And the general’s office cannot be equipped with phone bugs or surveillance bugs like the Eighth Research Institute, so Lu Xiu is not worried about the conversation between the two being overheard by some interested people.


Kizaru took a sip of tea, his face remained calm, but in fact he was worried about his little brother.

Who would have thought that this guy would do such a thing?

Are you going to compete with the sons of Lieutenant General Garp?

Others create a revolutionary army, so you might as well create a similar organization. The plot seems to be quite big.……

“You…be careful……”

Kizaru told him that he wouldn’t bother to care if it was someone else, but there was no other way. Who could let this guy be his biological brother?

Lu Xiu smiled faintly and nodded in response. He knew that the other party would not say anything to make him give up.

He knew Kizaru. Even though this guy said that he was just trying to complete the task every day, in fact, the other party also longed for something. It’s a kind of liberation and freedom, which can be seen from the fact that in the original work, this guy danced the Nikka dance with Vegapunk and the others.

Neither of the two brothers discussed this topic again.

They drank tea and fished together after a long absence.……

【If you fish and drink tea during working hours, the damage value will be +5000! 】

Lu Xiu didn’t stay in Kizaru’s office for long when he met Tina’s visit.

She still looked so beautiful in a navy justice coat. She was tall and wearing sunglasses, and she was full of sass.

“Oops…I’m leaving now. You can write slowly.……”

Lu Xiu smiled and said,

“Let’s go……”

Kizaru just pouted and didn’t want to pay attention to this guy, go away! I get annoyed when I see you!

“General Kizaru… Goodbye!”

Tina greeted him politely, then dragged Lu Xiu out of the door.


Kizaru looked at the two figures leaving the door quietly. He didn’t know what he was thinking. There were so many women around Lu Xiu…

He made himself a pot of tea, high-end. The aroma of tea filled the office, and Kizaru’s mood gradually calmed down.……

“haven’t seen you for a long time……”

The two of them were walking on the street, facing everyone’s envious and jealous attention, but they didn’t know what to say. After all, they hadn’t seen each other for half a year.

Tina turned her head and looked at the man quietly. He was still the same,

“What’s wrong? Feeling a little unfamiliar after not seeing each other for so long?”

Lu Xiu skillfully took her waist, and the soft touch made him squeeze it subconsciously.


Okay, the familiar feeling came back,

Tina rolled her eyes,

“Going to your house?”

Lu Xiu put his head and stroked her ear,

“Humph…Okay…my family is very big~”

Tina said what she said when they first met at the Navy Headquarters,

“Let’s go, beauty……”

Lu Xiu held her in his arms and walked in a certain direction.

“Over here… you haven’t been here for so long and you’ve forgotten?”

Tina pulled him back, oh! That’s where Ain lives over there, sorry…

Lu Xiu was ashamed…

The two came to Tina’s house, um… it’s still so big,

Nuo’s big living room But there were some strange things on display, such as black stockings… Wait!

Lu Xiu didn’t dare to look at it anymore, he said righteously,

“What do you mean?”

I’m a righteous man! Do you want to bribe the righteous navy?

Use these clothes to bribe? Huh?”

“Um? This is specially prepared for you… don’t you like it?”

Tina put her index finger slightly on her red lips and looked at him funny,

“Hey… I like it, of course I do……”

Lu Xiu smiled and decided to accept these clothes. He still liked to wear some strange things at such an old age.

He felt heartbroken about this and decided to teach the other party a lesson.

【If you sleep while fishing on a business trip, the worth of bad things will be +10,000! 】

The system expresses its strong condemnation of this behavior!


Lu Xiu was lying on the sofa wearing big underpants, surrounded by messes and torn clothes.

Tina had just tried on those strange things and found that the sizes did not match. Lu Xiu was so angry that he tore them directly.!

And severely denounced the merchants for actually using these low-quality guys to deceive consumers!

He decided to go take a look next time and use his authority to scare them! How dare you sell fake and shoddy products at the Navy Headquarters!

As a naval hero, he must rectify this unhealthy trend!

“How have you been these past few years?”

Lu Xiu asked,

“Hmm… not bad. Chief of Staff He takes good care of me.……”

The pink-haired beauty is wearing a simple home dress. She is also half-lying on the sofa at this time, with her slender white legs exposed to the air, which looks particularly pleasing to the eye.

“If you have any problems, remember to find me, or that guy in Porusalino.……”

Lu Xiu yawned. He still took good care of his woman.

Moreover, with his current influence, the Navy Headquarters had nothing he could not handle.

“Yeah, I know……”

Tina turned her face to the side and kissed him, with a trace of satisfaction in her heart.


Lu Xiu smiled, reached out and pinched the other person’s soft little face, and responded…

The next morning, a refreshed Lu Xiu went out and walked on the street alone.

