]

[Failed to stop Luffy, Smoker was extremely annoyed~~~]

["Mr. Colonel, what should we do with these pirates?" asked the Marine soldier on the side. 】

[With nowhere to vent his boredom, Smoker immediately angrily yelled: "Nonsense! Of course they will all be put in jail, and the headquarters will send warships to escort them!"]


[The Marine soldier was stunned for a moment, then asked in a low voice, "Mr. Colonel, what I mean is, who should get the credit for catching these pirates?"]


[Smog suddenly turned his head and hit the Marine soldier on the forehead with his fingers holding a cigar: "What stupid words are you talking about? No matter how bad Laozi is, he will not take the credit from that brat!!"]

["Ah! Yes, yes, I know my mistake..."

[With a look of panic on his face, Hainan Wangbing quickly went to command and escort the pirates~~

【On the sea~~~】

["Hehe, thank you this time, Tashigi!!"]

[Seeing the furious Smoker on the harbor in the distance, Luffy raised his hands happily, and then naturally put his right hand on Tashigi's shoulder. 】

[When he made the decision to return, Tashigi reminded him, saying that if he really wanted to escort the pirates of the Flying Knife Pirates to Logue Town, he would have to do it quickly! Otherwise, Colonel Smoker would definitely To prevent him from going to sea again. 】

[And now it seems that it is just as Da Si expected~~~

[If Tashigi hadn’t warned Luffy in advance, he would have been stopped by Smoker now! 】


[Feeling the arm behind her neck downstairs, a hint of uneasiness suddenly appeared on Tashigi's cheek. She reached out to take off Luffy's arm and said slightly angrily: "Luffy Lieutenant Junior Grade, how many times have I said this, 060 like this This action is not polite to girls! Please remember!"]

["Yeah! I know, I will pay attention to it next time."]

[Luffy smiled, then hugged Bartolomeo and Dezaia again, and said happily: "This time, we are going to Cocosia Village to destroy the Dragon Pirates!!"]

[They are originally gangsters, so they naturally don't care about such small details. 】

[Being able to be hugged by the "boss" like this is a great favor in their eyes~~~]

[Bartolomeo and DeZaya also hugged Luffy with their backhands. The three of them were lined up in a row, jumping and happy like three idiots~~~]

[ Tashigi shook her head helplessly. After all, she is a "serious person" and doesn't really like this style. 】

[Looking towards the pier of Logue town, Smoker cannot be seen. 】

[She can definitely feel Smoker looking at her angrily at this moment!]


【Tashigi sighed inwardly~~】

【Sorry, Colonel Smoker~】

[Although you are an upright person, the worker

【But now, I am already in the shape of Luffy Lieutenant Junior Grade...】

[There is no way........., after trying Luffy's concept of justice, Tashigi can no longer agree with Smoker's concept of justice!]

[A week later, the H6 warship arrived at the Jumeida Islands and went straight to the Dragon Park~]

[At the same time, the murlocs in the Dragon Park also noticed the approach of the warship. 】

[The evil dragon is lying on the deck chair, sunbathing. 】

[A swordfish fishman came to him and said: "Boss, I didn't see the branch number. It's a patrol gunboat I've never seen before."]

["Oh? Is it a new face?"]

[The evil dragon's face showed surprise, then he sat up and said arrogantly: "Go, tell them not to make any small moves! Negotiate with them, and if they can't get 2 million Baileys, destroy them!"]

【"Yes! Boss!"】

[The swordfish fishman ran out immediately. 】

[Arriving at the port of the Dragon Park, the swordfish man saw that the warship was very close. He immediately shouted: "Marine in front, listen, this is the Dragon Park. Our boss said, take 200 Wan Bailey invites you to tea! If you know what you’re looking for, I’ll send someone over to get the money!”]

["Two million Baileys......"]

[Hearing the other party openly offering bribes so easily, Tashigi’s brows suddenly furrowed!]

[Obviously, [cbdj]’s opponent often does this! 】

["Huh~? You want to send us away with 2 million?" Luffy picked his nose, a little hard to understand. 】

["That's it! 2 million Baileys, who are you looking down on?" Bartolomeo echoed. 】

[Dezaya also nodded: "Two million Baileys. When we were in our hometown, we collected protection fees casually every week, and it was more than this amount!"]


