“You…are you here to catch me? ”

The woman said with a trembling body.

Lu Xiu looked at her and raised his eyebrows.

Robin now has wheat-colored skin and black hair. He wears tight jeans on his upper body and ultra-short jeans on his lower body. His tall and graceful figure is clearly revealed. ,

hearing the other party’s question, he couldn’t help but smile inexplicably,

“Guess what?……”

Robin’s body trembled even more. She suppressed the fear in her heart and used her powers.

“Second round of flowers blooming! ”

Two slender hands grew from Lu Xiu’s back, and then reached out to hold his joints to twist.

Robin is a flower fruit user, which can make any part of the body grow like flowers on any tangible body within sight.

It is very effective in sneak attacks.



Not only did the two flower arms have no effect at all, Lu Xiu reached out and pinched them,

well… they broke into pieces as soon as he pinched them. !

The ability failed, Robin frowned in pain,

“Hmm…it feels good.……”

Lu Xiu nodded in praise. The touch was almost like a real hand, soft and elastic.

Could he develop many moves… ahem……

“you guy……”

When Crocodile saw that this woman was not honest, he looked cold and was about to step forward to teach him a lesson.

Lu Xiu stretched out his hand to stop him.

“Sigh… don’t be so angry… Look, you scared her.……”

It’s obviously you she’s afraid of! navy!

Crocodile didn’t say this out loud, he just complained silently in his heart.

“Let’s go…Nicole Robin……”

Lu Xiu said with a smile on his lips, looking like a villain.

After realizing the gap in strength, Nico Robin did not resist this time and

followed obediently.

Crocodile looked at this scene indifferently, as if the one who was taken away was not one of his subordinates, and the same was true for “One Five Three”. To him, his subordinates are nothing more than tools and can be discarded at any time.。


Seeing that Lu Xiu was about to leave, Crocodile became anxious and immediately reminded him,



Blood appeared out of thin air and flowed into Crocodile’s body.

In Robin’s surprised eyes, he returned to his original appearance in his prime, and his originally rickety body became taller again.

“Then… let’s go… Lord Shichibukai~”

Lu Xiu yawned,

Crocodile turned his back and said nothing, he was ready to leave here,

“By the way… the people in this country are quite enthusiastic. I will travel often in the future~”

He warned lightly, and these words made Crocodile’s face suddenly darken.

“What did you say…Navy?……”

“It’s nothing, you know what I mean… Just don’t do anything that will harm this country.……”

Lu Xiu said with a smile,


“You can’t beat me…I am a navy……”

If a major disaster occurs in a participating country or is attacked by powerful pirates, the navy is qualified to intervene.。

“Hum…I know……”

Damn the navy… It seems that the Utopia battle plan is going to be shelved…

Crocodile thought with a gloomy face, and then turned into wind and sand and left.

Robin, who was watching this scene next to her, was even more frightened. How could she escape from a man who was even afraid of the unruly Shichibukai?

“Let’s go, Nico Robin.……”

Lu Xiu put his hand on the other person’s shoulder and looked at her desperate look with amusement…

At dawn,

Lu Xiu took Robin to the warship. In order to prevent the soldiers on the ship from seeing it, he even bought her a cloak. Cover your face.

After all, this is the subordinate you want to recruit. It is not good for others to see it. The noses of the World Government are all-pervasive.

“Well ~ you are back ~ Tina misses you……”

In the cabin, in the special bedroom of the highest officer, the pink-haired beauty wearing a suspender saw Lu Xiu coming back, and subconsciously wanted to go forward and hug him, but she saw a

woman following him closely…

It was a woman, yes. !

Even though the other party is wearing a cloak, his curvy figure cannot be covered at all,

woman? Lu Xiu went out and brought a woman back?

For a moment, Tina was filled with discomfort and anger.

“Tina is very angry! ”

The emotion was about to be expressed. The pink-haired beauty pointed at the figure behind Lu Xiu with her hands on her hips and said,

“who is she?”


Tina’s fierce reaction caught Lu Xiu off guard. He smiled and said,

“Take off your cape, Nico Robin.……”


Robin’s iconic face was revealed, making Tina, who was originally full of anger, look stunned.

“Son of the devil? The one with a bounty of 79 million beli? How did you bring her back?……”

These words made the eyes of Robin, who had been silent, flicker…

Unlike other navies, Tina had a lot of contact with senior officials like Gion and Tsuru,

so they roughly knew what Robin was like.

Although the navy had not given up on arresting her over the years, But the force is actually much smaller, and the agents of the World Government are like dog-skin plaster, so

for Tina, catching this guy means having to confront the people of the World Government, which is

very troublesome. ,

“Why did you catch the guy they wanted?……”

Tina calmed down at this time. It was impossible for Lu Xiu to have anything to do with a prisoner with a bounty on his head.

