Navigation: A Comparison Of Billions Of Parallel Worlds Exposed

Chapter 81 Zoro: I Am A Frog In A Well (Please Subscribe!)

[After the East Blue patrol fleet left Xiluobu Village, it did not return directly as before, but continued sailing towards East Blue. 】

[After all, a mere twenty pirates are not worthy of returning alone. 】

[Locke and others were all shackled together and thrown into the water prison at the bottom of the warship. 】

[The fleet patrolled eastward, passed several islands, eliminated several small pirate groups, and imprisoned them all in the water prison of the warship. 】

[When we arrived in Sicily, Luffy ordered us to come down for repairs and supplies - 】

[It is worth mentioning that among the pirate groups that were eliminated along the way, except for the property of the Dragon Pirates, which was returned to the civilians of the Jumeida Islands, the properties of other pirate groups cannot be traced to their source, so they are in Tashigi With the suggestion, the military expenses of the East Blue hunting fleet were replenished. 】

[Nami volunteered to apply for the position of part-time fleet accounting assistant, Luffy agreed without much thought...]

[Tashigi took some Marine soldiers to go shopping, while Luffy took a few people for a casual stroll~~]

["If you don't want to die, get out of the way!!"]

[As I was walking, suddenly an angry roar came from in front of me. 】

[I saw the crowd suddenly running to both sides in a hurry, shouting in terror]~~

[In the middle of the street, a fierce figure rushed over quickly...

[It’s just that it doesn’t look like he’s taking the initiative, but more like he’s being chased by something~~~]

[While waving the knife in his hand fiercely to force Luffy in front to give way, he ran towards Luffy in a panic. 】

["It's a pirate..."]

[Ajin, who was following Luffy, noticed the other party’s dress and immediately identified the other party’s identity. 】

["Catch him. Luffy ordered."]


[Ah Jin stepped on his feet and rushed out quickly. The ball in his hand hit the pirate’s stomach hard!!]


[This pirate, who seems to have average strength, is no match for Ah Jin at all. He was instantly defeated by Ah Jin with one move...!]

【"Tie him up!"】

[Cleanly insert the ball back into your waist, Ajin ordered. 】

[The Marine soldiers from the two combat groups immediately rushed over and cuffed the incapacitated pirate~~~]

【"Ah this...!!!"】

[Suddenly, another shout came from the front of the street~~]

[I saw three guys with knives stopping in their tracks. 】

["Hey, hey, hey!!! That's our prey...!"]

[Johnny, who has the word "sea" tattooed on his left face, yells. 】

[The man next to him is his good partner Joseph, who has the word "thief" tattooed on his right face. 】

[In the middle of the two people is a green algae-headed guy with a green scarf tied on his left arm~~

Next to the Thousand Miles of Sunshine——

"Ah~? The green algae head over there also met Luffy?"

Sanji's eyes widened and he felt angry.

Why is it that everyone in the parallel world has met Luffy, but he has not!

"Hey, Zoro-kun still had two followers at that time~~~~" Brook said with a smile.

"It's Johnny and Joseph..."

Seeing these two people, even Nami felt emotional~~~

When they were in Cocosia Village, these two people just heard Nami's tragic story, so they went to fight against the evil dragon with enthusiasm!!

Although the two were almost killed by the dragon, their justice and passionate hearts made Nami unable to forget them.

[Luffy bared his teeth and was delighted: "Great, we met three more pirates and caught them together!"]


[Ajin pulled out a pair of crutches again and immediately attacked the opponent. 】

【Depend on!!--】

[Johnny and Joseph were horrified. They quickly used their knives to fight Ajin, and were immediately knocked to the ground by the powerful force...!!]

["Ah! Damn it! Such a strong power! But we are not bad, we just lost a little~~"]

["Yes, we are only a little bit close to turning defeat into victory..."]

[Listening to the confidence that the two people came from out of nowhere, Akin had a speechless look on his face, and he immediately attacked Zoro again. 】


[Zoro slashed out with both swords at the same time, forcing Ah Jin back~~~]

[Then, he yelled angrily: "You bastard! You robbed our money and you still want to attack us. What's wrong with you Marine!!!"]

【"Steal money?"】

[Ajin frowned inexplicably. 】

[Without waiting for Zoro to speak, Johnny immediately explained: "Yes, that guy is the Sanjoi pirate we are chasing, and he has a reward of 1.8 million Baileys!"]

