【The way to record things on the moon is actually to use murals. This is really outrageous. You know, I found a lot of man-made robots here.

And these man-made robots are extremely intelligent. Although these robots are relatively small, there are enough of them!

However, when I think about the fact that the technology in this world is already outrageous, all this doesn’t seem so strange.】

“Is the technology in our world very biased? I don’t feel that way.”Nami was puzzled.

As a local native, Nami didn’t think there was anything strange about the technology in her world. After all, this world is biased.

“In his mind, the development of science and technology stems from two needs, either the needs of war or the needs of life, and the first goal of this world’s technology is not to meet these two needs.

That’s why he said that the development of science and technology in this world is very crooked, because in this world, the technology that can be used for war is only lethal, and the technology used for people’s livelihood is not spread widely enough, so he said that the technology in this world is very crooked.

“Yan explained on the side.

Robin sneered and said:”The technology used for war can be replaced by the power of devil fruits, as for the development of technology for people’s livelihood? Those nobles are like that, not to mention the group of Celestial Dragons, how could they care about the lives of civilians.

As a victim of the World Government, Robin is the most qualified to express his views on this matter.

Counting on the World Government to develop people’s livelihood technology? Don’t be funny! You might as well hope that the World Government will have a change of heart one day and give money to people all over the world.

The World Government has always been inhuman in terms of being inhuman.

【I discovered another very interesting thing, there is water on the moon! As we all know, the moon is actually empty, and the innermost part of the moon is not magma or mantle, but water, the purest water!

Anyway, if humans drink too much of this stuff, they will have problems, and the civilization on the moon depends on this water, because the moon has no ability to rain.

Therefore, the water resources on the moon are limited. Finally, after the resources were consumed, the people on the moon chose to leave the moon and go to the pirate world.

Later, they settled on Sky Island and became the current Sky Island people, that is, the angels with wings. 】

After translating this long passage, Robin whispered,”So this is the origin of the angels!”

Yan explained,”Not all the angels on Sky Island are from the moon. Some of the local natives also have wings, but because the time is too long, this matter can no longer be traced.” Luffy said excitedly,”It’s so cool! I really want to go to the moon to have a look.”

Yan said coldly,”You can’t go, and it takes a long time to go to the moon. I suggest you go after you come back from the Final Island.”

Robin nodded, and then continued to translate the above content

【I studied the small robots on the moon. They are full of technology. It is no exaggeration to say that the robots here are at least 10 years ahead of the pirate world! This is not an exaggeration at all.

Looking at these robots that look similar to the little humans, I suddenly had a bold idea in my mind.


Here it comes! Here it comes again!

Uncle’s bold idea comes again!

The last bold idea seemed to be the sun disk?

Everyone who was already somewhat familiar with Wu Ming, the time traveler, looked at Robin excitedly, with expectations on their faces.

【Should we create a 2b girl here? Or create an Alita?

Luffy asked stupidly:”Uh… is he cursing?”

Yan explained for his man:”Ahem! Night Blade II B-type robot, so it’s called 2b for short.”

Hearing this answer, everyone’s mouth twitched slightly. Luffy’s great grandfather’s naming level is hard to describe.

【With the existing materials, the first one I made was Alita. Hmm! All functions are similar to the Alita I remember, and it can even learn physical skills from the pirate world to upgrade itself.

Robin asked curiously:”Alita? Robots don’t seem to die, right? Where is she now?”

Yan smiled and said:”If nothing unexpected happens, you should be able to see her soon.”

Robin nodded and didn’t ask any more questions.

After all, the Riddler should get out of Gotham!

【The creation of 2b is more difficult than Alita, and it took me almost two months, but 2b’s innate strength is indeed stronger than Alita’s.

The biggest progress since coming to Sky Island is the advancement of artificial human technology. Whether it is an angel or 2b, they are essentially artificial creatures.

However, this kind of thing cannot be done too often. Looking at the perfect lives that I have continuously created, I even have the illusion that I am the creator.】

“This is already the Creator, the Angel……”Nami glanced at Yan.

