“Falling apart! ”

After Lu Xiu slapped him in the face, Bucky, who was overly frightened, subconsciously activated his ability.

The whole person split into dozens of pieces and flew around, and a successful laugh came from the air.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! This uncle is a person with the ability to split fruits! You can’t catch it……”

He hadn’t been proud for long, and his whole body felt as if fate was grabbing him by the throat.。

“Yo…why aren’t you moving? ”

Lu Xiu joked. There were two feet under his feet that wanted to fly, but they couldn’t escape no matter how they moved.。

“You…you guy……”

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Bucky’s forehead in the air. How did this guy know that his fruit ability was defective?

“The fruit must be split into pieces… The feet must be on the ground when splitting. The range of the ability is 200 meters with the foot as a radius… After this range is exceeded, the split parts will be uncontrollable. Am I right? Lu

Xiu said, hugging his chest.。

“Clown throwing knife! ! ”

A split hand hung behind Lu Xiu’s back, and the knife stabbed him quickly, but he didn’t give up the struggle yet!


A burst of sparks flashed, Lu Xiu was unscathed, but the flying knife broke directly into two pieces!

“Um? ”

Lu Xiu raised his eyebrows. This guy really doesn’t want to give up.

“That… that or whatever, this is all a misunderstanding… a misunderstanding……”

Bucky sneered, but before he finished speaking, Lu Xiu smashed his huge fist directly… After

a while of repairs, Bucky, bruised and swollen, followed Lu Xiu obediently.

Bucky felt miserable!

He couldn’t figure out why there was such a monster here in the East China Sea!

You’re just as invulnerable as those monsters in the New World! You can still be domineering!

It even has an overlord color!

Please! Which owner of the overlord color is not going to fight for hegemony in the new world! You’re actually a naval lieutenant colonel in the East China Sea!

Bucky felt that the world had changed and became extremely strange.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have been greedy for the treasure map, but now I’m fine. I don’t know what will happen if I attract this monster? You’re not going to be imprisoned in Impel Down City, are you?

“Hey…Red Nose…take out all your treasures……”

“You quit……”

“Um? ”

Lu Xiu clenched his fists with a somewhat unkind expression.


Bucky smiled charmingly, and immediately raised his steps and walked towards somewhere on the island, where was……

“Don’t even think about running away, my knowledge can cover this island… Do you dare to run away again… Hum……”

Lu Xiu stated this fact with a smile.

Bucky’s expression froze, and then he walked in another direction.。

“What a dishonest guy……”

Lu Xiu touched his chin.

The sailors from Branch 16 disembarked one after another. Nami looked at him with admiration and said:。

“Wow! Lu Xiu! You are amazing!”


It was very helpful to him to be praised, so he gave the other person a task.

“Nami, you asked them to tie up these pirates… and the marines tied to the trees.……”

“know know……”

Nami trotted away。

“Lieutenant Colonel Lu Xiu, don’t we have a mission?……”

Mengka scratched his head. He always felt that this time he was just here to make trouble. The other party could deal with this group of pirates by himself.。

“Yes, the task of guarding these pirates will be left to you… I just fought a lot but I am very tired.……”

Saying this, Lu Xiu yawned.。

【If you go on a business trip and fight to cat

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) ch fish, the damage value will be +200! ]

After a while, Bucky honestly handed over all the hidden treasures. The bright golden color made Nami rush towards it. After a rough count, there were

fifty million beli!

After all the pirates were tied up and thrown into the warship cells, the sailors who were tied to the trees were also rescued.

Dasqi was tied up for too long and her body was a little weak, but she still staggered with her sword on the ground. He walked towards Lu Xiu and bowed 180 times.。

“Thank you so much for saving us! !”

“Um…you’re welcome……”

Lu Xiu replied with a smile, then looked at Kuina and Dasqi with a playful look, and he teased。

“Kuina…could this guy be your long-lost sister? ”

At this time, Guina, who had closed her eyes and meditated, noticed that Nami, who was counting the treasures, also looked over.。

“Eh? ? ?”

“Guina, she looks just like you! ! ”

Nami’s surprised voice sounded, and everyone had a similar reaction.

At this time, Dasqi was still wearing a navy uniform, but at fifteen or sixteen years old, she was already tall and tall. Because the marks of being tied were still there, the bulging on her chest was She looks quite big.

Her fair and delicate skin, pretty face, and glasses frame even add a different kind of charm to her.。


Being stared at by everyone, Dasqi’s little face was slightly red, and it was obvious that she was very nervous.。

“Okay…please stop reading…people are all shy.……”

Lu Xiu clapped his hands, and those probing eyes immediately moved away. He looked at the girl in front of him gently and asked knowingly,

“May I have your name?”

“My…my name is Dasqi!”

“Dasqi…are you willing to follow me? ”

Lu Xiu extended an olive branch. He quite liked this girl who was naturally stupid and had a sense of justice.

Of course, he would not admit that she was very similar to Kuina, let alone that he liked sisters!

“I do! ! ”

Dasqi’s eyes were slightly bright. She had seen the powerful performance of the other party just now. Those pirates that she thought were absolutely impossible to defeat were wiped out by him! With such a powerful commander, he should be able to arrest

them More pirates, right?

Then more civilians will be rescued!

Dasqi thought to herself, but she may not know how arrogant Lu Xiu is.。

“Hey… this guy Lu Xiu……”

Nami pursed her lips, a little unhappy, now there was another competitor!

Kuina next to her didn’t speak, she just stared at the girl in front of her, thinking this in her heart.

Is this the daughter of a homeless father? Romance debt?

Go back and ask your father, it’s very suspicious!

“Okay… call it a day and go back… I’m tired……”

Lu Xiu yawned.

Someone will help Dasqi complete the process of transferring to the branch when he returns home. As the commander of the naval base, he still has this convenience.

As for the captured navy, let them go back on their own. After all, the warship can still sail except for a big hole.

After everyone moved the treasures to the boat, Lu Xiu said to Bucky who was whistling towards the sky not far away,

“Hello! Red nose! come here……”

He kept observing the system panel and saw that the originally constant 60 points of luck suddenly changed to 63!

He had an idea in his mind, but he needed to verify it.

Bucky walked over tremblingly, and he had a bad feeling in his heart…

Wuwu, I was wrong, readers, don’t vote, don’t vote, I’m going to vote directly now I’m overdue for chapter 18, so I won’t say any more. I’ve just spent all my hard work coding.

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