“Okay, I get it…Thanks for your hard work, Nami.……”

“Then come down and give me a reward! I’ll wait for you in the room tonight~”

A slightly charming voice sounded from inside, but only Lu Xiu knew that this guy was just having sex…

Two days had passed, and

Lu Xiu had been staying at the Rogge Town Naval Base for the first time in a long time. At this time, he was drinking tea and reading the newspaper.

【If you fish and read the newspaper at work, the damage value will be +6000]

It is indeed double the experience, it is really cool!

“Lu Xiu, Chief Instructor Zefa is coming.……”

Nami’s voice sounded,


Lu Xiu raised his head slightly, a little surprised.

He hadn’t seen Zefa for a long time…


A huge warship from the headquarters slowly docked.

Lu Xiu glanced at it and saw that the people on it were all elites from the headquarters.

Teacher Zefa didn’t bring any new recruits?

This doubt flashed through his mind.

The next moment, Zefa, who looked a bit old but still tall and tall with purple hair, came over.

Well… there were Sadie and Ain behind him~

“Lu Xiu! haven’t seen you for a long time!”

The blue-haired girl was the most proactive. After she got off the boat, she gave him a hug directly.

Everyone present had different expressions. Nami clenched her fists, Kalifa adjusted her glasses, and Sadie After touching his butt,

Zefa looked at it with a smile.

“Long time no see… Ain……”

Lu Xiu patted the other party’s soft shoulder slightly, then looked at Zefa,

“Teacher Zefa…are you on a mission?”

“um, yes……”

The purple-haired man nodded and then said,

“It’s not convenient to talk here, let’s go back and talk……”

When such a large navy headquarters warship docked in Rogge Town, many residents were immediately curious as to whether there were any major criminals here.


So everyone slowly returned to the Rogge Town Naval Base,

“Kalifa, please make some cups of tea.……”

Entering the office, Lu Xiu ordered the beautiful secretary who was always close to him,

“Okay Colonel Leuch……”

Kalifa adjusted her glasses, and then walked away with her long legs wrapped in fishing nets.

Ain’s mouth pursed as she looked aside, and she quietly leaned into Lu Xiu’s ear,

“Now~ do you like this? Then I can show you what I’m wearing tonight?”

The voice was a little frivolous, seductive, and cute~

Lu Xiu’s brother said you are so naughty, I almost vomited!


Zefa next to him coughed lightly.

No matter how quiet you speak, everyone here is a powerful person and will hear it!


Ain stuck out her tongue cutely. Her baby-faced face looked extremely cute with this move.

Lu Xiu thought maybe it would be good to apply some essence on her face?

“The thing is like this……”

Zefa began to slowly tell what happened. When he heard that the headquarters ordered the establishment of a special unit, Lu Xiu’s mouth twitched slightly.

“This organization is very harmful! No one knows what the mastermind behind them wants to do! Zefa frowned and said,

Lu Xiu: Okay, Teacher Zefa, please stop talking. In fact, I am the mastermind behind this!

“With their behavior of hunting strong men, you should be careful in the future, they captured all the Shichibukai!”

Seeing the disdain on Lu Xiu’s face, Zefa thought that he didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter, so he warned silently,

“You have a great reputation. I think based on the behavior of that organization, maybe you will be the next target.……”

Lu Xiu: Okay, okay, I understand… They are here to catch their boss~

“I know, I will definitely be careful……”

What else could he say? Of course I agreed with a smile…

Navy Headquarters, Marine Fando,

Crane looked at the report in his hand, his eyes widened slightly,

“This is… Ryoma, a samurai from Wano Country?”

A great swordsman during the”Golden Kingdom” period of Wano Country. He had never suffered a defeat in his life. He was also a legendary dragon-slaying samurai and was regarded as the”God of Swords” by later generations. In the

23rd year ago, his body and sword Qiushui were killed by Moonlight Mori Ya stole it,

“I see……”

She immediately understood why a powerful Wano warrior suddenly appeared. After all, even Kozuki Oden and his navy headquarters had records.

Wasn’t this a historical figure?

“What a terrible organization.……”

Crane murmured, this method of resurrecting a once-dead person into a living person with a fighting power comparable to the Shichibukai…

Who is Moria with?

This incredible Devil Fruit has never been seen even by her, who has a lot of experience.

If Lu Xiu knew about it, he would definitely laugh. Have you ever seen the awakening of a super rare vampire phantom beast species? What are you thinking about?

“Set a reward…`~…”

He wrote an investigation report and prepared to submit it to the Warring States Period.

From now on, all members of that organization will set a bounty.

