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Chapter 91 A New Way Of Flying, The Magnetic Hoverboard! (Subscribe!)


Sakazuki: "How is it possible!!! Such a huge range!!?"

Kuzan: "This ability is quite pervert..."

Porusalino: "What an enviable fruit ability~~~~"

Tsuru: "Although it is a qualitative change brought about by the fruit's ability, the talent and hard work of the ability user cannot be ignored. Without the powerful Observation Haki, it would not be possible to achieve this level.

Shiki: "Damn! A range of one hundred nautical miles, this is simply cheating in a naval battle...!"

Gol·D·Roger: "That's right. Being able to always know the location of enemy ships outside the enemy's Haki coverage range is indeed a nightmare for the enemy!!"

Sakazuki: "The Thunder Fruit over there is controlled by Marine, so there is no problem. But in our world, the Thunder Fruit is powerful but is a pirate. This is a hidden danger...!!"

Enel: "Huh? Hidden danger? What hidden danger? You lowly guy, don't think I don't know what you are planning!"

Sakazuki: "Haha..., I have nothing to hide! Enel, where are you?"

Enel: "Go away! I'm in your wife's bed!"

Rocks D. Xebec: "Hahahaha!!"

Shiki: "Jie hahahahahahahaha...!"

Sakazuki: "You are seeking death on horseback!!"


[Between the vast sea and sky, you can vaguely see occasional lightning arcs appearing out of thin air, then flashing away, disappearing into the void...]

["How's it going? Did you find it?"]

[Seeing Ace open his eyes, Hina asked immediately. 】

[ Ace shook his head: "It seems that we are not very lucky, we are not in this sea area~~~ Judging from the location of the rainfall, there are only three possible directions. Since it is not here, then it must be in the other two directions. .”]

[Speaking of this, he turned to look at the horizon on the right, pointed with his hand, "Next, let's explore this side first!"]

[After the words fell, his whole body turned into thunder and lightning, and he was about to take off~~]

["I'll go with you!" Sabo suddenly said. 】

[I saw the steel armor on his left and right legs flying out automatically, forming two steel skateboards about two meters long and half a meter wide.]

【"Endowed with a full positive magnetic field!"】

[The ability of the Magnetic Fruit is activated, and these two skateboards are instantly transformed into fully positive magnetic field skateboards!!]

[In other words, these two skateboards only have positive poles but no negative poles~~]

[At the same time, Sabo applied an additional positive magnetic field to the bottom of the two skateboards!!]

[In this way, under the effect of same-sex repulsion, these two steel skateboards become magnetic levitation skateboards...]

[Ace removed the lightning from his body, then jumped lightly onto the maglev skateboard, smiling slightly: "This is still interesting~~"]

["Hey hey hey!! This is obviously Sabo's ability, why do you look so familiar?"]

【Luffy opened his mouth wide to show his dissatisfaction~~

["My stupid brother, Sabo and I have both returned to Naval Headquarters first. Don't we want to study each other's abilities?"]

[Standing on the maglev skateboard, Ace looked at Luffy teasingly, "If I want to adapt to this way of flying, half a day is enough for me~~~"]

["Ahaha!! Yes, Ace really took only half a day to adapt to it."]

[While chatting and laughing, Sabo also jumped on the magnetic hoverboard. 】


Franky: "Hey...! This way of flying is so cool!"

Chopper: "Frachi, when can we have a flying tool like this?"

Usopp: "Yes, let us play it when it is developed!"

Cavendish: "It's really too much...! I admit, he's so handsome that I'm jealous!"

Trafalgar Law: "Can the Magnetic Fruit develop such a convenient ability? However..., I don't seem to have seen that guy use it~~~"

Kid·Eustass: "Stop looking down on others! Do I have to show whatever abilities I develop in front of you?"

Skulach Manap: "Ah, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba! Just blow it! If it doesn't, it means it won't. Otherwise, you can fly one and show it to me now. We are in the same tavern now." !”

Kid·Eustass: "Damn it! Believe it or not, Laozi will kill you now...!"

Basil Hawkins: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is going to kill people and silence them~~"

Urouge: "Hahaha! If you don't know it, you can't. Why are you so stubborn? Now that I've left it to you, you've learned your skills for nothing. Aren't you satisfied?"

Trafalgar Law: “Kid’s boss can’t save face~~”

Monkey D. Luffy: "Hahaha!!!"

["What a cool flying tool..."]

