“Is his name… Lu Xiu?……”

The warship gradually moved away, but Tina still looked down at the figure below. He was

tall, handsome, lazy, and had just shown the powerful strength to crush Gion, which made her eyes shine.

“Tina feels a bit handsome……”

It’s a pity that Gion is the supreme commander of this warship, otherwise she really wants to go down and have dinner with him and

find another opportunity next time.

Tina thought to herself, looking forward to the next meeting with the other party。

“Um? ”

If he felt something, Lu Xiu looked up in the direction of the warship and saw a pink-haired woman looking at him unblinkingly. The

beautiful woman stared and wanted to respond enthusiastically.

So he stretched out his hand and waved, as if to express his gratitude. Farewell also seems to mean goodbye?

Goodbye…means see you next time~


After receiving the response, Tina smiled, her face a little rosy,



Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and the navy members of the 16th branch became more awe and respect for the base commander.

After the battle that day, some���No matter how slow the military response was, he knew that the commander of his base was an extremely strong man!

Together with the glory, they are full of energy. Lu Xiu points to the east and they don’t go to the west at all. The entire branch is completely twisted into a rope, with a different mental outlook from other branches.。

“Ah…this life is so beautiful.……”

The weather is very good today, with clear skies.

Lu Xiu looked out the window while drinking tea, and sighed slightly,


Nami, who was writing documents quickly next to her, rolled her eyes and

really wanted to punch this hateful boss!

“Nami-chan, why are you looking at me like that?……”

Lu Xiu smiled slightly, his tone was proud,

“My life is so beautiful because someone carries the burden for me……”

“Come on Nami, when you sit in my position, you won’t have to be so tired.……”

He became proficient in painting cakes again,

“Oh, when I become the base director, I will be the first to fire you! ”

Nami said angrily, this person is really hateful!

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiu’s eyes lit up.

“OK… I’ll wait until you fire me… so I don’t have to go to work.……”

【Fishing for tea and tea at work, teasing the secretary, worth +100】

“whispering sound……”

When the two were quarreling, they were far away on the Grand Line.

In Marineland,

a warship finally returned. Some navy officers at the port quickly noticed who was docking.

“Look! It’s Major General Gion!”

“Ahhhh, Major General Gion is so beautiful!”

“A powerful man and good-looking… he is worthy of being Major General Gion!”

“I heard that Major General Gion will be promoted to Lieutenant General.……”

“That’s for sure because the Warring States Marshal was afraid that she would be promoted too quickly. Otherwise, she would have been promoted a year ago.……”

A navy man who knew the inside story said mysteriously,

“How did you know?”

“My brother-in-law’s nephew’s god-sister’s husband is a certain navy vice-admiral.……”

“I didn’t expect you to be a second-generation official!”

“Hum hum, that’s natural……”

The topic gradually turned to other places,

and Gion ignored the soldiers. She had long been accustomed to these conversations. After all, she was indeed the strongest among the new generation of marines in these years.

But…when he thought of Donghai’s figure that was firmly suppressing her,

Gion shook his head again, feeling a sense of frustration in his heart.

I was still too weak.

She walked towards the marshal’s building with long legs and was escorted by the eyes of dozens of sailors…

In the marshal’s office, Warring States was correcting documents. As the top officer of the navy, he had a lot of things to deal with every day.

“Warring States Period, the kid from Gion is back……”

He joked while drinking tea.

Warring States, who was writing furiously, was startled when he heard this. He put down the pen in his hand and said seriously,

“Ah He, please help me later.……”

“They just want to be promoted to lieutenant general, why are you holding back?……”


(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) ng that the old man still had such an attitude, He shook his head helplessly.

“Well, you know, if it was two years ago, I would have said yes.……”

Warring States sighed, feeling that the team was not easy to lead.

The Vice Admirals of this headquarters are the backbone of the Navy, and each one is a strong man who can guard one side. The newly promoted Vice Admirals need to guard various bases along the Grand Line for two to three years.

If it were two years ago, there would have been five or six vacant bases at that time, and Gion would have been allocated no matter what.

But the only vacancy now is a base in the New World, not far from the Yonko’s Big Mom and Kaido’s territory. It was left after Porusalino was promoted to general the year before last.

Also because it is at the junction of the two territories, the nearby waters have become a place where many pirates fight and wander.

The one currently in charge there temporarily is Lieutenant General Kaji. Although he is very powerful, he is harassed and attacked by New World pirates almost every once in a while, which makes him miserable.

Although Gion said that he could meet the standard of Lieutenant General in terms of actual strength and military merit, it was not enough. At least in the Warring States period, the opponent was not enough to sit in the New World Base, so he thought about taking a moment and waiting for the opponent

. Let’s talk about it after we are strong enough,

bang bang!

There was a knock on the door,

and Zeng Guo and He looked at each other silently. They both knew who it was.

“Please come in……”

Gion walked in and got straight to the point,

“Marshal of the Warring States Period, let me report something……”

In Donghai Branch 16, Lu Xiu, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes and subconsciously said,


【Overlord color experience is full, and the level is increased by one……】

Before the system’s voice finished speaking, Lu Xiu and Zhou Shen suddenly burst out with a terrifying aura that was beyond his control,

boom! ! !

The red halo spread to the entire 16th branch with Lu Xiu as the center.

The sofa fell apart, cracks appeared in the hard wall, and Nami fainted directly next to the desk.

This was not over yet…

In the sky above the 16th branch, the billowing clouds were torn apart. Gotta break!

Elsewhere, the soldiers who were patrolling fell to the ground like straw. Those

who trained, those who cooked, those who were hypnotized… everyone on the island lost consciousness!


After coming back to his senses, Lu Xiu looked at the cracked wall with spider webs and took a deep breath. This upgrade of his overlord color was a bit drastic. Has it reached the point where it can affect matter?

“Ah…it’s really nerve-wracking……”

He scratched his cheek and let go of his feelings. However, according to his perception, there was no one who was still awake on the island.。

“Alas…blame me, blame me……”

Lu Xiu stood up and left.

He decided to patrol around the island. If anyone was in danger because of his actions, it would be a sin.……

“Are you telling the truth? ”

After Gion came in, there was no promotion, so Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, he heard an unexpected piece of information.

“That guy Porusalino’s brother actually has this kind of strength? ”

He knew that Kizaru had a younger brother, and also knew that he was serving in Donghai. After all, it was through him that Kizaru took advantage of his authority to directly arrange for him to be the head of the base. At first, the Warring States Period believed that Kizaru did not bring his younger brother to the headquarters

because It was too weak to take care of the other party, but…who would have thought that this girl was so strong.

She could actually suppress Gion. You must know that her current strength is comparable to that of an ordinary lieutenant general of the headquarters.

For a moment, Sengoku felt that there was a vacancy The position seems to be taken.

With this kind of talent and strength, after two years of training, you can guard the new world…

Family members, please bring some flowers, please~

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