Time has come to dusk and the sun is setting in the west.

The warships of the headquarters are wandering in the waters of Victoria, which is near the Kingdom of Victoria, a member country of the World Government.

Gion handed the box in his hand to the kingdom messenger.

The messenger was a middle-aged man. He politely performed kingdom etiquette with her and said in an inexplicable noble tone,

“Thank you very much… Major General Gion… We will explain it to the World Government.……”

Gion frowned slightly when he heard this and ignored the other party.

She was a rising star in the Navy and was about to be promoted to Vice Admiral. She was actually delivering goods to others like a businessman. This gap made her feel unspeakable. Bored.

And there was something flashing in this man’s eyes that made her want to draw a knife and chop him!

“Please allow me to invite the beautiful lady to dinner. ”

The kingdom messenger extended his invitation,

“No need, I have other things to be busy with… Let’s go now……”

After saying that, without waiting for his reply,

Gion turned around and walked towards the warship.


The rejected kingdom messenger’s smile froze slightly. He didn’t expect this female navy to be so disrespectful.

I have no choice but to watch the other person go away quietly.。

“Sir…do you want it?……”

The subordinate quietly walked over and made a move, which was meant to be a dirty trick. Obviously, this kind of thing is done frequently.。

“Don’t do unnecessary things……”

The kingdom messenger shook his head and suppressed the irritation in his heart.

He hasn’t played with a female marine yet. With her curvy figure, long legs and slim waist, she

must be very good in bed, right?

But…she is a rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters. He still knows something about the navy of this rank. Each one of them is almost as good as the most powerful knight in the kingdom.

Alas, why isn’t the female navy here?

The kingdom messenger looked at her with gloomy eyes. It was Tina who was also tall and tall.

He assured that if it was the female marine who just came, she would have done it secretly, and it would not matter even if she was discovered.

I and others are members of the joining countries, representing the will of the joining countries, and the joining countries are protected by the world government. This group of navy will definitely not dare to do anything… The warship

sailed slowly, and

the delivery process was surprisingly smooth. Surrounded by any pirates。

“Tina feels sick……”

“What’s wrong?”

“That guy kept looking at Tina with disgusting eyes……”

After hearing this, Gion stepped forward and touched the other person’s head affectionately.

“Just get used to it… As your military rank rises, you won’t have to deal with these guys.……”

“Tina knows, but Tina doesn’t understand……”

“Don’t understand something?”

“Is this what the Navy is for, these disgusting guys?”


Now it was Gion’s turn to be silent. Obviously she had experienced a lot over the years,

but there was nothing she could do. In order to prevent the Navy from losing control, all the Navy’s expenses were carried out with funds from the World Government, even the ones under her feet. This warship is both.

As investors, how can they not serve the capital side?

Gion’s eyes dimmed, remembering some bad things.

Seeing her embarrassment, Tina changed the subject and said with a hint of pride in her tone,

“Tina just said there are no pirates……”

“Hmm…that’s a little strange……”

Gion muttered after coming back to his senses,

and then released his sense of sight, which instantly enveloped the sea area.

However, after looking for a long

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) time, there was not even a hidden pirate ship!

It was as if all the pirates had been captured.

But how is that possible?

“Look, how can there be so many pirates in such a peaceful place… Tina is right……”

Tina said in a pleasant tone, she won~


Gion ignored her, obviously a little worried on his face.

“snort! ”

She snorted coldly, and then seemed to think of something, and said to the soldiers on standby not far away,

“Go to branch 16。”

“yes! ”

Go over there and take a look. Maybe the base commander there knows something.……

“Tina is very happy……”

The pink-haired beauty just said, with a hint of pleasure in her voice…

Bulu, Bulu, Bulu…

In the office, the phone bug’s voice rang,

“Um? ”

Having just finished today’s work, Nami, who was drawing a map of the sea area, looked up, a little confused,

“Where did this call come from? ”


” She chose to answer the call and asked carelessly,

“Moses Moses…who are you looking for?”


Gion on the other end of the phone frowned slightly,

why was it a girl’s voice?

Only the base commander could get through to this call bug. Any other unrelated personnel who acted without authorization would not only be subject to military law, but would also be demoted one level.

Although she had no hope of reporting to the branch in Donghai, she did not expect that these 16 branches were already so bad. Is this the case?

“Hello? say something? ”

Nami asked in confusion, beginning to wonder if it was someone’s prank.

Finally, Gion spoke, but her voice became colder,

“I am Rear Admiral Momotu of the Navy Headquarters. I am looking for the base commander of the 16th branch.……”

“Oh… Lu Xiu, he is sleeping. If you have anything, just tell me.……”

Nami had no doubts. After all, this was a phone bug specially designed for the Navy.


Gion was silent again.

Her white left hand couldn’t help but clenched, and the veins on it were slightly raised. She was

sleeping, right? She was neglecting her duty, right?

She swore that she would take a closer look at what the other party was like later! And report the matter to the headquarters and remove that guy!

“Hello? Why don’t you speak again? ”

Nami blinked, feeling that the other person might be seriously ill and couldn’t understand what she was saying.。


Gion took a deep breath and then said,

“Let me tell you base commander that our warship is about to arrive at the 16th branch.……”

“Oh, okay, he will pick you up……”

Nami quickly replied. The office is on a higher ground, so you can easily see the figure still sleeping on the beach.

This should be considered an answer, right?


Gion hung up the phone neatly. Since the notification was in place, there was no need to talk nonsense anymore,

but the name Lu Xiu… she remembered it!

The sunset gradually fell, and before the last ray of light fell, the warship arrived near the 16th branch. The

huge warship blocked the last ray of light. Lu Xiu, who was sleeping on the beach, lazily opened his eyelids. He stretched and loosened his muscles.

“Um…it’s dark?”

【If you sleep during work, the damage value will be +200! 】

On the warship, Gion looked coldly at the beach below,

the sun loungers, the parasols, the big pants, and… the colonel’s coat that was thrown to the ground casually next to him,


A clear sound sounded, which was the soft sound of the sword being unsheathed. The

supreme and sharp sword Jinbiluo was specially designed to kill naval waste.…………………………………

Please send some flowers~ The poor author is passing by~ I’m so pitiful today, my friend is divorced, we promised to be together for a lifetime, but in the end I am a widow, right?

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