The people who had prepared their parachutes jumped into the bottomless abyss.

The physical fitness of people in the pirate world is generally ridiculously high. Although the abyss is 800 meters high, and Luffy and his friends are not professional parachutists.

But the parachute only needs to increase the resistance of falling a little bit, and Luffy and his friends can easily reach the bottom of the abyss.

After reaching the bottom of the abyss, Robin and his friends took out the torches they had prepared in advance and checked around.

After checking the surrounding environment, Nami said:”We seem to be on an altar now. Is there an altar at the bottom of the abyss?”

Robin explained:”No, the altar should be above, but it came down from above for some reason.”

Hearing this, Nami asked excitedly:”In other words, we are not in the wrong place? Is this the Shurima recorded in the diary? The legendary kingdom of God?”

Robin shook her head:”This is indeed Shurima, but I don’t know if it is the legendary kingdom of God. After all, many myths and legends are exaggerations of some things in reality.” Vivi next to her listened and retorted seriously:”This is not Shurima, because there is no sun disk here!”

Feeling the gazes of the crowd, she explained seriously with a small face:”In the records left by our royal family, Shurima and the sun disk are symbiotic. Legend has it that the sun disk can draw the power of the stars and infuse it into the warrior’s body, allowing the warrior to become the legendary ascender”


Weiwei held up a torch and looked at the mural on the cliff and said,”Legend has it that the sun disk is the sun on earth. If there is a sun disk here, then this place cannot be so dark.”

Weiwei, who was asking for help, asked politely,”Sister Robin, can you help me translate the content of this mural?”

Robin listened and came to Weiwei curiously. Looking at the mural in front of her, Robin frowned.

“This mural tells the story of a legendary saint leading his followers from the imperial capital to the center of the desert, where they built Shurima to worship the Supreme Warrior Queen. This mural matches the content of the diary.”After

Robin finished explaining, he held a torch and came to the second mural.

“This mural tells the story of how Queen Setaka ordered the captives of the defeated country to build Shurima. Your Queen Setaka is really cruel. Almost all the captives died under the land under our feet.”Robin couldn’t help but make a sarcastic remark. Weiwei was hesitant to speak after hearing this. This was completely different from the Queen Setaka she knew.

According to the royal records, Queen Setaka was a wise monarch who loved her people and even abolished slavery in the Kingdom of Alabasta.

As a result, looking at the content of this mural, wow! The biggest slave owner was Queen Setaka?

Weiwei, who was unwilling to give up, made excuses for her ancestor in a serious manner:”The Queen must have been bewitched by the owner of the diary. He has admitted it!”


“No! I think you have misunderstood one thing. Everything here was built not by slaves, but by prisoners captured on the battlefield!

For a king to treat prisoners like this is indeed kind enough. After all, as the victor, Queen Setaka did not take the lives of the losers.” A low and hoarse voice suddenly came from behind.

Faced with the familiar yet unfamiliar voice, Luffy and others instantly looked back nervously.

He looked at the person with a little horror and asked,”Crocodile Crocodile? Why are you here!”

Crocodile, who came out of the darkness, said proudly,”I ran away from the navy. I originally wanted to come back for revenge, but I heard this shocking secret about the Kingdom of Alabasta, so I followed you secretly, and then I came here.”

“In fact, you did not disappoint me. I wanted you to really come to the center of the desert and even find the legendary city of Shurima.”

After staying in the Kingdom of Alabasta for so many years, Crocodile had of course heard of the legend of Shurima.

The legendary kingdom of the ascenders is full of gold and silver. Crocodile even suspected that the so-called Shurima is actually the legendary ultimate weapon Pluto.

Robin asked nervously:”How did you escape from the navy?”

“The navy they are sending to me is too useless, just a commodore. Those people in the navy really look down on me, and they only sent a commodore.”

【Because of the time traveler’s diary, the plot here has changed a bit. 】

Nami asked nervously?”What do you want to do?”

Luffy’s victory over Crocodile was definitely due to luck. If he fights Crocodile again now, it’s hard to say who will win.

Crocodile, who didn’t want to fight Luffy and others here, assured:”Don’t worry, I don’t want to be your enemy yet. I won’t do anything to you before the ultimate secret treasure is revealed.”

Nami was not happy to hear this. They came here through endless yellow sand with great difficulty, isn’t it for the treasure?

Nami refused angrily:”No! The treasure is mine.”

Crocodile curled his lips and said with disdain:”If it’s just treasure, I can give it to you. I’m only interested in Pluto.”

Hearing that Crocodile had no interest in treasure, Nami was relieved.

Crocodile ignored Nami and looked at Robin and said,”Robin, as your former boss, I didn’t know you knew Chinese characters.”

Although Robin was a little scared, he still said coldly,”That only shows that you don’t know me well enough.”

Crocodile did not argue with Robin, but turned his attention to other murals.

“Continue to translate the contents of the mural for us. I didn’t expect the Alabasta Kingdom to be so powerful. The Alabasta Kingdom during Setaka’s reign and the Alabasta Kingdom now are indeed two extremes.”

After Crocodile finished speaking, there was also a bit of contempt in his tone, which was directed at the current generation of the Alabasta King.

Luffy threatened:”Sand Crocodile! If you attack my companions, I will definitely beat you away.”

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