One day later, two bounties were released… two bounty orders, golden lions: one billion and thirty million Baileys, Wano Samurai Ryoma: 850 million Baileys, the sea is once again making waves,

“Hey hey, did I read that correctly? Isn’t this the golden lion from three years ago?”

“Isn’t he dead? I heard that the navy in the East China Sea killed him!”

“The Navy isn’t kidding, is it? Do they direct and act themselves?”

“There is a bounty of 1 billion and 30 million beli. It’s really scary.……”

The pirates looked at the high bounty and discussed it one after another. Many people expressed disbelief.

“If I read it correctly…someone resurrected him!”

A smart guy thinks so,

“What? Can people in this world survive death?”

“I don’t know, but it seems to be true… After all, the person who died three years ago… isn’t he still alive and well?”

The pirate’s trembling voice sounded, with excitement and fanaticism in his eyes…

In the new world,

Whitebeard quietly looked at the familiar reward order on the newspaper,


Although the other person looked decades younger, and his thick golden hair looked so familiar, the tall man shook his head again.

“He’s not the real Shiki……”

“Eh? Dad…why? asked Margao ,

“Gurus la la la la la la: ’s not this guy like this……”

Whitebeard laughed and said, although the opponent was a golden lion, or even a young Shiji, he could tell the truth at a glance. The opponent was just a guy with Shiji’s body!

That guy Shiji… always has an arrogant smile on his face!

The man on the reward order is more like a swordsman, calm and indifferent,

“I see……”

Margao nodded, knowing why, and then sighed,

“But this organization is really scary… It can even resurrect the dead.……”


In the new world, the country of Wano,

Kaido also saw the samurai’s reward order.

“Um? Wano…is there such a powerful swordsman?”

He raised his eyebrows and looked a little eager to try.


Quinn, who was next to him, was also observing the bounty order. The scene of the one-eyed warrior holding Yama pressing down on the Shichibukai made him feel inexplicably familiar. He was such a familiar person…who was he?

He frowned and thought for a while,

“I remembered!”

“oh? What do you remember?”

Kaido poured himself a sip of wine and said,

“He is… the Dragon-Slaying Swordsman of Wano Country! Ryoma!”

Quinn said firmly,

“hahahahahahahaha! That’s really interesting. You mean, the dead come back to life?”

Kaido smiled,

“Hmm…Boss, do you still remember when that Bat boy challenged you more than ten years ago?”


Kaido said,

“At that time… after he lost, he stole Ryoma’s body and the national treasure Qiushui……”

Quinn recalled for Kaido,


Does that mean this guy did it? Kaido narrowed his eyes slightly and asked,


Quinn nodded, and then said in a reasoning tone,

“It must be that Bat boy who wanted to take revenge on Boss Kaido, joined the organization called Akatsuki, and then created this kind of zombie. He didn’t know where he learned about our business dealings with Doflamingo, so he went to kill him first. His factory was also demolished……”

The more Quinn talked about it, the more he felt that his reasoning was correct.

I am really so smart!

“Hahahahahahahaha interesting! Kaido laughed loudly, but he became colder the next moment. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“If you meet someone from that organization in the future, don’t hesitate! Kill them all!”

How dare you ruin his plan? Do you know that artificial devil fruits are very important to him?

“Of course, destroying our business means becoming the enemy of the Beast Pirates!”

Quinn also sneered.

Lu Xiu innocently offended an emperor of the new world.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn’t care. Just offend him.

“Boss, it would be fun if I gave this bounty to those guys in Wano Country.……”

Quinn chuckled and said,

“Well, go ahead……”

Kaido grinned. He also wanted to see the reaction of those guys…

So the next day, in the Flower City, which is the most prosperous area of Wano Country, people gathered around and looked at the reward notice.

“That is… Lord Ryoma!!”

Even though so much time has passed, they still remember the hero of Wano, the Dragon-Slaying Samurai. After all, they still have each other’s portraits!

“Very good! Lord Ryoma is resurrected!”[]

“I see! Lord Ryoma must have seen how miserable we were, so he came back to life and wanted to kill Kaido!”

Some warriors were so excited that they shed tears,

“Lord Ryoma… come back quickly!”

“Kill the evil dragon that envelopes the country of Wano.……”

People’s hearts were suddenly filled with hope. The former Kozuki Oden could not save them, so they placed their hope on Ryoma…

Marinvando, and Kizaru, who had returned to the navy headquarters, sat drinking tea and enjoying this rare fishing time.

Bang boom!