Robin was also silently waiting for his sentence.

Should he send it to the World Government? Or be locked up and tortured?

I… there is no way to survive…

However, what the two women didn’t expect was that Lu Xiu said,

“I? I want to take her as my subordinate……”

Lu Xiu said with a smile that

this was not a whim, but that his younger brother Bartolomeo’s power to defeat the enemy and the Hakka family was getting bigger and bigger, but he lacked a think tank and commanding role, so he happened to come to

Alabasta this time. It happened that the Shichibukai was looking for trouble, and it happened that Robin was here at this time, so he couldn’t let it go. After

Lu Xiu’s words fell,

Tina suddenly showed a shocked look,

“Eh eh eh? ? ”

She stepped forward and stood on tiptoes, grabbed his shoulders and shook him.

“You have to think clearly! She is a troublesome person wanted by the World Government! Didn’t you kidnap her back because you saw her beauty?”

“Hmm…don’t worry…as long as you don’t get discovered……”

Lu Xiu yawned and ignored her next question.

“whispering sound……”

That being said, can you really defend yourself against the all-pervasive World Government agents?

If they were to discover him, the charge of harboring a criminal would be enough for him, even if he was the admiral’s brother.

Tina was thinking about it in her mind, and at the same time she became inexplicably hostile to this woman.

It’s all this guy’s fault!

At this time, Robin’s pupils were shaking. She thought about many endings in her future. Maybe she would become the deputy of the Shichibukai and survive, maybe she would join a certain pirate group and become its think tank, maybe she would be targeted by the world government, and it would be difficult in the end. Escaped death,

but never thought of this ending?

A navy? He actually said he wanted to protect her?

How is it possible…what happened to this world?

Her heart was full of mixed feelings. She should be happy that she didn’t have to die, but… why couldn’t she laugh? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“No need for your kindness! Bring me to the World Government! ”

I don’t know what emotion to face, Robin responded with a cold face. She remembered that her hometown of O’Hara was destroyed by these hateful marines. Obviously many people were innocent! They still chose to kill!

Crowe Dr. Ba, Sauro, and everyone…

Figures flashed through her mind, and finally the scene where they fell to the ground was fixed on them.

It was these guys who did it! []

The Navy… will never be forgiven!

Robin’s emo

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) tions are rare Her emotions started to fluctuate, and she wanted to express her full anger, but she knew that she couldn’t defeat him, so she just looked at him with a determined look,

“Hello! you guy……”

Tina looked very unhappy, are you a white-eyed wolf?

Lu Xiu even took risks to protect you, but you turned a cold shoulder?

“Well…I’m not asking you to join the navy……”

Lu Xiu smiled gently. He knew what the other person was thinking without having to peek into his heart. He felt sympathy and sighed silently in his heart.

“My men have established a force to beat up enemy gangster families. You should have heard of it, right?……”

Robin’s eyes moved slightly.

As someone who has been in the underground world all year round, she had naturally heard of this force. It appeared in Rogge Town in the East China Sea in the past year and developed rapidly. As soon as it appeared, it unified most of the underworld forces in the East China Sea. ,

but it is said to be a gangster, but in fact it has not done any evil things such as human trafficking or arms trafficking. Instead, it is like a bounty hunter organization. They are responsible for arresting pirates, acting as escorts for merchant ships, and the like. Recently, they have even expanded their business

. When the Grand Line arrived, she vaguely remembered that Baroque Studio seemed to have some dealings with the other party,

and did such an emerging force belong to this man?

She was filled with disbelief for a moment, raised her head and asked,

“Are you the base director of Rogge Town?”

“Yeah…what’s wrong? ”

Lu Xiu was a little confused, but

Robin nodded and verified his guess.

According to the information from the people below, the member of the Beat the Enemy Guest family revealed that one of them was that all members of their organization must Lu Xiu, the director of the base in Rogge Town, showed his respect. If he could get the other party’s signature, he could even be promoted! It is politically correct for the Hakka family to worship Lord Lu Xiu when they are beating enemies! Lu Xiu, who silently turned on the information and heard it, twitched the corner of his mouth, “Okay


” , this is very Bartolomeo…

In the end, Robin agreed to join, and Lu Xiu was not surprised. He did not invite the other party to join the navy at the beginning.

In addition to the other party’s identity issue, the second reason was that he was afraid of the other party’s mentality.

The navy cast too many shadows on her…

So Tina took her to a room somewhere in the cabin, and told her not to come out until she returned to the East China Sea.