[Two big question marks suddenly appeared in the pupils of the justice girl, and Tashigi instantly turned into a sharp-toothed demon face [shouting at Luffy: "Idiot sir! Is this a matter of 2 million Baileys?"]

["Ah! I'm sorry, I was too busy calculating how many 2 million Baileys there are."]

[ Luffy scratched his head in embarrassment, then put his right hand on his waist and pointed forward with his left hand: "Hey! Go back and tell those dragons that I am Marine Lieutenant Junior Grade Monkey D. Luffy, and now I'm here to destroy you guys. Human insect!!"]


[As Luffy finished speaking, he heard a sigh coming from behind the swordfish fishman. 】

[Then I saw three murlocs appearing next to the swordfish murloc. 】

[An octopus fish man with six arms! 】

[A cartilaginous fish man with an extremely strong body!]

[A kissing fish-man, looking dazed!]

["He is a leader of the Dragon Pirates!"]

[Seeing these three people appear, Nami, who quietly rubbed his head out of the fence, suddenly exclaimed in surprise. 】

【"Huh? Nami?"】

[Following Nami’s voice, Qiu, the leader of the Dragon Pirates, immediately noticed Nami. 】

[Then, a look of understanding appeared on Ah Qiu's face: "Oh~~~ I understand, you brought these Marines, right?"]

["Sure enough, I told the boss a long time ago that humans are unreliable!"]

[Another cadre, Croobie, clapped his right fist with his left hand and stared at Nami with a sinister look on his face~]


[Suddenly exposed, Nami’s little face instantly burst into panic~~]

[Living under the control of fear of the Dragon Pirates all year round has formed a psychological shadow of the Dragon Pirates in her young mind...]

[Even though Luffy showed strong force value in front of her, even though she was willing to believe that Luffy could defeat the Dragon Pirates, as soon as she approached the Dragon Park, the psychological shadow of fear began to make her tremble!!]


[Luffy frowned as he noticed Nami's fear from the bottom of his heart!!]

[Damn fish-man... what kind of terrible experience did he cause to Nami! 】

[He grabbed Nami’s arm and pulled her to stand up! 】

["Come! I will take you out of the nightmare!!"]

[Picking Nami up, Luffy jumped up high from the deck and jumped towards the port of Dragon Park!!]

【"Stupid Marine! Chirp!"】

[Cadre Aqiu opened his mouth and fired out a water cannon, heading straight for Luffy! 】


[People were in the air, Nami screamed. 】

[She knows very well how powerful this water-iron cannon is...!]

【"Elastic Gun!!——"】

[Luffy's face was as cold as ice, his left hand turned into rubber, and he punched out with a bold punch! 】

【"Ha ha!!"】

[Seeing Luffy actually attack his water cannon with his fist, Aqiu's face suddenly showed a mocking smile. 】

[But before the smile on his face could fully bloom, he suddenly froze again!]


[In his shocked eyes, the water iron cannon exploded into countless water droplets when it touched Luffy's fist~~~]

[Then the fist suddenly enlarged in front of his eyes!]


[When the rubber fist reached Aqiu, it was already as big as his height!]

[As if the door panel was blown away by the strong wind, Aqiu’s figure flew back fiercely towards the interior of the Dragon Park…………!]

["Huh? It's actually a tough one!"]

[Leng Buding discovered that Aqiu had been beaten away, and Croobie’s expression suddenly changed!]

["Fishman Karate·Eight Hundred Wa Shoken!!——"]

[Without saying anything, he punched Luffy and Na Mei who had just landed!]

["Elasticity·Eight Thousand Wa Shoufen!!————"]

【Luffy also punched!!】

[The pitch-black medium instantly filled his fist!]

[As for the name of this move...]

[This is purely Luffy’s temporary cleverness~~~~]

【Hard fight?】

[A sneer appeared at the corner of Croob's mouth!!!]

[Are weak humans worthy of confronting fish-men head-on?]

[Suddenly, the power in his hand became even greater!!]

[The next moment, two fists with inconsistent proportions collided~~


[The crisp sound of fractures suddenly sounded out!!]