The Celestial Dragons are called the descendants of God, but Nami felt that the angel Yan in front of her was the real God, and Wu Ming, who created God, was naturally the Creator.

【After staying on the moon for more than half a year, I have explored most of the ruins on the moon. If I have to say what I have gained, it is naturally the mechanical technology on it.

And most importantly, I found a devil fruit on the moon! Outrageous! Devil fruits can actually be born on the moon.

Wait! Why does this fruit look so familiar!

Damn! Nika!

Robin frowned and looked at the notebook in his hand.

Nika fruit? Isn’t this what they often say…

Robin looked at Luffy in surprise. Nika fruit from more than 200 years ago? It was actually found on the moon. Is there really something special about this fruit?

Nami said in surprise:”Nika fruit? Isn’t this Luffy’s?”

Luffy next to him was furious:”I said, I eat the rubber fruit!”

“The Rubber Fruit is just a pseudonym! The World Government deliberately erased the real name of this fruit from history.” Yan added with a smile.

Nami suddenly realized:”So the Rubber Fruit should have been called the Nika Fruit?”

Yan nodded with a smile

“Is this the surprise you mentioned before?” Robin asked thoughtfully.

Yan did not answer, but said meaningfully:”Continue to translate the rest, the truth will be revealed soon.”

This devil fruit is related to Luffy, and everyone looked at the notebook in Robin’s hand nervously.

“Is there a trap for this devil fruit?” Sanji muttered a little worriedly.

【The Nika Fruit! It is also known as the fruit of destiny in the prophecy. It is said that whoever eats it will liberate slaves all over the world. When the drum of liberation sounds, the song of freedom will resound through the sea.

So, I was chosen by the Nika Fruit? Joy Boy is actually me?

Wait! It is said that this Nika Fruit has its own consciousness, and I don’t care about the ability of the Nika Fruit. I’ll leave this fruit to Luffy, but before that, I can use it to do some experiments.】

“So this fruit chose Luffy’s great grandfather 200 years ago, and then was rejected by Luffy’s great grandfather, and chose Luffy again 200 years later?”Nami suddenly realized and looked at Luffy, whose face was not very good.

Luffy retorted very seriously:”I am Luffy! I am not some Joy Boy.”

“Well said!”

Yan applauded beside him, then smiled and praised:”Before the Nika fruit awakened, it was the rubber fruit. You should develop it in this direction. As for free will, you don’t have to care about it. The fact that this fruit can be in your hands proves that your great grandfather has checked it and confirmed that this devil fruit has no harm. Your great grandfather may cheat you, but he will never harm you.”

Nami raised her hand and asked nervously:”Wait! What do you mean he will cheat us? But he won’t harm me?”

“You will know this later.” Yan gave everyone a meaningful smile, and then disappeared in the room.

Looking at Yan who suddenly disappeared, Sanji exclaimed:”Disappeared…disappeared!”

“I didn’t see how it disappeared!”

“At a speed that cannot be captured by the naked eye?”

The Straw Hat Pirates in the room looked at the place where Yan had sat before in surprise.

Nami came back to her senses at this time and asked:”Robin, is there anyone behind?”

“Of course there is more.”

Robin nodded and continued to translate:

【The real name of the Nika Fruit should be the Freedom Fruit, right? The biggest special thing about this fruit is that it can affect everything around it after awakening. It can even assimilate the surrounding things. What is this? A fool drags a smart person to the same IQ as himself, and then defeats the smart person with rich experience?

Although this is full of slots, it seems that this is how the Nika Fruit is used. Forget it, let’s leave this fruit to Luffy. There are people in the world who have the talent of God, and I am one of them.���That’s enough. There’s no need to assimilate this world, but I suddenly have a bold idea. 】


Two bold ideas appeared on the same notebook!

Just when Robin was curious about the contents behind, he found that this was the last page. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Facing the expectant eyes of everyone, Robin smiled bitterly and said,”This is the last page.”

Hearing this, Nami complained depressedly,”No wonder the Angel Queen left so abruptly, it turns out that it has come to the end.”