[Seeing Sabo and Ace standing in the air on skateboards, Hina raised her eyebrows and was secretly horrified~~]

[Smoker was also shocked at the same time: "As a Thunder Fruit user, it is normal for Ace to develop the ability to fly, but Sabo's magnetic fruit can also develop the ability to fly. They are worthy of being hailed by the department as monsters of a new era that surpass the current three Admirals." ah......"】

【"Wait a moment!!"】

[At this moment, Luffy saw that Ace and Sabo were about to set off, and he immediately shouted, "Hey, hey, hey! What about me? Give me a piece of this, I want to go too!!"]

【"Ah ha ha!!!"】

[Seeing Luffy's unconvinced look, Ace laughed heartlessly, "I know you're unconvinced! But you shouldn't go if you haven't practiced before. I'll take you with me next time when you've finished practicing!"]

[Luffy quickly shouted: "No! I'm going! Ace, it takes you a long time to adapt, I will adapt to you now!!"]

["Oh~? It seems that our stinky brother is competing with you again..."]

[ Sabo squatted on the maglev skateboard and looked at Luffy comfortably as if he were on the balcony on the second floor: "Luffy, of course I will keep your piece for you! But my original idea was to wait until you return to the headquarters. , find a place where no one is around for you to practice for a month, so that our master brothers can fly together on Jinzhe in the future.

["Yeah~ Luffy, don't be so pushy. Your riding ability......... If others don't know it, how can Shaobo and I not know it? When we were young, we rode animals to compete.

Sabo and I have successfully ridden seven and nine animals respectively, but you are the only one who has not succeeded in riding any of them~~~"]

[ Ace also squatted down, the thunder and lightning ripples on his body were pulsing. He smiled and comforted, "It's for your own good that I won't let you go. Otherwise, it would be terrible for you to lose face in front of your subordinates~ ~~Hahaha!!!"]

[Hearing this, Nami’s mouth twitched: Uh~~~Can this be considered comfort?”]

[ Tashigi said: "Ace Vice Admiral, if it's just for Commander Luffy's face, you don't have to......... Because we have been with Commander Luffy for so long, we have seen everything we should have seen. Even if he is embarrassed, , we can also hold back our laughter.”]

["Well, yes!" Nami also nodded, and then added, "Unless you can't help it..."]


[Hearing what the two said, Ace was also amused~~~]

[Seeing the harmonious relationship between his bratty brother and his subordinates made him feel even happier. 】

[ Sabo also laughed: "Well~~~ Since you are not afraid of embarrassment, let me give it a try."]

[Speaking, Sabo patted his chest. 】

[I saw the piece of steel armor on the chest flying out automatically, and then combined into a larger skateboard. 】

[ Sabo pursed his lips towards Luffy: "Here! The flying board is made up of my heart armor. This is a special treatment that only my younger brother can enjoy!" ]

["Let me tell you~~~ When I wanted that board, you had to give me leg armor!"]

[ Ace shrugged his shoulders, with a warm arc at the corner of his mouth, "You specially prepared this for Luffy. It seems that I should also think carefully about what to prepare for him. Otherwise, wouldn't I be compared to you~~~ ”]

["Don't think about it! When it comes to protecting my younger brother, you can't keep up with me even if you try to flatter me!"]

【"I won't give up easily!"】

[While the two were arguing about who was the crazy brother-protector, Luffy stretched out his hands, grabbed the edge of the maglev skateboard, and pulled himself up with a whoosh. 】

[He stood up unsteadily [then raised his hands high: "Haha! I conquered this skateboard!!!"]


[The moment he finished speaking, the magnetic hoverboard swung out~~~]

[ Luffy flipped one thousand seven hundred and twenty degrees while hanging in the air [but he was brushed on the application board in ten seconds...]

["Obviously, you didn't~~~"]

[Sabo lightly shrugged his shoulders, with a subtle expression of "everything is as expected" on his face~~]

["Ah! Bastard Sabo, you didn't tell me in advance that this skateboard was going to move. I'll do it again!!"]

【Luffy got up from the ground, still unconvinced~~~】

[ Sabo also indulged him and brought the maglev skateboard back to Luffy, and reminded: "Standing on it, you have to bend down slightly and control the direction of the skateboard with your feet.


【Luffy went up with a swish, and then fell down again~~~】

[After going back and forth a few times, Hina couldn't help but interject: "Although I can feel Luffy Commodore's unwillingness to admit defeat, if we continue to train, I'm afraid today's mission will be ruined."]

【"Ah, yes!"】

[While watching Luffy make a fool of himself, Luffy then remembered that he came here today to catch the culprit behind Alabasta’s founding of the emperor~~~]

[He looked at Luffy: "Luffy, forget it for today. I'll teach you in person next time.]