[The thick arm seemed to have been hit hard by a hundreds of tons of tamping machine, and it fell apart in an instant and exploded!!!]

【Bang bang bang!!!】

【Fists, wrists, forearms, elbows, upper arms………………】

[In just the blink of an eye, everything exploded like an avalanche!!]

[Then, Luffy’s fist hit Croobie again~~~]


[With a dull loud noise, Croobie's whole body was shot back like a cannonball!!!]


[Another cadre, Octopus Xiaoba, saw such an explosion scene and was so frightened that the octopus’s mouth turned outward………………]

[Without any hesitation, he made a diving movement toward the water in front!!]

【Damn, the sea is vast and the fish can jump!】

【As long as Laozi jumps into the sea, he will be invincible!】

[But just when his hands were about to touch the sea water, a rubber whip leg spanning more than ten meters swept over! 】

[Hit his stomach with great precision!]


[The fat octopus body also turned into a cannonball and shot back to the Dragon Park...]

【In the Dragon Park~~~】

[The evil dragon only heard some noisy sounds outside and was about to get up to take a look. 】



[Cadret Aqiu slammed the wall of the Dragon Park building behind him!]


[He frowned and was about to speak~~]



[There were two more explosions in succession, and Croobie and Xiaohachi were also blasted against the wall...

["You bastards, you are so cruel to my compatriots! Laozi can't spare you!"]

[Seeing how badly our compatriots were beaten, the evil dragon was filled with rage!]

[He stood up suddenly and stared fiercely at the port gate!]

[I saw a group of Marines wearing cloaks of justice rushing in with a cheer. The leader was dragging a girl [who turned out to be Nami, the navigator of their Dragon Pirates!]

[At this moment, he immediately understood something~~~]

[On the blue face, a pair of gloomy eyes burst out with a fierce light: "Damn Nami...!!!"]

【"It's you who deserve to die!"】

[Luffy roared loudly, put down Nami, and shouted solemnly: "What on earth did you bastards do to Nami——"]

[When he listened to Nami's dictation about the Jumeida Islands on Nifen Island before, Luffy thought he already understood the terrible life the people of the Jumeida Islands were experiencing. ]

[But it wasn’t until just now, when Nami showed the kind of fear that came from her bones when A Qiu saw her, that Luffy realized how damnable these fish people are!!!]

【Anger erupts like a volcano!!】

[Luffy jumped up, and the rubber fist covered with Armament Haki was like a meteorite, crashing towards the dragon!!]


[When seeing Luffy’s rich Armament Haki, the evil dragon instantly understood!!]

【What else doesn’t he understand? 】

[No wonder the trio of cadres were all knocked unconscious and flew back upside down...]

[After all, he is also a person who has been in the Grand Line. The evil dragon can immediately judge that Luffy’s strength is beyond his ability to resist!!]

[At this moment, the evil dragon realized that if he didn’t do well today, he might end up here~~]

[But even if he is defeated, "Nami and the humans of the Jumeida Islands will never be able to have an easy time!"

[You don’t want us fishmen to have an easy time, then you will live in fear of the fishmen forever!]

[Thinking of this, the evil dragon roared: "Compatriots, run away! Remember to avenge me and take revenge on Nami and her compatriots!!!"]

[As soon as these words came out, the fish people in the Dragon Park suddenly understood that something serious was going on~~~]

[To make the arrogant evil dragon shout "escape" immediately means that it really wants to escape! 】

[Some fishmen are still hesitating whether to live and die with the evil dragon [but the "pragmatic" fishmen in the tenth part have already rushed towards the pool in the middle of the evil dragon park!]

[Seeing this scene, Tashigi immediately understood the intention of the fish people and shouted quickly: "No! They are going to escape from the pool in the middle! If they are allowed to escape, it will be difficult to eradicate the fish people's chaos in the Zhumeida Islands." !!"]

[Although I know what the fish people want to do, but..., there is absolutely no way to stop it!!!]

[At this moment, Bartolomeo shouted excitedly: "Is it finally my turn to contribute?"]

[As he spoke, the gestures of his hands made a strange shape at the same time, and he smiled: "Barrier·Cover!!————"]

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