
Kuzan urged excitedly.

If he had 200,000 colonel-level combat forces to practice justice, the picture would be so beautiful that he couldn’t imagine it.

Absolute justice requires absolute power!

Ever since the Demon Killing Order, Kuzan has understood this truth. It was because he could not see the hope of absolute justice that he later pursued the so-called ambiguous justice.

As for why he can’t see hope? Even if he becomes the Admiral of the Navy, so what? As long as the World Government is still there, as long as the Navy still obeys the World Government, he, Kuzan, will not be able to enforce absolute justice.

As for Akainu?

That’s the standard working mentality.

I just want to be a pirate! As for you letting me be a civilian? That doesn’t matter, as long as you can let me be a pirate!

To put it bluntly, it’s a question of sympathy. He will feel guilty for O’Hara, but Akainu won’t.

Gion, who was shocked by the contents of the notebook, nodded, and continued to translate the following content

“However, if you want to become the leader of the Frost Legion, the Frozen Fruit is just a ticket. The Frost Legion was established for two reasons: one is to protect the descendants of the Tajira Wolf, and the other is to overthrow the World Government.

If you cannot accept these two goals, I advise you not to join the Frost Legion, because the Frost Legion also includes the Bridge Guardians.

You may not know what the Bridge Guardians mean. They can be said to be the ancestors of the 400 families. Like me, they are the first group of people to follow the saints. The strength of each Bridge Guardian is a general.”

“As expected!”

Kuzan, who was a little excited at first, sighed slowly.

He had figured out the choice his ancestor had given him: either betray the World Government and serve the owner of the diary, or pretend that nothing had happened.

At the same time, his ancestor was very cunning and emphasized the strength of the current owner of the diary.

At least ten general-level warriors! What kind of godly strength is this!

“But is it possible?”

Kuzan couldn’t help but touch the cold heart in his heart.

The ancestor gave his heart to him, obviously hoping that he would lead the Frost Legion.

But betraying the World Government means betraying the Navy…

Gion also discovered the entanglement in Kuzan’s heart.

“Betraying the World Government does not mean betraying the Navy.”Gion reminded her.

There are many people in the Navy who are unhappy with the World Government, such as her.

Kuzan nodded and said nothing.

“Is there anything more to come?”


Gion nodded.

“Then go ahead.”

【The high and mighty Celestial Dragons enslave all living things and treat human life as worthless. How absurd it is for such people to rule the world!

The saint said that the so-called world government is the largest pirate group for ordinary people.

I know you are pursuing your justice, but compared with the other two admirals, your determination and will to pursue justice are not as good as Akainu, and you are not as good as Kizaru in letting go of justice. You are always wavering in the middle.

Make a firm choice! Choose to protect the Celestial Dragons, or choose to stand on the side of all living things?

After Gion finished translating, he looked at Kuzan with some concern.

From the perspective of the Navy and the World Government, the most qualified admiral is definitely Akainu, and the least qualified is definitely Kizaru, and Kuzan belongs to the middle faction, with Akainu as the next one and Kizaru as the next one.

In fact, Gion thinks Kuzan is the person who is most like Garp.

Kuzan asked,”Anything else?”

Gion:”There is another sentence behind it.”

Kuzan:”What is it?”

Gion translated:”If you make a choice, then go back to your hometown.”

“I understand. Thank you for the translation.” Kuzan closed his eyes after thanking Gion.

Knowing that Kuzan was chasing people away, Gion politely said,”You’re welcome. I was also asked to do this.”

Gion left the ward after he finished speaking. As soon as Gion left the ward, Kuzan opened his eyes.

Kuzan could feel that his physical fitness was constantly improving under the influence of the Ice Heart. The improvement in physical fitness brought about an all-round improvement in strength.

For example, Armament Haki and Observation Haki, these are all based on physical fitness, and even the consumption of Devil Fruit is based on physical fitness.

“”Ice Heart, this gift from our ancestors is too great!”

Kuzan thought with some entanglement, not whether to betray the World Government.

After all, what is there to be entangled about?

200,000 troops!

This is not 20 people, nor 200 people, but 200,000?

And every soldier is a colonel, not a cannon fodder.

Betraying the World Government and 200,000 troops, this has never been a choice.

“No! I am not loyal to the World Government, so how can I say I betrayed you?” Kuzan quickly began to brainwash himself again. What

Kuzan was struggling with at the moment was whether he could control the 200,000 troops. After controlling the 200,000 troops, would he build a new navy? Or would he kick down Sengoku Laoden and become the Navy Admiral himself, and then lead the entire navy away from the World Government.

As for loyalty to the owner of the diary?

Kuzan said that this was something he had to say.

I am willing to work for the Celestial Dragons, so why can’t I work for the owner of the diary?

The owner of the diary is always more human than the Celestial Dragons, right?

And that’s an army of 200,000!

“It’s decided!”

Kuzan sat up from the bed.

He carried the warship back to his hometown tonight and took over 200,000 troops.

What World Government? What Five Stars? Sorry! I’m not familiar with them.

Gion was stopped by Garp just after leaving the ward and before leaving the hospital.

The nervous Garp was like a thief.

Garp looked around and found that no one was paying attention to this side. Garp said mysteriously:”Vice Admiral Gion, are you free now? I have something I want to ask you for help.”

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