“It records the three forms of the Rock-Rock Fruit, namely rock, soil, and sand. The second scroll records a devil fruit ability called the Yellow Sand Soul Soldier. The

Yellow Sand Soul Soldier uses sand as a shell to permanently imprison a person’s soul in it, and then refines it into a Yellow Sand Soul Soldier. The stronger the soul is during life, the stronger the Yellow Sand Soul Soldier will be.

Moreover, there is no upper limit to the Yellow Sand Soul Soldier. If its owner is willing, the power of the Rock-Rock Fruit can even refine the people of the entire world into Yellow Sand Soul Soldiers. The most important thing is that each Yellow Sand Soul Soldier is equivalent to eating a Sand-Sand Fruit.”

Nami, who was next to him, suddenly realized:”So… in the end, those released captives did not actually gain freedom, but were refined into Yellow Sand Soul Soldiers by the so-called saint?”

Robin shook her head and explained:”At the beginning, those captives did gain freedom, but after hearing that the Super Kalu Duck troops of the Kingdom of Alabasta had problems, those captives were instigated by people with ulterior motives, and eventually failed the saint.……”

Robin didn’t say the rest of the words, but everyone knew what was said.

Sanji suddenly realized:”So it’s self-destruction.”

Even Nami, who had some sympathy, no longer sympathized with the group of captives. It can’t be said who is right or wrong in this matter, but it can be said that the owner of the diary did nothing wrong.

Crocodile replied disdainfully:”Are you worried that I am interested in the Yellow Sand Soul Soldier? Don’t worry! I am a natural Sand-Sand Fruit ability user, not a superhuman one. I am not interested in the training method of the Yellow Sand Soul Soldier.”

The Yellow Sand Soul Soldier involves the combination of soul and sand. Just this point alone, Crocodile knows that he can’t play it. Crocodile still has this self-knowledge. After all, people can’t be compared. After all, sometimes the gap between people may be greater than the gap between people and dogs.

Crocodile asked:”But I am very interested in the changes in the three natural forms of the Rock-Rock Fruit. Is there any specific development method for this?”

Compared with the so-called sand soldiers, Crocodile is more interested in the natural form changes. After being severely taught by Whitebeard, Crocodile no longer pursues the power of the group.

Robin explained:”It’s not written on it, because there is only one sentence on it, which says that rocks turn into mud when they melt and become sand when they separate.”

Disappointed, Crocodile said helplessly:”Keep looking! There should be treasures we don’t know about.”

Go under the altar, then you should have more records.

Intentionally showing his kindness, but arrogant Crocodile pretended to be sarcastic and said:”Little thief cat of the Straw Hat Pirates, if you are interested in treasures, you can copy those Chinese characters and sell them to the World Government. It should be worth a lot of money.”

Nami seemed to be unaware that Crocodile was mocking her, but asked excitedly:”Ah! Can this make money too?”

Crocodile said:”Maybe you haven’t noticed the recent news. The World Government is offering a reward for everything related to Chinese characters.”

“What are you waiting for? I’ll go and enlarge those patterns first.” Nami excitedly walked towards the murals with tools.

The Straw Hats and others were not surprised by Luffy’s reaction. After leaving the altar, they began to search around again. After about 10 minutes, Chopper held up a book that was bigger than him and shouted,”Robin! Look what I found!”

“This is……”

Robin looked at the book in Chopper’s hand in surprise.

Chopper explained,”It seems to be written in Chinese characters, and it is placed on a stone platform.”

Luffy commented,”Such a big book must record a lot of secrets.” Sanji nodded

,”It’s possible, it may record the location of the treasure.”

Chopper urged impatiently,”Robin, please translate it quickly.”

Robin nodded, then curiously turned to the first page of the book. After looking at it for a while, Robin quickly turned to the next page. As Robin turned the pages faster and faster, everyone’s heart became heavier.

They all knew that the faster Robin turned the pages, the less valuable the content on it was.


After flipping through the entire book, Robin exhaled heavily, and then introduced to everyone:”The full name of this book is Shurima Mythology – Original Edition, which is also the origin of all myths of the Kingdom of Alabasta in the past 300 years.”

Luffy and Chopper, who were confused, asked in unison:”Then what?”

Robin:”Then the content above is of no value, they are all some folk myths we have heard of, but there is a complete map of the Shurima Palace in it, but it’s a pity that it’s of no use.”

Just when everyone was disappointed, Robin suddenly changed the subject

“But… I found a place where there might be clues to the treasure.”

“Follow me.”

Robin led everyone to the center of the altar according to the instructions in the book.

After sweeping away the dust on the laser with his hands, Robin soon found a groove that matched the appearance of the book.

“This altar is actually a lock. The legendary Shurima did not ascend, but remained silent in the earth.”

“And the previous boss’s complaint was correct. The diary owner did not eat the Rock-Rock Fruit. Rather, the Rock-Rock Fruit had been developed by the diary owner into the Earth Fruit, a composite nature-type devil fruit.”

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