Robin naturally nodded in agreement, but her slightly flashing eyes made it difficult to see. Find out what she is thinking…..

At the same time, far away in the capital of Alabasta,

King Kobra received a report from below,

“oh? Did a powerful navy help repel the pirates?”

“Hahahaha… As expected of the navy……”

Cobra laughed, and his emotions could be heard in his words.

He looked at the figure kneeling below.

If Lu Xiu was here, he would recognize that person as the captain of the guard.

“Yes, Your Majesty the King! They are so awesome!”

“The pirate that I couldn’t deal with despite all my efforts was actually killed by that marine with one punch! ”

As he said this, he also waved his fist to demonstrate, without mentioning the process of being knocked over by a stick.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! So powerful……”

Cobra said with a smile, and then narrowed his eyes slightly.

He said that he had not seen the navy for a long time.

As a member of the World Government, Alabasta has a standing army of 600,000, and the navy is not allowed to interfere. Waiting for regulations, I haven’t seen the navy help fight off pirates for several years.

Most of the navy just docked at the shore to resupply and then left in a hurry.

Now there is actually a navy willing to do this.

“I think I should meet that guy……”

Cobra said, and

the figure below said in surprise,

“right! Mr. King may think so too.……”

He felt happy in his heart. He had said so much for his benefactor, hadn’t he been waiting for this moment? After the king invited him to meet, the other party’s credit for receiving the headquarters’ note would be even greater!


Cobra smiled and nodded.

Recently, there was a Shichibukai who performed in his country. Although he defeated many pirates with his strong strength and was sought after by many citizens, and even gradually gained the title of the hero of the kingdom, he was still a sea warrior

. Thief, as a king, Cobra will not easily trust a pirate,

but the navy is much more trustworthy.

He also wants to meet this navy who sounds powerful, and take a look.���If you can’t make friends, if that Shichibukai has any plots in the future, maybe you can seek help from him…

Cobra thought a lot in his mind in an instant, and even laid out a way out.

Next to his throne, a girl with sky-blue hair listened quietly without blinking,

Navy? A righteous navy?

Her eyes brightened slightly, and she felt a little expectant…

At the Rapeseed Port, the warship was about to set sail. Suddenly, the guards below shouted loudly,

saying that the king invited them to the capital.

When Lu Xiu heard this,

he felt a little moved. In fact, When he came here, he wanted to visit the capital, but due to status restrictions, the navy had no special mission and could not go to the capital of the joining country, so he did not go. Lu Xiu turned to look at the pink-haired beauty next to him

. road,

“go? Tina……”

“OK, Tina agrees! ”

She naturally agreed.

She would not let go of the opportunity to spend more time with Lu Xiu.


Lu Xiu nodded, then returned to a certain room inside the cabin, and said to the figure who was reading quietly,

“We are going to the capital for a few days. You can stay here for the next two days. There is a place to wash in the room. I will have soldiers deliver three meals a day.……”

After saying that, he left, leaving Robin sitting there in a daze.

Lu Xiu did not do anything to lock the door, or tie the other person and throw him into the room.

To him, although Robin was indeed suitable for beating The enemy and the guest family are think-tank talents, but that doesn’t mean they have to be the other party.

Choices are two-way, and he also gave the other party a chance. Yesterday, he made it very clear that if she had to run away, there was nothing she could do.

So everyone headed towards the capital under the guidance of the guards.

At the same time, Bartolomeo, who was far away in the East China Sea, received the news from his subordinates.

He was lying lazily on the beach chair and jumped up.

“What? Master Lu Xiu is coming back! ! ”

His words also made the younger brothers around him listen.

“What? Is Colonel Lu Xiu coming back?”

“Very good! Wow, it’s been a long time since I saw Colonel Lu Xiu’s handsome appearance!”

“This time I want to witness his majestic figure!”

“Me too! ! ”

They were crying and howling, and they kept saying disgusting words.

“alright! Quiet! Bartolomeo

clapped his hands and said,

“I just thought of an idea……”

“In order to celebrate Lord Lu Xiu’s return and to give Lord Lu Xiu the warmth of returning home, I decided… to build a statue of Lord Lu Xiu in full view in the center of the square!”

“I want everyone who comes to Rogue Town to know! It’s Master Lu Xiu who protects this place! It was Lord Lu Xiu who brought them peace! ”

As soon as these words came out, the younger brothers around them burst into tears.

“Woohoo, great! ! !”

“As expected of the boss! !”

“We also have a party to celebrate!”

“There is also a banner with Lord Lu Xiu’s name written on it! ! ”

The younger brothers went to prepare enthusiastically…

Well… I don’t know what Lu Xiu will think when he sees this scene when he goes back.……。

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