“I don’t know what Luffy’s great grandfather’s bold idea is. Is he trying to copy the Nika fruit?” Chopper said curiously…………

Hearing this, everyone looked at Chopper with strange eyes.

With that man’s personality, Chopper’s guess might really come true.

Although there were many”surprises” today, Luffy, who was the best at digesting things, did not sink because of them. Instead, he announced with full energy:”Well, now that the business is done, let’s take a good stroll in this country and get some supplies by the way.”

“That’s right! I want to try the feeling of walking on the golden road again!”Nami excitedly raised her hands in agreement.

In this way, the Straw Hat Pirates began the sweep of the Sky Country.


Grand Line Dressrosa Palace

“”Rebecca, you are too impulsive and naive. You don’t know what kind of person Doflamingo is.” Violet said with a disappointed look.

Curled up on the bed, Rebecca looked at Violet sadly with a look of despair on her face.

Rebecca whispered,”I just want to save my country!”

Violet said,”But you can’t pin your hopes on the kindness of others, not to mention that this person is Doflamingo.”

What is Doflamingo? This guy’s character is even more vicious than those pirates. I heard that Doflamingo even killed his father when he was young. How could such a person have a conscience? How could he keep his promise and give up the benefits that are within his reach?

“I know! That’s why I kept it back!”

Rebecca suddenly raised her head and said, with a smile on her face.

Seeing Rebecca still smiling, Violet frowned and activated the ability of the Staring Fruit to check the surroundings. After finding that no one was watching, Violet asked quickly:

“What are you hiding? Do you know how dangerous it is to do this? What if Doflamingo is discovered?……”

“Don’t worry! They don’t understand Chinese characters at all, and they won’t know what I’m hiding.”Rebecca comforted confidently[]

“Aunt Violet, I will definitely be imprisoned here, but you can move freely in the palace. There is a secret base hidden under our palace.

That is the last kindness left by the owner of the diary to our Dressrosa Kingdom. The owner of the diary said that if we are willing to join him to fight against the World Government, he is willing to help us take back Dressrosa.”

“Are you sure?” Violet asked with a frown.

Violet didn’t have much good feelings towards the owner of the diary, because that person had killed one of their ancestors with his own hands.

“We don’t have a choice now, do we? Either the owner of the diary or Doflamingo, who do you think is better at controlling Dressrosa?” Rebecca asked back.

Hearing this, Violet was silent.

Indeed, weaklings like them have no choice at all.

Either join the owner of the diary and fight against the World Government together, or live under the dark rule of Doflamingo forever. So what if they don’t oppose the World Government? They in Dressrosa pay huge amounts of sky gold to the World Government every year, but what’s the result? Doflamingo is clearly doing all kinds of evil in the Dressrosa Kingdom, but the World Government pretends not to see it.

Violet doesn’t believe that the World Government doesn’t know what’s going on here, but it is precisely because of this that Violet feels chilled.

Rebecca whispered,”That underground base is right here.……”

Violet nodded:”I will go and take a look later. I can’t move now. After all, Doflamingo will definitely be on guard.

If there is really a way to save the Kingdom of Dressrosa, we will abide by the agreement and resist the World Government.”

Rebecca nodded excitedly. Although she didn’t know what the owner of the diary left there, it finally let them see that ray of hope.

“But… Rebecca, how did you learn Chinese characters?” Violet asked curiously.

“My swordsmanship teacher taught me this.” Rebecca blushed as she said this.

“Is that the handsome teacher who taught you swordsmanship when you were a child?” Violet asked in surprise.

Rebecca nodded, then said embarrassedly:”Yes, he said at that time that as long as you learn this kind of Chinese characters, you can become a hero who saves the Kingdom of Dressrosa. Unfortunately, I was too young at the time and didn’t understand the deep meaning of this. I only knew how to play, so I only learned half of it.”

“It turned out to be that person!”

Violet nodded in sudden realization, and a flash of reminiscence flashed in the depths of her eyes.

At that time, she was in love for a long time and she really admired that handsome swordsmanship teacher, but then that swordsmanship teacher suddenly passed away.

This white moonlight in her impression never appeared again.

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