“Worthy of the red-footed Jep. ”

Bei Luo looked at him with a smile.

“If you weren’t a pirate before, and you’re old now, I really want to invite you to join my forces.” ”

The strength of the red-footed Zhepu is undoubted, even with his current old state, the broken leg can penetrate the steel plate with one kick, and the strength in his heyday must be even stronger.

It’s a pity that he used to be a pirate, and he is still old.

“Hahahaha, the old man is honored to be recognized by you, but unfortunately the old man now only wants to be a little chef in this restaurant, and teach these little guys by the way. ”

Bei Luo smiled and didn’t say anything more.

Look at Akin.

“I won’t betray the captain in death!” Akin looked at him coldly, and his trembling hands slowly turned the iron bar in his hand, faster and faster.

“Then you go and die. ”


A few drops of blood splashed on the ground.

Ah Jin’s whole person lowered his head in disbelief, looking at the fishbone tooth knife inserted in his heart, and blood continued to drip from the fishbone tooth knife.

I really can’t imagine how this knife appeared?

Sanji and Jepp couldn’t help but shrink their pupils when they arrived at this scene, revealing shocked expressions.


Bei Luo pulled out the knife, and a large stream of blood gushed out like a fountain.

Ah Jin’s eyes were blank, and his body slowly fell.


“You…” Sanji gritted his teeth and looked at him deadly.

Bei Luo glanced at him condescendingly, and said lightly: “You should be glad that you are just a cook now.” ”

After speaking, he walked to Akin and collected his body into the cemetery space.

The moment the body disappeared, Sanji and Jepp once again showed shocked expressions and did not move.

“Let’s go, go in and eat. ”

Bei Luo looked at Nami and smiled.

“The Naklik Pirates…,” Nami asked.

“Xuanwu went to find it. ”

The ghost man Akin appeared here, and the Klick Pirates must also be hiding on this island not far away, and it was fitting for Xuanwu to find it.

Nami knew Genbu, nodded, and walked in.

“Stinky old man, why are you stopping me?”

Sanji stood up and looked at Jepp through gritted teeth and asked.

“If I don’t stop you, you’ll die here!”

Jepp said quietly, taking a big puff of smoke.

You can stop them…”

“They killed our guests!!”

“And… Food !! is also wasted”

Sanji clenched his fists, his body trembling.

“The old man is no match for him. Jepp said truthfully.


Sanji looked at the old man in disbelief.

But he knew how powerful the old man was, and when he hit him, he was a fierce person, and even a steel plate could pierce with one foot, and he was not an opponent of a young man about his age?

“Sanji, there are countless strong people in this sea, some monsters can’t be seen with ordinary eyes, the old man has a hunch… If nothing else, this young man will become famous in the sea!”

Jepp’s eyes shone brightly, and he said in a deep voice.


“It’s nothing Yamaji, you’ll leave here in the future to pursue your dreams, and then you won’t be so naïve.” ”

“Naive… Sometimes it can really put your partner in a desperate situation!”

“Think about it yourself and come in and cook for the guests. ”


Inside the restaurant.

Nami put down her chopsticks and patted her stomach in satisfaction.

“It is worthy of being the most famous sea restaurant in the East China Sea, and the taste is quite good, much better than what we made ourselves. ”

Bei Luo smiled slightly: “Then we will also find a chef, and we won’t have to do it in the future.” ”

“The cook?” Nami raised an eyebrow.

“No, he won’t get on our ship. ”

“And… I’m also not used to having a second man on my boat, at least not yet. ”

Bei Luo smiled.

If he changes the big ship in the future, it’s okay if there are more people, and now let a man cook, how can he be happy?

“So you’re looking for a female chef?” said Nami instantly understanding his thoughts and glaring at him.

Bei Luo smiled and shrugged.

Seeing his unabashed admission, I couldn’t help but roll my beautiful eyes.

“You’re going to be king.” ”

Although a little sour, Nami did not object.

After all, in this world, it is not surprising that men have multiple objects, after all, women can have multiple husbands.

“Hahahaha, being a king is not as comfortable as me. ”

Bei Luo laughed.

“Master, I found a big boat on an island, bigger than me, I don’t know if it was said by the owner. ”

At this time, Xuanwu’s voice sounded in his head.

“Okay, you come back. ”

“Yes, host. ”

Bei Luo looked at Nami: “Xuanwu has found the target, let’s get ready to leave.” ”

“Good!” Nami pulled out the money and placed it on the table.

The two walked out.

“Welcome to next visit~”


Ten minutes later, next to an island not far from Balati Sea Restaurant.

Under Xuanwu’s lead, they came here.

The Klick Pirates’ ship hid in a recessed cliff behind the island.

A huge bow statue can be seen from the outside.

“Sure enough, here it is. ”

“Although there are only 100 people, which is much worse than the previous 5,000 people, the output of the first time and then is also quite a lot. ”

Bei Luo looked at the ship of the Naklik Pirates, and a smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

Klick Pirates on.

At this time, there was silence, and the whole ship was tattered, like a ghost ship.

On the boat, one figure after another lay motionless on the ground, as if dead.

“Akin hasn’t come back yet?”

On a huge tattered sofa, a tall golden figure sat and said in a weak voice.

Next to Klick, who was wearing gold armor, there was a huge steel millstone, the body looked round, more than two meters tall, and he was wearing a huge steel round millstone, which looked very hideous.

He is the iron wall of the Klick Pirates, Paru.

At this time, he also said weakly: “No, Lord Tidu. ”

“Lord Governor, is it possible that Akin found something to eat on his own and left us alone?”

“No, Akin is not this kind of person!”

A cold light flashed in Klick’s eyes, and he said in a deep voice.

“I hope he can find something to eat back, otherwise… The brothers won’t last long. ”

“He can’t come back. ”

At this time, a voice came from the front.

“Who !!”

Klick stared fiercely and looked ahead.

I saw Bei Luo and Nami landing on the panther’s head statue.

“What are you?” said Klick quietly.

Bei Luo glanced at the situation on the ship and nodded slightly, sure enough, there were a hundred people, then it was okay, it was not in vain.

Then he looked at Klick and said with a smile: “I’ll help collect the body for free.” ”

“There are no bodies here, these are my men, they are just too hungry, not dead, if you can send us some food, I am very grateful.” ”

Klick looked at him sincerely and said.

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