There was a knock on the door,

“Come in……”

Kizaru said calmly, and a navy soldier walked in,

“Report to the General, Vergo, the remnant of the Don Quixote family that you brought to our attention, has been in Impel Down for two days.……”

Two days ago, Nami called specifically to reveal the other party’s identity and asked the headquarters to pay attention.

So Kizaru observed the other party’s actions for a while, and finally discovered the other party’s purpose. Oh, you are going to rob a prison, so let Just go and send it over there in one step.

“Oh~ Hasn’t he revealed his flaws yet?”

Kizaru was a little surprised,



He took a sip of tea and said in a nonchalant tone,

“Let’s give a notification over there.……”

It’s just a me. It’s not worth the effort of this general.


After the soldiers left,

Kizaru crossed his legs, but what he was thinking about was, there are so many women around Lu Xiu, when will he give birth to a niece?


In Impel Down,

Vergo was chatting with Deputy Director Hannibal. His high spirits at the beginning suddenly sluggished.

Only after he actually came here did he understand why this is the world’s number one prison.

It is located in the windless part of the first half of the Grand Line. The security is extremely tight. There are various monster jailers and video phone bugs inside to monitor. There are a large number of large sea kings on the seabed outside the prison. There are 6 floors in total. The outside of the prison is guarded by a navy warship. In the darkness of the prison Within the area, there are various cells and torture chambers for prisoners. These cells are made of seastone to prevent prisoners with Devil Fruit abilities from escaping.

This place is simply impregnable!

Virgo’s thoughts

“`How is it? There is no way we can escape the prisoners here no matter what!”

Deputy Director Hannibal smiled and said,


Vergo nodded. After this period of exploration, he also knew which floors the family cadres were on.

That’s right!

The ones who ride the horses are actually separated from each other!

Pica, Diamanti is imprisoned on the fourth floor, the scorching hell. Warden Magellan’s office is on that floor. The temperature on the whole floor is very high, just like a huge iron pot, full of boiling blood pools and seas of fire, baby5 , Buffalo is imprisoned in the second underground floor, Beast Hell, the whole floor is full of beasts, and there are various ferocious beasts and monsters, including cockatrice, man-faced lion, venomous scorpion, etc., Senior

, Gulaudis Locked in the Hungry Hell without any food, that is to say, if Vergo wants to save them, he must mobilize all the criminals on the third, fourth and second floors at the same time to escape from prison with him!

But… the legendary guy named Magellan has a strength comparable to that of a naval admiral.

It is difficult…

Vergo felt chilled in his heart.

“Alas, Rear Admiral Vergo, I heard that you are also a respected navy outside. You should also know how hateful these hateful pirate bastards are, right?”

“They slaughtered those weak civilians wantonly! Destroy other people’s families! How abominable!”

“If it weren’t for the higher-ups not using lynching, I would have killed them directly.……”

Hannibal said as he walked, apart from being lustful and greedy for power, he is the one who truly loves and protects the common people.


Vergo nodded and said nothing. What does the safety of civilians (Li Hao) have to do with me?


At this moment, Hannibal suddenly received a phone bug message from the first floor.

“Deputy Director Hannibal, after investigation by the headquarters, Vergo is a cadre of the Don Quixote Pirates, code name……”

The voice of the phone bug rang, and it was very loud. Both of them heard it clearly.

Hannibal’s face froze.

He glanced at the other party in disbelief, and found that the other party had completely cooled down, and the gentleness he had just had completely disappeared.


Vergo said lightly, although he didn’t know how he was exposed, he had already been prepared to be exposed since he dared to come here, so…


Vergo’s body is fully armed and hardened.

Let’s kill this guy before he is arrested!


Hannibal broke out in cold sweat,

“It turns out…it turns out you are an evil pirate! I’ll fight you!”

His voice was trembling, and it was obvious that he was very scared, but he would bravely face a powerful enemy no matter what kind of predicament he was in. This was the honor and pride of his position as deputy director!


The huge naginata was thrown at the opponent,


Vergo walked towards him leisurely, and when the naginata struck, he just turned slightly to avoid it,

“too slow……”

Then he kicked him, bang!

Hannibal flew directly into the air,


He spat out his mouth full of acidic water and smashed his body more than ten meters.

The severe pain from his abdomen reminded him that this was an enemy he could not defeat!


The fallen body gradually stood up again,

“Damn pirates! I won’t let you out!”

Hannibal’s trembling body was full of pain, but he still fought without flinching!


Virgo just watched with cold eyes, and he suddenly changed his mind, that is, he would torture this ignorant guy…

Thanks to Blank?, Qianzui Time Boss for his monthly pass, and all the flowers from all dear readers! Thank you so much!!.

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