[Ajin looked at the other party in confusion: "Chasing pirates? Aren't you pirates yourself?"]

[As soon as these words came out, Johnny immediately jumped: "Hey, hey, hey! Who would become a piece of trash like a pirate!!"]

["That's right, we are bounty hunters who specialize in catching pirates...!!" Joseph changed his appearance and put on a cool pose~~~]


[ Nami took a step forward and stared at Johnny and Joseph's faces with an exaggerated expression: "You clearly have the word "pirate" printed on your faces, and you also say that you are not a pirate.


["Who told you that the pirates printed on your face are pirates? We are working with Brother Zoro! Brother Zoro is a famous bounty hunter from all over the country!"]

[With a proud and proud look on his deep face [Joseph pointed his thumb in the direction of Zoro~~]

["Yes, Captain Marine, these three are indeed bounty hunters, we all know that."]

["Indeed, they are often active on several nearby islands and have helped everyone deal with many pirates~~"]

["Master Marine, don't arrest the wrong good people, they are really good people!"]


[The surrounding civilians saw this situation and stepped forward to help the bounty owners speak. 】


[Luffy picked his nose and said with a smile, "In that case, let's go. Leave this pirate to us~~~"]

[However, when Luffy finished saying this, Zoro and the other three did not leave~~~]

["Huh? Do you still have something to do?" Luffy asked doubtfully. 】

["No, the bounty..."]

[Johnny looked at the pirate being dragged away by Marine, with a blackened look on his face~~]

[Akin suddenly became upset and said in a cold voice: "We, Marine, caught this pirate! What more bounty do you want?"]

[Hearing this, Zoro was also angry: "That's right...! We have chased them for three streets! He has no physical strength anymore, so you guys took advantage of him!" Besides, even if you don't show up, we will definitely be able to catch him and exchange him for the bounty!!!"]

["No matter what, he is caught now, at least we have the general credit!! It just so happens that you are Marines, even if you can't cash the bounty in full, you can pay it in half...!!"]

[Zoro is not like this duck that flew away for no reason~~]

[He is still counting on the bounty from this pirate to drink...!]

["Stop joking! If it's the pirate you caught, we at Marine will not deduct a cent of your bounty! But this is the person caught by Marine himself, why do you want money!!!"]

[At this time, a scolding sound came, and Tashigi led two Marine soldiers to run over quickly. 】

[I was shopping there just now, and suddenly I saw a crowd of people running away in panic. Tashigi immediately realized that something happened to Luffy, so he rushed over with two Marine soldiers without stopping...]


[Zoro suddenly exclaimed, opening his mouth so wide that he could swallow a scoop...]

[As if he was suddenly struck by lightning, his whole body shook violently!!!]

【"You, you, you,!!!"]

[The index finger of the right hand points at Tashigi and keeps chirping~~~]

["Damn it, no one ever told you that it's rude for Cheng to point at a woman!!!"]

[As soon as I came here, I was pointed at by Zoro in a devilish way. Who can bear this...??]

[Tashigi suddenly burst into anger: "I formally warn you, if you continue to be so unreasonable, I will be rude to you!!"]

["You, you, your face...!!!"]

[Zoro was breathing heavily at this time, and his heart was in shock. He was shocked and said: "Your so similar to a friend of mine!!"]


[Nami burst into laughter immediately, "Ah haha, such an old-fashioned way to flirt with girls? I'm really lucky you can think of it~~~"]

【"Disrespectful person!!!"】

[Tashigi also thought that Zoro was just trying to strike up a conversation, and he suddenly became even more angry. 】


[Saya Shigure unsheathes her body, and Tashigi's body turns into a silhouette, immediately approaching Zoro. 】


[Zoro reacted quickly, blocking Tashigi's knife with one knife, and pointed the other knife directly at her neck. 】

[During this period, Tashigi has been vaguely feeling a little bit of Observation Haki under Luffy’s day and night training~~~]

[At this moment, she felt Zoro's blade attack, her beautiful body shook violently, and a realm she had never been exposed to suddenly came, and all the pores in her body seemed to be suddenly open...!!]

[At this moment, Yinxian clearly sensed Zoro’s attack route with a few fingers~


[The blade of the knife was lifted up, separating Zoro's right hand. Then she jumped lightly in the air, turned sideways, and passed right through the middle of the two knives that Zoro slashed across. 】

[At the same time, she slashed Zoro in the stomach!!]