["Damn it! Why is this thing so difficult!!"]

[ Luffy was depressed, but he jumped on the maglev skateboard again, and then lay directly on the maglev skateboard in front of everyone's shocked eyes. His hands and legs were lengthened at the same time and he circled the maglev skateboard several times, while he was dying. tied to the maglev skateboard. 】

["No problem now! Sabo, help me control the flight direction! I must personally catch the bastard behind Alabasta's troubles!!!"]


[After fixing himself on the magnetic levitation deck, Luffy said to Sabo. 】

【Ah this......】

[Everyone present was stunned~~~]

[What a willful and righteous guy...]


【 Sabo looks at Ace~~~】

[Ace also frowned and asked Sabo: "Can safety be guaranteed?"]



[Sabo hesitated in answering, and then added: "It would be best to bring a non-ability person with you."]

[After all, the three of them are all ability users. If Luffy is unlucky and falls into the sea, it will really be the end of the world!!!!]

["How can this bring..." Ace shook his head. 】

[It’s not that there can’t be room for other people on this skateboard, because even other people without abilities will certainly not be able to fly skateboards very well without practicing in advance.

Adapted to flying skateboards. 】

[But just when Ace and Sabo were overwhelmed by Luffy, a voice suddenly sounded: "Let me try it!"]

[Everyone saw that it was Nami who was speaking. 】

["You? What do you mean...?" Sabo didn't understand. 】

["I mean, can you let me try this flying skateboard?" Nami repeated. 】


[Without waiting for Sabo to answer, Luffy jumped off the skateboard. Then he grabbed Nami's waist with both hands and pushed it up. 】

[The arm quickly stretched out and handed Nami onto the skateboard. 】


[Nami lowered his body slightly, spread his feet forward and backward, and then looked at Sabo: "Activate the power of the skateboard!"]

【"All right………………"】

[Originally, Sabo was going to refuse, but Nami’s take-off posture was simulated in a good way, and the external positive magnetic force of the maglev skateboard was activated! 】


【Nami's body moved in a flash, and she was carried away by the skateboard~~~】

[Seeing that she was about to fall, she regained control of her posture with her strong sense of balance. 】

[The soles of the feet tried to give the skateboard direction. Although it was a little uncomfortable at first, within two minutes, Nami had already arrived at Luffy on the maglev skateboard.

on top of his head. 】

["Wow!! This feels so great!!! This is definitely the nicest means of transportation I have ever seen!!"]

【Nami stood up straight, put her hands on her hips, and actually relaxed completely~~日

["Ah this.........???"]

[An expression of disbelief appeared on Ace's face, and he looked at Nami with a stiff mouth, "This..., this is faster than I can grasp..."]

"There's nothing wrong with mastering it faster than you, right? But the problem is... even when I first developed this ability, it took me a full ten minutes to complete it."

Get used to it..."]

[The look of shock on Sabo’s face must be even more Ace~~~]

【He is a person with abilities!!!】

[At this moment, looking at Nami's control over the magnetic hoverboard with ease, he seemed to have an illusion...]

【Is he the one with the ability of the magnetic fruit~~~】

Next to the Thousand Miles of Sunshine——

Chopper: "As expected of Nami! Any form of transportation is easy for him!"

Brook: "In comparison, Luffy's driving skills are simply terrible."

Usopp: "Ah ha ha! It seemed to be the same situation last time at Sky Island. Luffy wanted to learn the powerful stance, but almost fell from the sea of ​​clouds. Nami is still better

, you will know it as soon as you touch it!”

Nami: "Ah haha~ Of course! There is no means of transportation that I cannot conquer!"

Nico Robin: “Nami’s talent in this area is indeed unmatched~~”


【Luffy is numb~~】

【Why is it so big~~】

[Nami looked at Luffy with a smile, "Come on up! We have to hurry up and catch the bad guys!"]

【"Oh! Yes!"】

[Luffy also reacted immediately. He bent his legs and jumped onto the flying skateboard. 】

[This flying skateboard is made of Sabo's chest armor, so it is large enough for two people to stand on it, unlike Ace and Sabo's, which are made of leg armor and are only big enough for one person to stand on. 】

[Nami lowered his figure slightly: "Hold on, let's go!"]


[Luffy hugged Nami's waist numbly and said happily: "Let's go!!"]

[With a thought from Sabo, the main flying skateboard activated the external positive magnetic field at the same time. 】

【Whoosh whoosh!——————】

[Three flying skateboards were shot out at the same time, pulling out three long sky-breaking wake clouds in the distant sky~~~]

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