Devil Fruit will leave after death, but not the first time to leave, this Blackbeard has proven that Devil Fruit Capable people will have a short stay time after death.

Just find a way to take out the devil fruit in it at this time.

So he was wondering if the person who was buried with the Devil Fruit ability by him would produce the corresponding ability?

If he would produce the corresponding ability, then he would ascend to heaven in place.

“Just try it!”

“It just so happens that Bucky the Clown is still in the East China Sea, and the timeline should not be much closer than the beginning of the plot!”

A brilliant light flashed in Bei Luo’s eyes.

Yes, he wanted to kill Bucky the Clown.

As for destroying the plot, what does he have to do with it?

People do not do it for themselves, heaven and earth are destroyed, not to mention a bunch of scum pirates.

Although some people say that Bucky hides his strength and has an extremely powerful overlord color, is that really the case?

After all, if the strength is really hidden, Bucky will not be caught in the Advance City, you must know that from ancient times to the present, only the golden lion can escape alone.

No matter how strong Bucky is, he is not stupid to this extent.

“Nami, do you know where Bucky the Clown is?” he asked, looking at Nami who was controlling the ship in the distance.

Nami, as a thief cat, is much better informed than him, and although they are now out to sea, what about the other day?

“Bucky the Bucky’s captain of the Pirates, Bucky the Clown?”

“That’s right. ”

“He was in Orange Town some time ago, and it’s not sure if he’s still there. ”

Nami said after thinking for a moment.

Before the evil dragon pirate group was not destroyed, she had paid attention to the information of other pirate groups through corresponding channels, and the Bucky Pirate Group was a relatively famous pirate group in the East China Sea, so it was within the scope of her attention.

“Then go to Orange Town. ”

Bei Luo’s eyes flashed and said.

“Good. ”

Nami directly turned the direction of the ship and headed towards Orange Town.

In the East China Sea, her navigation ability is enough to rank among the best, and she doesn’t need to look at the charts at all.


Half a day later.

Soon they arrived in Orange Town.

Boom, Nami docked the ship.

The two disembarked.

Looking at the empty, silent Orange Town, Nami was stunned for a moment.

“Why is there no one in this town?”

Bei Luo glanced at the empty street in front of him and smiled slightly: “Of course, it’s because of the Bucky Pirates.” ”

When Nami heard this, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

“Pirates really don’t have a good thing!”

“Hmm. ”

“Let’s go, I’ll destroy the Bucky Pirates today, I heard that the clown Bucky, who likes treasure hunting the most, should have a lot of money.” ”

Bei Luo walked forward.

Nami’s eyes in the back instantly changed into the shape of money, and she hurriedly followed.

When they entered the town, suddenly several figures rushed out and surrounded them.


An ugly-looking, fierce-looking pirate pointed a knife at them with a sinister smile.

“Oh, you guys are coming from outside, how much are you going to spend on your life?”

“Hahahaha, don’t let them go, this chick is not bad, you can give a few brothers to play and relieve boredom.” ”

“That’s a good offer!!”

The other pirates laughed, their eyes constantly glancing at Nami.

“Nami, kill them all!”

Bei Luo said with an indifferent expression.

Sure enough, scum is scum, and I don’t feel anything when watching anime, but in reality, ordinary people encounter these pirates, and there is no difference in following hell, especially girls.

“Who takes that big breath?”

“Dare to say kill my subordinates in front of me?”

At this time, behind the pirate, a person riding a wheelbarrow slowly appeared.

“Boss Kabaji!”

When several pirates saw the people coming, they all shouted with sinister smiles.

Kabaji nodded, one eye looked at Kitaro and Nami, raised an eyebrow, and his mouth cracked into a teasing smile.

“Two guys I don’t know, do you want to see my acrobatics?”

“Nami. ”

Bei Luo looked at Nami.

Nami clenched her fists, gritted her teeth and took a deep breath.

“Good!” her eyes became firm and she nodded.

She understood that Bei Luo wanted her to adapt to killing people and killing evil people.

In the future, this kind of thing is indispensable, after all, Bei Luo’s profession is a corpse collector, as long as it is an evil person, they are all corpses, and they are all in the scope of storage.

“If you dare to ignore me, then I will let you enjoy a grand fireworks display!”

Kabaji’s face turned cold, he drew two knives and moved on the wheelbarrow’s feet.

But Nami was faster than him, her eyes instantly turned into dark blue vertical eyes, and her hands cut out sharp claws.


As a puff of smoke rose, Nami’s figure disappeared in place.

In the next second, she had already appeared in front of the pirate closest to her, and her sharp claws only left a few cold rays of light across the pirate’s neck.


Three blood flowers erupted.

The blood flower has not yet landed, and Nami has disappeared again.


When the first blood flower landed, several pirates except for Kabaji spewed blood flowers on their necks.

One by one, they were stunned and incredulous, looking ahead.

Then they fell backwards one by one.

Bang bang bang ~

“Nani !?”

When Kabaji saw this scene, his pupils shrank to the size of a pinhole, and he couldn’t believe it.

At this time, a cold wind blew behind him, making the sweaty hairs on his back stand on end, and a coldness instantly rushed to his brain.

A slender figure appeared behind him, with dark blue vertical eyes and several dancing blue flames, like the god of death, as if to envelop him.

Kabaji didn’t have time to think about it, so he wanted to dodge forward.

Konami is faster.


His back instantly had six more fleshy wounds, and a layer of frost formed.


Kabaji let out a scream, and his body flew directly from the wheelbarrow, smashing heavily on the ground, kicking up a puff of dust.

Before he could get up, a foot stomped on his neck, crushing him to the ground.

Kabaji was terrified and wanted to open his mouth to beg for mercy, but before he could, a sharp pain came from his neck.


His neck instantly dented, and his bones were trampled and shattered.

Such an injury naturally cannot be survived, and the eyes gradually lose their color with unwillingness and confusion.

“Nami, for the enemy, you must be ruthless, don’t keep your hand, and even mend the knife, otherwise you may be killed back. ”

Bei Luo slowly raised his foot and said to Nami.

In this world, if you don’t mend the knife, you may die yourself.

Just like the Five Emperors Luffy and the Hundred Beasts Kaido fight, it is because Teacher Kai did not mend the knife, so he did push-ups and directly counter-killed.

That’s the disadvantage of not mending the knife.

“Well, I see. ”

Nami held back her discomfort and nodded.

This is the first time she has killed someone, and it is normal to feel unwell, but I don’t know if it’s because she ate the Nether Cat Fruit, she doesn’t feel sick to blood and the like.

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Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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