Nami analyzed,”Is there a possibility that the Setaka Fruit was born in the legend, and the Setaka Fruit and Queen Setaka are not from the same era.”

Crocodile nodded and agreed,”The little thief is right. The Setaka Fruit is a devil fruit that was born after Setaka was deified, so she can exist at the same time as Setaka.”

Seeing that several people were analyzing here, Zoro urged in Mandarin,”Continue reading the next diary, it should contain the truth we want. What’s the point of you guessing so much here?”

Robin nodded, and then continued to translate the content above

【A country cannot be without a king for a day. With my support, the nephew of the Kingdom of Alabasta inherited the throne.

Setaka’s distant cousin is not a talented person, or even a good monarch, but his character is OK. If nothing goes wrong, her great-great-granddaughter is Weiwei. Weiwei suddenly realized after hearing this:”So this is how my ancestor got the throne.”

Crocodile also suddenly realized at this time. He finally understood why the Kingdom of Alabasta has become what it is today.

“The 10th king was appointed in a time of crisis and had no experience in monarch training. No wonder we in the Kingdom of Alabasta are getting worse and worse.”

【The devil fruit has not yet been born. After Setaka fell into a deep sleep, there is no one in the Kingdom of Alabasta that I care about anymore.

I left the Sun Disk to Setaka, so I will decide how to deal with it after Setaka wakes up.】

【After 100 years, I set foot on this land again. The fruit that belonged to Setaka was born, but I found out through the Great Destiny that the Setaka fruit was not Setaka’s.

That is to say, the Setaka fruit cannot cure Setaka. What should I do? Setaka?】

“Setaka was indeed left here by the owner of the diary. Great Fate Technique? Is it a special ability that can detect fate?”Robin thought.

Crocodile suddenly interrupted Robin who was about to continue translating.

“Wait! Robin, are you sure you didn’t translate the time wrong? 100 years later? That means when the owner of the diary returned to Alabasta for the third time, he would be at least 120 years old?”

Robin also shook his head:”The time is correct, it is indeed 100 years later.”

After Crocodile’s reminder, everyone finally realized the age problem.

Even Luffy couldn’t help but complain:”120 years old and still sailing on the sea? The owner of this diary is too long-lived, right?”

Robin followed up with an analysis:”If the owner of the diary lived for 100 years, then he may have traveled all over the world. No wonder the World Government is looking for everything about Chinese characters in a big way. The

World Government must have found traces left by the owner of the diary somewhere else, and the diary must have recorded some shocking things.”

Nami asked curiously:”Then where do you think there will be traces of the owner of the diary?”

Robin said in an affirmative tone:”Legend! Chasing legends can help you find the traces of the owner of the diary. Don’t forget the purpose of the owner of the diary leaving the Kingdom of Alabasta for the first time.”

Crocodile, with his arms folded across his chest, asked with interest:”Speaking of legends, I have heard of a very interesting legend. Have you heard of the rumors about Sky Island?”

Seeing that everyone seemed to be interested in Sky Island, Crocodile’s mouth curled up slightly, and then he asked:”Is there nothing else in the diary? For example, Setaka’s sleeping place, then you must have hidden a huge amount of wealth.”

Robin said:”It does say where Setaka’s sleeping place is, but I don’t think we should disturb him.”

“Are you sure? Or do you, the Straw Hat Pirates, want to keep the treasure for yourself?” Crocodile looked at Robin with a cold gaze, as if he was ready to fight at any time.

At this time, Luffy took the initiative to say:”We will leave here soon. If you don’t believe it, you can leave with us.”

Luffy also realized that their adventure could not continue, because it involved the private property of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

It even involved the ancestors of the royal family of Alabasta. Although Luffy is a man with strong limbs and a big nerve, it does not mean that he does not understand the ways of the world.

“Is that so? That’s really disappointing.”

Crocodile curled his lips, then silently removed the sand that had already condensed.

At this time, Weiwei also stood up and said coldly:”Crocodile, I haven’t forgiven you for the harm you have caused to the Kingdom of Alabasta. If you dare to appear in the Kingdom of Alabasta again, I will kill you without hesitation! Don’t doubt my determination!”

Crocodile asked back unhappily:”Huh! Do you think you can kill me?”

Weiwei said firmly:”I don’t know, but I will try my best!”

Crocodile replied arrogantly:”Don’t worry, I am not interested in the Kingdom of Alabasta without Pluto.”

Crocodile said arrogantly that he had no interest in the Kingdom of Alabasta, but Crocodile really didn’t want to fight with Weiwei, a woman who was a natural nemesis of him.

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