[With a clanging sound, Zoro blocked Voschi's blow with the blade on his mouth!!]


[One blow bounced away, Zoro was shocked with pain~~~~]

["Impossible!! Kuina clearly said that as age increases, female swordsmen will naturally be physically weaker than male swordsmen, but why can you judge the trajectory of my attack so accurately??"].. ............

[Just now, he felt that his attack was clearly enough to take down Tashigi, but the other party suddenly seemed to have seen through his thoughts, and actually successfully cracked his offensive, and attacked him along the way. 】

[If it weren’t for the fact that he had a knife in his mouth, he would have really suffered just now…………!]

[Tashigi held Xiaoye Shigure with a sword and said coldly: "You rude person! You don't even know Observation Haki, so why do you think that female swordsmen are inferior to men?"

【"Observation Haki??"】

[Hearing another new term, Zoro's face once again showed new confusion, "What is that...???"]

[At this time, Ah Jin explained: "It is a kind of combat practice. It can make people's five senses sharper, and they can detect changes in the breath and emotions of surrounding creatures. In actual combat, it can help people predict and avoid dangers. .”]

[Since leaving Shirob Village, Ajin has started practicing Haki according to the method taught by Luffy every day whenever he has time. 】

[Making the senseless become more acute...]

[You can also predict and avoid danger...]


[Just listening to this explanation, Zoro can realize how awesome it is...]

[Suddenly, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Akin and the Marines behind him: "Wait, do you all know this???"]

[ Zoro can tell that the Marines around him are about the same age as him, except +1

[If others have such a strong power, but he doesn't..., wouldn't he be like a frog in the well???]

[At this moment, Zoro felt fear in his heart!!!]

[What he fears is not how powerful the opponent is~~~]

[Still afraid that I know too little about the world!!]

[If you can’t even touch Kakuzu, the iceberg of this world’s military system, how can you realize your ideal???]

["You don't have to be surprised! In fact, I only learned about this power a month ago. I'm ashamed to say that I have been practicing for almost a month and I still haven't been able to master it. And Commander Tashigi has always been quiet. Xian Shui has already mastered Observation Haki, what a shocking talent!"]

[Akin said truthfully. 】


[ Tashigi's cheeks turned slightly red, and he quickly explained, "No, no, no! You flatter me! I actually just realized it. And Corporal Akin, you are also wrong. I have already been exposed to Marine Base in Logue Town. I started practicing Observation Haki, but there were many things in my practice that were difficult for me to understand and made me feel shackles. It wasn’t until I met Chief Luffy who helped me clear things up that I was able to move as fast as a fish in water!”]

[Hearing what Tashigi and Akin said, Zoro then noticed the word "Chief Luffy" in the other person's mouth...


【You won’t know if you don’t see it, but you will be shocked when you see it………………!!!】


[This young boy who looks to be only fourteen or fifteen years old is actually a Marine Lieutenant Junior Grade???]

【Or is this the leader of this group of Marines? 】

[And if I heard you right, these Marine Observation Haki are all guided by this guy??]

【Holy shit!!!】

[If Zoro had doubted whether he was a frog in the well just now, now that he sees Luffy's age, he is absolutely certain of one thing...]

【I am really a frog in the well!!!】

["Hey hey hey, what is that Observation Haki, can you teach me?"]

[As a guy who aspires to become the world's greatest swordsman, encountering something like Observation Haki for the first time is definitely a fatal temptation!!!]

[It is not difficult to judge from his combat IQ that if he cannot master this thing called Observation Haki, he will never be able to touch the world's greatest swordsman in this life...

【"all right!"】

[Luffy has never been stingy about this kind of thing. He looked at Zoro and said, "But you have to join Marine. Otherwise [I don't have time to teach you aloneE"]

【"Can you teach me if you join Marine? Okay!! I'll join!!"]

[Without a second of hesitation, Zoro agreed without hesitation. 】

[He is determined to become the world’s greatest swordsman, but this does not conflict with joining Marine~~~]

[What's more, by joining Marine, you can learn Observation Haki's training methods, which is a huge profit for him!!!]

["Ah haha! Great! I see that you are people with righteous hearts! Tashigi, register the three of them!" Three more soldiers were collected at once [Luffy was very happy H


[Johnny and Joseph looked confused~]

【Damn! We have become Marines too!】

(Please give me flowers………………Please give me a review………………Please give me a reward………………Please give me a monthly vote…………………100 million).

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