As for Tina, well, with his help, the other party obtained A baby’s sleep,

“Oops…this store is still open……”

When passing by a store, he felt a little emotional. The last time he ate here was with Kizaru three years ago.

“Many places have changed, but nothing has changed……”

He walked through the streets and alleys and watched groups of navy soldiers leaving.

People were busy with work and tasks. He was the only one who was so leisurely.

【While on a business trip, watching other people go to work and shopping by yourself, the value of being messed up is +6000! 】

The system couldn’t help but jumped out and severely condemned his behavior.

At the end of the road, a three-meter-tall figure appeared there.

Well… wearing an eyepatch, he was as lazy as him.……


Kuzan recognized the other person at a glance.

Looking at the handsome face that was completely different from Kizaru’s wretched appearance, he was a little surprised and couldn’t help but complain in his heart, are they really brothers?

Kizaru: Are you polite?


Everyone looked over, and Lu Xiu couldn’t say hello.

At the same time, he also recognized Kuzan from the tall figure, wearing a white suit vest and dark blue shirt, the familiar curly hair, and the slovenly and lazy look with an eye patch. , the navy’s codename is”Ao Pheasant”, he is a natural frozen fruit user with powerful strength. He was once a student of Mr. Zefa and is currently one of the”Three Admirals of the Navy” with the highest combat power in the Navy Headquarters.

“I know you… Porusalino’s brother……”

Kuzan said, and at the same time stretched out his hand, as if intending to introduce himself,

“My name is Kuzan, um… I’m also a naval admiral… Please give me some advice.……”

He seems quite polite, but what’s funny is that Lu Xiu has been in the Navy for three or four years, but this is the first time the two of them have met.

After all, Lu Xiu rarely comes to the Navy headquarters. The few times he comes, he goes out. The mission was over, and Kuzan recognized him because he had seen him in the newspaper a few years ago.

“Well…my name is Lu Xiu, Kizaru’s younger brother……”

Lu Xiu responded, and then the two of them were speechless.

A trace of embarrassment flashed in the air.

If he was facing a certain beauty who was the flower of the navy, he could talk freely for a whole day without saying anything bad, but the person he was talking to was a grown man……Forget it, if you don’t speak, I won’t speak either. Lu Xiu just doesn’t speak.

Lu Xiu gently holds the other person’s hand and then lets go.

“Well… let’s talk?”

Kuzan scratched his head and said, not having the airs of a general at all.


Lu Xiu nodded, and the two of them walked along No. 3 Commercial Street to a quiet

cafe. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is a place where Kuzan often comes.

“The coffee here is delicious……”

He introduced,


Lu Xiu nodded, and then took a sip.

Well, he couldn’t taste it. He even felt that it was similar to the coffee made by Pola.

Kuzan looked at the young man quietly.

When he was young, he thought that Garp refused again and again. Being promoted to a general is a very handsome thing, but I didn’t expect to meet an even more outrageous guy. He refused the Warring States Marshal’s orders to come to the headquarters again and again. The key is that the senior management can’t say anything yet.

“I really envy you……”

Kuzan couldn’t help but murmured, if he didn’t sit in such a high position, maybe he wouldn’t be so confused, right?

When he was young, he was passionate about the future of the navy, and his concept of justice was”burning justice.”

However, in the O’Hara incident more than ten years ago, after seeing what Akainu Sakaski did, he became confused about the justice that the Navy upheld.

Therefore, his long-term distress made him determined to support”lazy justice”. He believed that”justice” would have different opinions among people from different positions and would change according to their positions, so he would not question other people’s”justice”.”,[]

“Envy me?”

Lu Xiu smiled faintly, and then showed a proud smile.

Just when Kuzan thought he would tell some different theories,

“You are right to be envious of me, this is my magical life~ What kind of miserable life do you 996 live?……”

Lu Xiu sighed, suddenly feeling that this guy looked a bit pleasing to the eye, and he actually gave him a chance to show off!


The corner of Kuzan’s mouth twitched and he blamed me. He shouldn’t have asked.

The two of them fell into a brief silence, and then he began to ask about a certain question he wanted to know.

“Is Nico Robin at your place?”

Lu Xiu, who was drinking coffee, made a move, then nodded again,

“Yes what’s the matter?”

The tone was full of confidence and the expression was extremely natural, as if to say, what can you do even if this is the case? What can you do to me?

“take good care of her……”

Hearing the arrogant and careless tone of the other party, Kuzan said helplessly that he really couldn’t do anything.

After all, this guy not only has an older brother who is a general, but it is no secret among the top management of the headquarters that he himself has strength comparable to that of a naval general. Yes, and according to recent investigations, he was the one who took away Hawkeye’s throne as the world’s number one swordsman not long ago.

