Akainu didn’t think of anything else. After all, the doctor said that if Aokiji wasn’t a frozen man who ate the Ice Fruit, and his heart entered a state of suspended animation when he was dying, they would have to hold a general funeral for Aokiji.


Naval Headquarters


Sengoku angrily hammered the desk in front of him into two pieces.

Sengoku roared angrily:”Convene a high-level meeting of the navy, now! Immediately! Immediately!”

Soon the high-level executives who were still staying in the navy headquarters gathered in the conference room. Seeing that Garp was nowhere to be seen in his seat, Sengoku’s mouth twitched slightly, but he still endured it.

Sengoku announced in a low voice:”I just received a report that Akainu and his team failed in executing the Demon Slayer Order.”

“Failed? How is that possible? That’s the configuration of two generals!”

“This configuration is enough to destroy the Golden Pirates, so how could they fail in that damn place called Taikira Wolf?”

“Is it that the enemy is too strong? Or is there something wrong within our navy?”

“Admirals Akainu and Aokiji are both people who have executed the Demon Slayer Order. They should be familiar with the procedures. How could there be any mistakes?”

Listening to the discussions below, Zhan Guo said in a low voice:”The Demon Slayer Order was stopped by a group of people who called themselves the old bridge guards. The enemy only dispatched nine people, but they were nine admirals who were ready to fight.”

Hearing this, the smartest Crane asked with rapid breathing:”Ice Breathing? Are they practicing Ice Breathing?”

Zhan Guo nodded with a heavy face.

Nine admirals…

Hearing such a luxurious lineup, the whole conference room was silent.

The only one in the world that can put together this lineup is the World Government, but now there is one more.

Kizaru sighed in a sarcastic tone:”It’s terrible!”

“According to Akainu’s report, those nine old men are from 300 years ago, and they have lived from 300 years ago to the present.”

Sengoku’s voice was trembling, and there was even a bit of fear that he himself was not aware of.

As a naval marshal, what Sengoku was afraid of was not the nine admiral-level combat forces, but the meaning behind it.

People who practiced ice breathing were able to live from 300 years ago to the present, and the most terrible thing was that their combat power could still be maintained at the level of admirals. God knows how many admiral-level strongmen have been used in the bitter cold place of Taijila Wolf in the past 300 years?

The meaning behind this is the most terrifying thing.

Crane, as a naval staff officer, obviously also thought of the terrifying thought behind this, so his reaction was similar to that of Sengoku.

Crane directly suggested:”The navy should not get involved in that damn place, unless the World Government dispatches the Knights of God.”

If the Demon Slayer Order fails, then so be it. As for whether the deterrent power of the Demon Slayer Order will decline? The Navy can’t care so much now.

At least nine admiral-level strongmen!

The Navy won’t serve!

Zhan Guo listened and nodded with deep sympathy. The water of the Taiqila Wolf is too deep for their navy to grasp. This problem should be handed over to the five treasures of the World Government.

They should be very lively at this time.


The power of Mary Geoise in the Red Earth Continent.

The God of Science Defense, Jaigolucia Satan, angrily scolded:”Our agents sent back the news that the Demon Slayer Order failed. The Navy’s trash is really unreliable.”

The God of Agriculture, Shepard ten Peter, rationally excused the Navy:”It’s not the Navy’s fault. With nine admiral-level combat forces, even if the Navy headquarters joins in, they can’t get any good results.”

This wave can’t really be blamed on the Navy’s incompetence, it can only be said that the enemy is too strong.

The God of Environment, Marcus Maz, asked:”So what about the Tajira Wolf?”

The God of Finance, Izambaron·V·Nasujuro said:”Let it go. When the time comes, Lord Im will wipe out all existence that is detrimental to the World Government.” The current Taijira Wolf is a hornet’s nest. God knows how many old monsters are still alive in that bitter cold place.

You know, according to the records in the diary, the first group of people who learned the ice breathing method 300 years ago had more than 600 people. According to the saying that the ice breathing method does not require qualifications and comprehension, there may be 600 admiral-level strongmen in Taijira Wolf’s place. Even if some have been lost in 300 years, no one can guarantee that only the first group of people have learned the ice breathing method. What if someone else learns it later?

There is always a chance!

The hornet’s nest of Taijira Wolf is not only something that the navy does not want to poke, but their world government does not want to either.

“Ice Breathing Technique!”

Financial God of War Izambaron·V·Nasujuro Saint sighed slightly, his eyes full of covetousness and greed, but his face was helpless.

The current situation is that Im can deal with those admiral-level combat forces, but that trump card is reserved for Joey Boyi, and there is a specific time limit.

So the best response now is to wait until that specific time comes, and when Lord Im cleanses the world, he will also cleanse the Tajira Wolf.

Science Defense God of War Jeigolucia Satan Saint:”The diary says at the end that the man left the Tajira Wolf, which means that there will be traces of the man in other places on the sea.”

Financial God of War Izambaron·V·Saint Nasu Shoulang nodded heavily:”That’s right! If the bone of the Tekila wolf can’t be chewed, then look for other bones. The plan left by that man is definitely not limited to the Tekila wolf.”

Saint Shepard Ten Peter, the God of Agriculture, said:”Publish a bounty notice and search for everything related to Chinese characters!”

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