Although it can enhance the body and be energetic, it can do not sleep to this extent, but the side effects are too great and the harm outweighs the benefits.

With his current strength, it is completely unnecessary.

So he put it directly in a box, maybe one day he can remember it with good luck.

Immediately after his mind moved, the attribute interface appeared.

Power: 510

Speed: 409

Physique: 695

Abilities: Overlord Domineering – Elementary, Armed Color Domineering – Intermediate, Seeing and Hearing Domineering – Intermediate, Fragmentation – Intermediate, Dark Ability – Elementary, Dull Ability – Elementary

Skills: Sword Art – Advanced, Marksmanship – Top, Nautical Art – Advanced, Fishman Karate – Senkakuwa Shoken, Fishman Karate – Gunna

Pet: Xuanwu

“The physique should be able to break through to 700 tomorrow, in addition, the development of the fragmentation has reached the intermediate level, good progress!”

Bei Luo thought with satisfaction.

“Tomorrow I will get the people of CP9, hey, the cemetery is estimated to enter the era of the fast lane.”

“Hmm… Do you want to take Franky? This is also a scientific genius, it is not bad to invent various things, maybe it can make a lot of money. ”

“Let’s look at it then, it is estimated that Franky is not willing to join the cemetery…”

He shook his head and withdrew from the cemetery space.





In the dark tavern, a figure walked in at the door.

Bruno, who was wiping his glass on the counter, looked up: “Excuse me sir, we haven’t reached business yet.” ”

Bruno said slowly in a rapping voice.

“I’m not here to drink.” Bei Luo slowly raised his head and looked at him.

Bruno’s hand paused.

Then he asked kindly: “If you don’t drink, I don’t know what my husband wants to do?” ”

“I want to take you as a subordinate, or… Kill you. ”

Bei Luo looked at him with a smile.

Kill and resurrect, as long as the door fruit is there.

As for using the fruit of the door himself, it is impossible, and it is impossible for him to transport the corpse himself.

As for the strength of the Gate Fruit?

There are many powerful fruits, and he is not inferior to this one.

Hearing these words, Bruno’s face changed, and he turned around directly, pressing his hand in the air.


I saw a door appear in the space behind him.

But before he could enter, a wave of light shone on him.


Bruno felt that his body could not move, or rather very slowly.

“What’s going on…”

Looking at the space door in front of him, but he couldn’t step in, he was anxious.

“It’s pretty good.”

Bei Luo looked at the dull Bruno, and the corners of his mouth raised.

Walked over, directly pinched Bruno’s neck, and lifted him away from the space door.

“I originally wanted to subdue you, but your ability, it’s very easy to escape, forget it.”

CP9 people have been brainwashed since childhood, but they are not convincing in just a few words, after all, he is not a man with a mouth.

So he can only kill Bruno and then use corpse gas to revive him into a zombie.

So that it can be used for him.

When Bruno heard this, his back suddenly felt cold, and his body stiffened.

But at this moment, he had no power to resist, and even his most powerful six-type iron block could not be used.

He only felt the big hand on his neck hard, and a sharp pain rushed straight to his brain.


A crisp sound sounded, and his head hung weakly.

Bei Luo flipped his hand, and a corpse gas crystal ball appeared in his hand, directly placed on Bruno’s body.


Yalong’s corpse qi fused into Bruno’s body.

Bruno’s body trembled violently, his body began to stiffen, and his skin changed, and his breath became gloomy and cold.

In a few moments, he was a zombie.


A breath of corpse breath came out, and Bruno opened his scarlet eyes.



Bei Luo’s eyes appeared in his attribute interface.

Name: Bruno

Form: Yalong zombie

Power: 80

Speed: 50

Physique: 100

Talent: Yalong no Wei – Elementary, Sword and Gun – Elementary

Ability: Door Fruit

Skills: Revolving Door, Open Door, Air Door, Rokushi Shaving, Rokushi Tsukibu, Rokushi Fingergun, Rokushi Arashi Foot, Rokushi Paper Painting, Rokushi Iron Block, Iron Block Crush, Iron Block Steel, Iron Block Wheel

“I am a big fan of iron nuggets, and the time spent developing the fruit of the door is used to develop iron nuggets… Boy! ”

Looking at Bruno’s attributes, the corners of Bei Luo’s mouth twitched a few times.

In addition to the Six Styles, his strongest is the iron block, but the defeat is also defeated on the iron block.


“Although the iron block is good, don’t use the iron block to carry the attack hard, the iron block is only a move, not the flesh, no matter how much you shout, it is also the flesh.”

He shook his head, a little speechless.

He looked back at Bruno and said, “You use the door fruit ability to see.” ”

“Good host!”

Bruno nodded.

Then push with both hands.


A space door appeared, green inside, looking a little gloomy.

“Can you transport things across the sea with this ability?”

Bei Luo looked at it and asked curiously.

“Yes master.” Bruno nodded.

“That’s good, I didn’t run for nothing.”

The corners of his mouth lifted.

It seems that the development of the cemetery is about to enter the fast lane.

At that time, not only can you connect the four seas, but you can also extend your hand into the new world, and then you can not only obtain a large number of ordinary people, but also a large number of corpses of strong people.

His strength can skyrocket.

“You should have the contact information of the water capital cp9, right? Find a place where there are no people, let them gather and think of an excuse! ”

“Good master, please wait.”

Bruno walked inside.

After a while, he changed into a black suit and came out, still holding a phone bug in his hand.

“Master, I have already contacted them, meet at noon in the ship-end area, shall we go over now?”

“No hurry, you first get something to eat and drink for me to taste.”

Bei Luo waved his hand.

Bruno has been undercover here for 5 years, is the owner of this tavern, and is also a chef.

The so-called boss who can’t stir-fry is not a good undercover agent, anyway, there is still time, of course, to taste the craftsmanship of CP9.


Around noon.

The Hulk Zone, where densely packed abandoned ships, also looks spectacular.



Three figures appeared here, each wearing a suit or formal suit.

“Huh? Why hasn’t Bruno arrived yet? ”

Kalifa, who was dressed in a black uniform, asked with a frown.

The other two, one Luki and one Kaku, are also wearing suits.

Lu Qi’s face was indifferent, and the white pigeon on his shoulder said: “It seems that something happened to Bruno, and when he contacted us, there was a problem with his voice!” ”

“Did we hit the mark?”

Kaku frowned.


At this time, in the space not far from them, a door opened.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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