This person must have strength and background, unless the other party does something to betray the navy or overthrow the rule of the world government. , otherwise he would be the navy prince,

“Don’t worry… last time CP8 came to my place, they were all sent away.……”

Lu Xiu yawned and said, he didn’t expect that the other party was still thinking about Robin…

The two briefly communicated for a while. After Kuzan learned that Robin was living a good life with him and had not been wronged, he nodded and felt reassured. Yes,

“I will take good care of Robin……”

Lu Xiu was sure, but at the same time he was thinking that he hadn’t seen each other for a long time. I wonder what Robin has been up to recently?


At the same time, several bear paw light waves came here thousands of meters above Rogge Town , swoosh!

After falling, the four CP0s stared wide-eyed and saw the countless floating islands. They immediately thought of the floating fruits that the world government had not found after the death of the golden lion.

“.~That’s it……”

They didn’t expect Akatsuki’s base to be so secretive, even though it was thousands of meters above the ground! You can’t even see it because of the clouds!

“how come……”

A CP0 murmured,”This fruit has been found even after spending a lot of manpower and material resources!”


They landed, and then a group of super zombies surrounded them.

“Yo ho ho ho… Knock them out!”

Longma commanded,

“yes! Boss Longma!”

They stepped forward with a ferocious smile, and then… the CP0s who had already had a lot of blood drawn were as weak as girls who were bullied, well… simply stuck to the ground… butts stuck out, noses and faces swollen, boo! Tru!

He and Ahu also landed, as well as several other members,

Marianne, Bowness, Pola, and Feng Clay.

They were shocked when they looked at the flying island thousands of meters above the sky, the misty clouds, and the huge castle not far away. With exclamation,

Marianne looked at the group of strangely painted people during the Golden Week���Guys surrounded the men in white suits, accompanied by a slightly weird scream, and the excited smiles of the weirdos. It always felt like they were doing something BT.

Marianne shrank her head subconsciously, and her eldest sister Pola protected her. in front of her,

“Hey hey! You’re scaring our future companions! Take these guys down……”

Ahu reprimanded loudly,

“I know, I know……”

The super zombies took them away like little chickens,

“Yo ho ho ho ho ho ho! Welcome to Xiao’s base……”

Ryoma looked at the newcomers and introduced himself.

Due to his professionalism as a former bounty hunter, they also recognized each other.

“Are you…that Ryoma?”

Wano Country Samurai, with a bounty of 850 million Baileys!

Their eyes widened, and they suddenly felt a little excited. They originally thought that Lu Xiu wanted them to join the enemy family and continue their old business, but unexpectedly it was someone else. An organization?

“Um…that’s right…yo ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho……”

Ryoma laughed out loud, his tone full of pride and emotion, because except for the large number of prisoners in the underground (Zhao’s) basement, there were few living people, or in other words, there were not many living people who were the killers. ,

Perona was busy applying make-up to the little bear, Dusky was practicing her abilities there, Moria was sleeping, and Crocodile was exercising like crazy with irons.

“Let me introduce the organization’s development strategy below.……”

“Our organizational goal is to overthrow the world government and finally establish a world of love and peace……”

This was Ryoma’s first job as a guide. He mixed in his own personal information while introducing.


Pola didn’t speak. She looked solemn after hearing the other party’s remarks. She suddenly felt that she had boarded a pirate ship to overthrow the world government or something… It sounded like she would die without a burial place if she wasn’t careful!!

“Where is Lord Crocodile?”

The tough guy Bonis asked the question he was most concerned about. It doesn’t matter whether he is organized or not. As long as he follows Mr. Crocodile, he has nothing to fear!

“he is inside……”

Ryoma pointed in a certain direction, obviously knowing the bond between the other party and Crocodile.

“Well…thank you……”

Bonis nodded, and then went somewhere, leaving three people and one dragon and horse staring at each other.

“Where did you just say that? Oh, organizational ideals……”

Ryoma continued to tell, and the three of them gradually blended in”happily” under his leadership…

At the same time, at the Navy Headquarters,

Lu Xiu yawned and stood in the direction of the port. Sengoku next to him saw him off in person,

“Hello! Boy Lu Xiu! Are you really not considering staying?”

He asked. I don’t know why, but the soldier next to him sounded like he was pleading?

“No…Marshal of the Warring States Period, you know my ambition. This is not my ambition.……”

Lu Xiu waved his hand and refused, laughing to death, what are you doing here?

I’ve rejected you so many times, why can’t you wear small shoes for me every day?

Damn that guy!

The soldiers next to him were envious and jealous, and even the Marshal of the Warring States Period refused his personal invitation!

Why does this guy? Isn’t it just that he is more handsome and stronger, and his brother is also a naval admiral? Research!.

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